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Arabs See Pakistan as Future Superpower

What? What Superpower would ever want to share the power with another? The sole reason of being a superpower is to dictate everyone else, not to ask "hey, how you like this idea?". Superpowers say "Do you like this idea? No? *points a gun* "How about now?".

Maybe that is how israel's relationship is with America, but you see not everyone is eager to occupy other countries.
You just can't ban people by people saying things, all right? You want to only listen to yourself, you publish, don't receive anything from the internet, you know what I am saying? They are your customers, not your subjects. You know what I am saying? They don't have to be on this forum to have a happy life. You know what I am saying?
No business wants a drunk barging in, abusing the other 'customers' and breaking stuff and making a mess - that is what 'troll's are the equivalent of on an internet forum.

There is a reason we have 'thread titles' and various sections - to control the direction of discussion. And insults and derogatory comments about other nations and peoples do not add to the discussion.
I think he clarified that he was talking about a Muslim Superpower, not a world superpower. It is not possible for Pakistan to become a world superpower, & it shouldn't even be dreaming about it either.
In that case, Turkey is much more likely to lead the Muslim world.
After Pakistan regains control over Afghanistan, giving itself strategic depth and reunifies with IOK, then Pakistan would be a true regional power.

I believe China should do everything to help Pakistan achieve this.

Iran and Turkey are also potential regional powers. Iran's main disadvantage is its a bit isolated in the Muslim world because it's Shia. Turkey's main disadvantage is it's too close politically to the West. If it leaves NATO and becomes independent, then it could be a true Islamic regional power (neo-Ottoman).

Three great Islamic regional powers Pakistan, Iran and Turkey would strike fear in USA. It would loosen USA's iron grip on Arab countries.
Are you talking to me? you think I am going to bark back at you? You know what I am saying? Over and out. Live in your world, man. For mine won't have you in there anymore. For once, you don't have to know what I am saying.
If your description of 'discourse' is 'barking', you can do that while staring into any mirror.

Adios Ibn-e-troll.
Are you talking to me? you think I am going to bark back at you? You know what I am saying? Over and out. Live in your world, man. For mine won't have you in there anymore. For once, you don't have to know what I am saying.

I think you have misunderstood him, or you just choose to ignore what he is saying. There are forum rules and therefore members have to conduct themselves according to those rules, he wasn't singling you out or anything, he also deleted the posts of other members and banned a few, you should appreciate the fact that you didn't get banned.
You just can't ban people by people saying things, all right? You want to only listen to yourself, you publish, don't receive anything from the internet, you know what I am saying? They are your customers, not your subjects. You know what I am saying? They don't have to be on this forum to have a happy life. You know what I am saying?

You will soon join them if you don't watch what are you saying....you know what I am saying. !!!

The honourable gentleman is doing what is required when all the nonsense breaks lose....you know what i am saying. !!

Oops my prediction has come true......you know what i am saying.
I think he clarified that he was talking about a Muslim Superpower, not a world superpower. It is not possible for Pakistan to become a world superpower, & it shouldn't even be dreaming about it either.

Yep, by achieving the military might of France or UK and an improved economy, and Pakistan will be capable to lead the entire Muslim World.

BTW, Pakistan always has a lot respect in the Muslim World.
its a secular country

Isn't Turkey a member of OIC?

Pakistan sure has the potential to lead the islamic world. But there is a long way to go. Except for nuclear weapons and a huge army, they don't lead the muslim world in anything else. A possibility in a decade or two when Pak is the largest muslim economy.
Who gives a hoot about the past?

Where are the Romans, Greeks and Mongols today?

Do you honestly believe without peace, stability, end of terrorism and freedom Pakistan will ever be a Muslim superpower?

Patriotism is on the short end when there is no running water for your village or the money to live with dignity.
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