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Archaeologists confirm Indian civilization is 2000 years older than previou

"Some Indus valley seals show swastikas, which are found in other religions worldwide, especially in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The earliest evidence for elements of Hinduism are alleged to have been present before and during the early Harappan period.[63] Phallic symbols interpreted as the much later Hindu Shiva lingam have been found in the Harappan remains. "

"Harappan people worshipped a Mother goddess symbolizing fertility, a common practice among rural Hindus even today."

"However, House - 1 in HR-A area in Mohenjadaro's Lower Town has been identified as a possible temple"

Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So those continuing the above traditions are continuing the IVC in today's world which is the Indians. I dont see any Pakistanis having any relation to any of above. Also holding a river does not make someone the owner of IVC. Similarly as Indian govt occupying the MECCA and MEDINA by doing a military offensive does not make Indian Hindus Arabs!

would be really funny to see Indian Hindus claiming that they belong to Arab civilisation because India now occupies Mecca and Medina and Saudis dont have anything to do with Arab Civilisation as Mecca and Medina is Indian land!!

So it is without doubt the Indians who represent the IVC today.

Every Pakistani who thinks IVC do not exist any more must read above post. We use Swastika in almost every ritual of our day to day life. We and yes including my family practices some of those ancient practices which were practiced 6000 years ago.

I claim I have roots back to ancient IVC and still a part of IVC. I am unable to understand why Pakistanies keep on denial mode over this?? :what:

Pakistanis might be descendent of IVC but we still practice IVC
Just because Mohenjodaro and Harrappa are in Pakistan all Pakistanis are claiming it to be their civilization......where has your claim of being Arabs gone to huh??? how can you claim a non muslim civilization if you guys are all pure muslims and not converts???...........well even if you guys are converts have you forgotten about the millions of Indians that you displaced from present day Pakistan(even our present PM was born in Lahore)???.....we have as much right over the IVC as you might have......just because you guys brove off and drove us out of the Indus region and made a new country doesn't make IVC pakistans civilization
How could you fit so much stupidity in one paragraph?
Bcoz Idiots like u don't know about Ancient Saraswati River which used to run parallel to Indus. First go n educate urself a bit before u start ranting again...

And Idiots like your self didn't research and pass their comments. Indus civilization is not only near to Indus or saraswati river but also far from it and it was prove much before that civilization is much older then previously said. please check below link.

Mehrgarh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My post was in respect to a Pakistani poster claiming that there r no IVC sites in present date India n all the archaelogical discoveries in parts of Rajasthan, Haryana, Gujarat r fake as only Indus region had fertile land(according to him)

Atleast try to read the post in the context it was written its ur countryman who r claiming that IVC can't dare to exist beyond Indus river n not the other way round...

N yes i do belive that the civilization of the sub continent per dates IVC u can check for documentaries on 12,000 year old Dwarka city which perished at the end of Ice Age due to rise in sea level, if u want.....
Civilization belongs to people of that area, not to country that it belonged to 100 years ago.
Last time I checked Indus was in Pakistan.
Civilization belongs to people of that area, not to country that it belonged to 100 years ago.
Last time I checked Indus was in Pakistan.
Na... civilization belongs to people who are practicing that civilization.
Civilization belongs to people of that area, not to country that it belonged to 100 years ago.
Last time I checked Indus was in Pakistan.

So Egyptian civilization belongs to Arabs?

You might own the bricks and the stones. We don't argue that, but the civilization is alive in India. A civilization is not just about archaeological remains.
world doesn't seem to agree with you on bold part. IVC is considered Indian civilization because it still flourishes in Indo-gangtic plains of India

Nothing as stupid as a bigot riding his hobby horse. The IVC merely brushed the Gangetic plains; to be precise, some parts of the upper Yamuna basin, towards the later stages. It was entirely located around the Indus and possibly, from the contemporary evidence being uncovered, the banks of what may have been a river complex now known as the Ghaggra-Hakra.
Indians are dravidians who migrated up north and started their gangetic stuff, Pakistanis are Aryans who migrated east and started our IVC.

Every Pakistani who thinks IVC do not exist any more must read above post. We use Swastika in almost every ritual of our day to day life. We and yes including my family practices some of those ancient practices which were practiced 6000 years ago.

I claim I have roots back to ancient IVC and still a part of IVC. I am unable to understand why Pakistanies keep on denial mode over this?? :what:

Pakistanis might be descendent of IVC but we still practice IVC

More stupidity born out of bigotry. It is possible that elements of contemporary Hinduism came from the practices of those who occupied India before the Aryan-speaking immigrants entered and spread their language, their divine worship and their culture throughout north India, and afterwards, to a lesser extent, to south India. That is all that can be said with certainty. Your little dance about the IVC being alive and present in contemporary practice is not anything that any scholar of repute would accept as a given fact. But that has never stopped the Sangh Parivar and its supporters, has it?
Indians are dravidians who migrated up north and started their gangetic stuff, Pakistanis are Aryans who migrated east and started our IVC.


There was no migration, Dmitri.

How many times do you need to be reminded that Aryan and Dravidian relate to languages, not to ethnicity?

More a question of a mind closed than of case closed.
There was no migration, Dmitri.

How many times do you need to be reminded that Aryan and Dravidian relate to languages, not to ethnicity?

More a question of a mind closed than of case closed.

Leave the kid alone. Let it roll in it's own ignorance.
There was no migration, Dmitri.

How many times do you need to be reminded that Aryan and Dravidian relate to languages, not to ethnicity?

More a question of a mind closed than of case closed.

even if true, who sread the language... use ur brain
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