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Arabs See Pakistan as Future Superpower

Must be alot then seeing shia's are gunned down in pakistan, didn't iran close it's borders due to that ?

While there have been incidents of sectarian violence in few parts of Pakistan, most Shias co-exist peacefully in most regions of Pakistan. The founder of Pakistan was a Shia, the current president (& ex-presidents) of Pakistan is a Shia, Shias are prominent in all fields of life in Pakistan. We are extremely proud Pakistanis, & would do anything to protect it. We love our fellow Pakistanis, & they love us as well.
Pakistan's founding father Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a Shiah, and so were many influential people in Pakistan's history, even the current president is a Shiah.

Generally gulf arabs see Iranian Influenced shia's as a bigger threat because they fear in bahrain the sunni regime will be overthrown further putting Iran in another Arab country either way it's a proxy battle.
For some reason i can't seem to understand what irks bharatis about Pakistan so much and why they can't even tolerate a singe positive news about Pakistan, even if it doesn't have anything to do with bharat.

“Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius.”~ Fulton

Know what i mean. !!
Syria is not a country very strong in Islam were more of Arab Nationalism and Baathism as our main pillars then Islam. you guys seem pretty divided today shia vs sunni alot of proxy wars between the two.

u r quite right in ur observation about syria and what this regime has done to these gr8 ppl, but now syria is coming back to its arab and muslims brothers, offcours after killing bashar the butcher and dragging his body behind the jeep in capital city to dara'a

u r quite right in ur observation about syria and what this regime has done to these gr8 ppl, but now syria is coming back to its arab and muslims brothers, offcours after killing bashar the butcher and dragging his body behind the jeep in capital city to dara'a


And also so called "Arab Christians" who hate the idea of Muslim Ummah and Muslim Brotherhood.

Pakistan is home of our true brothers! Pakistan is/will be a Superpower! insAllah!!!:pakistan:

And so will Turkey, InshaAllah
! We can share the power.
And also so called "Arab Christians" who hate the idea of Muslim Ummah and Muslim Brotherhood.


A lot of the Arab Christians that i know are mostly the Arab nationalists.

Even they don't submit to the Western Christians, but the entire Arabic culture and other Muslim cultures are on the same boat, that's why they should understand about it.
A lot of the Arab Christians that i know are mostly Arab nationalists.

Even they don't submit to the Western Christians, but the entire Arabic culture and the other Muslims are on the same boat, that's why they should understand about it.

Which is why i believe in National Socialism, if we are to help others than we must help ourselves first, no one is going to take us seriously if we remain in our current state.
China believes that Pakistan should become the Muslim Superpower that protects the Muslim World as well. :pakistan:

The Muslim nations would keep providing the funds for Pakistan military, and its enemies should be worried about it. :smokin:
What? What Superpower would ever want to share the power with another? The sole reason of being a superpower is to dictate everyone else, not to ask "hey, how you like this idea?". Superpowers say "Do you like this idea? No? *points a gun* "How about now?".

Pakistan is no where near being a superpower, it is one of the most dangerous countries to live in. No stability, poor economy, terrorism, huge enemy next door =/= Superpower
Stick to the topic - some members have already earned bans.
You just can't ban people by people saying things, all right? You want to only listen to yourself, you publish, don't receive anything from the internet, you know what I am saying? They are your customers, not your subjects. You know what I am saying? They don't have to be on this forum to have a happy life. You know what I am saying?
What? What Superpower would ever want to share the power with another? The sole reason of being a superpower is to dictate everyone else, not to ask "hey, how you like this idea?". Superpowers say "Do you like this idea? No? *points a gun* "How about now?".

I think he clarified that he was talking about a Muslim Superpower, not a world superpower. It is not possible for Pakistan to become a world superpower, & it shouldn't even be dreaming about it either.
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