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Are All Muslims TERRORISTS?

I once was speaking to some westerners, some of their views on us S Asians were startling yet true. Some of them were :

1. S Asians are very judgemenal. We are quick to form & express opinions on any thing & everything.
2. S Asians have an opinion on everything, you only have to ask him or start a conversation & he'll either take over or launch into a triade. Rarely will he say " I don't know".
3. Our body language is confusing, nodding of the head, gesticulating etc.

Similarly, this increasing tendency to brand Muslims as terrorists is not only wrong but also counter productive. Just coz some people or groups of people from a particular community feel or do things in a manner does not automatically brand or put the rest in the same categeory.

Did the world blame the christians for what Hitler did ? No, he & his group ( Nazi's) were responsible for their views & actions. Similarly, why should Muslims be branded as terrorists for what AQ , LeT or the likes of Saddam did or do.

Just the way christian countries stood up against Hitler, there were / are Muslims Govts ( not necessarily nations) too who stand up against terrorists.
Bumping very old threads is against the rules
@TMI you are a dumb troll, first of all how about you read the verses before and after that verse you put down to get an understanding of what is being spoken about. Secondly that Ishaq fellow you quoted was deemed munkar hundreds of years ago which means his Hadiths are not considered reliable because he never listed his sources. Obviously you pull your info from bull shit islamophobic websites because one could easily cross check your garbage and see that it is exactly that, garbage. The rest of your post is laughable like accusing Muslims of chemical warfare :lol: or starting WW1 when most people who studied even a little bit about the causes of WW1 knows that while the assassination was one trigger it was just the one of many. Also there were 6 assassins all of whom worked for the Black hand and only one of whom was a Muslim. In fact one assassin was born to a father who was a priest. Once again you utterly fail. :lol:

Ibn Ishaq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indian retaliation... also expect a bomb blast in Pakistan soon.
In Islam.
In case of war, it is clearly defined how to treat prisoners of war. practical examples exist.
I quote one; one prisoner of Ghazwa Uhad threatened prophet Mohammad (pbuh) of his murder,
at the time when he was being released, irrespective his release was completed.

I think, the thread starters are bit afraid of behavior of Muslims in case they go to war with India.
Otherwise, ever one knows Islam is a religion of peace and has nothing to do with what is being falsely associated with it in order to put cover on self crimes.
Can you see the word SUSPENDED below OP's avatar, because he also tried....i hope you got the point
Victory speaking from personal experience, I advise you to not keep your personal picture in your Avatar
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