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Arabs haven't given one bullet to Palestine

So the path to Jerusalem goes through Riyadh?? You are welcome to try, as far as I am concerned my own country's interests is more important to me than anyone or anything else, oh and also as far as I am concerned "Muslim World" be damned.

Sad thing is even after reading this Paudies will kiss Arab A.s.s.:omghaha:
How is he uneducated just because he is putting is narrative. I think you're the one who is stupid if you hadn't noticed this is the "arab defence" section so talk of arabs is fine.
His personal attacks against me were uncalled for. His attack against my personal opinion was uncalled for. Hence my comment about him being uneducated and ignorant.

If you want to succeed in this world, you have to find the middle ground that gets you to where you want to go. This talk about extinction of this religion and extinction of that family will get you no sympathy. It just shows that you are primitive and unable to come to an agreement.

But hey, why do i care? The rhetoric of the past 60 years seems to have worked out well for him and his people.
His personal attacks against me were uncalled for. His attack against my personal opinion was uncalled for. Hence my comment about him being uneducated and ignorant.

If you want to succeed in this world, you have to find the middle ground that gets you to where you want to go. This talk about extinction of this religion and extinction of that family will get you no sympathy. It just shows that you are primitive and unable to come to an agreement.

But hey, why do i care? The rhetoric of the past 60 years seems to have worked out well for him and his people.

Basically to him those who don't support Hamas lack "Intellectual Capacity" according to his earlier posts, also Palestine is the most important thing in the whole world and everyone should die for Palestine and if they don't they should die anyway.
Arabs haven't given one bullet to Palestine. The Shia they want us to hate and oppose are the only ones who do so! Arabs work to prevent any arms(defensive or offensive) from entering Gaza or the West Bank. Even though the massively vast majority of the Arab world support arming Palestine. I'm tired of this!

You're no an Arab nationalist or a Muslim if you disagree with arming Palestine especially under the massacres taking place minute by minute in Gaza which are very obvious deliberate actions of mass murder.

You tell us to hate Hezbollah yet Hezbollah is working day and night to arm Palestine/Train for any Israeli attack on Lebanon!

I'm not Shia nor am I anti-Arab. It's the opposite, you sick people are anti-Arab. Why can't any Arabs explain why Palestine isn't given any help in the state of the ongoing war against the Palestinians? The colonization has been going on for ever, arming Palestine will only liberate the occupied territories.

Arabs who do arm Palestine(Bediouns in Egypt/Libyans/Sudanese) are persecuted by Egyptian armed forces. Now they can't do so at all.

This is so shameful for us Arabs, any one of us who are Arab should be so ashamed for refusing to arm any of our people but send tens of billions to protect our leaders!

It's a religious duty to arm Palestine.

bro think Arabs are tired of Palestine bullshit.
they are tired of getting their asses handed to them by the Jews by supporting Palenstine either by giving arms or actually fighting Israel themselves
-1948 war
-Suez war
-Six Day war
-War of Attrition
-Yom Kippur war

you can only beat a dog so many times.
Basically to him those who don't support Hamas lack "Intellectual Capacity" according to his earlier posts, also Palestine is the most important thing in the whole world and everyone should die for Palestine and if they don't they should die anyway.

That's true, but all of us will be insulted for saying that.
The Arab world itself has internal/neighbor issues, they can't do anything against Israel.

Financing Hamas or giving bullets will have that leader result in Gaddafi, Saddam or look at Bashar now. The entire state will suffer and become worse then Gaza like Libya Syria and Iraq are today, Gaza at least has stability for most of the time.
Has it occurred to you that the non-Muslim world does sympathize with the mistreatment of the Palestinians. However it is the obsession with religion (from both sides) that "puts them off" and makes them not want to do anything.

They see it as some fight between "crazy Jews" and "crazy Muslims".
Instead of "heavy handed tactics" against a "less powerful segment of society".

I wasn't referring to Palestinians in that post. I am aware that we have large sympathy from the international world. I am directing my anger at the Arab world.

Religion is only mentioned for two reasons:

1. Palestinians are in a desperate situation and look to faith
2. Israeli's try justifying their occupation through faith to get support from Christian right in the US

I wasn't referring to Palestinians in that post. I am aware that we have large sympathy from the international world. I am directing my anger at the Arab world.

Religion is only mentioned for two reasons:

1. Palestinians are in a desperate situation and look to faith
2. Israeli's try justifying their occupation through faith to get support from Christian right in the US


You really think most conservative Christians have some hidden love for Jews?? If it was their choice they'd have a tidal wave wipe out both sides and be done with it.
Palestine is not the whole world, there are things waaaaaaaay more important than Palestine, and as far as I am concerned the PLA is the only true representitives of the Palestinian people.

Giving Palestinians weaponry is a pretty effective strategy to completely wipe out the Palestinians off the face of the Earth actually.

No that's the opposite. Arming Palestinians could only change the situation for the better as they are already under attack but lack equipment to repel these attacks.

It would be better for the Arab world to focus on a central issue and our regional disputes which contribute to 'wiping off the Arabs' much more than any Palestinians.

Do you think it is fine for all this regional disputes to take place? I think all Arabs would be satisfied if we could end them and focus on a central issue. Saudi's used to have a lot of honor. I have roots to the Prophet's family. Saudi's would be greatly respected for supporting this cause and supported by God.

You see I know your issue here, I want to speak with you in Arabic but can't here. I would prefer exchanging emails. There should be no jealousy in this. But, taking on the issue of Palestine means we can take on any other issue with the world that we're affected by. Taking on issues in the Arab isn't as complicated because less foreign hold/interference.

You really think most conservative Christians have some hidden love for Jews?? If it was their choice they'd have a tidal wave wipe out both sides and be done with it.

It appears as if the republican christian right do. Although I have met other ones who are very anti-Jewish. Of course our government is completely bought by lobbyists and we need to use article 5 of the Constitution as our forefathers warned us that Washington won't be controlled by us one day. Corporations have taken over our government, it's so embarrassing that our own congressmen admit they have difficult voting for bills with corporate approval/guidance.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaye I thought Hamas was winning
they running out of ammo?
Has it occurred to you that the non-Muslim world does sympathize with the mistreatment of the Palestinians. However it is the obsession with religion (from both sides) that "puts them off" and makes them not want to do anything.

They see it as some fight between "crazy Jews" and "crazy Muslims".
Instead of "heavy handed tactics" against a "less powerful segment of society".

One of those crazies is extremely heavily armed and sitting on top of the other crazies land knocking the wind out of him everytime he spits on his face.
Hazzy is a keyboard warrior
Should buy him a plane ticket to Egypt and smuggle him into Gaza
have him fight the Zionist with a AK instead :sniper:
It appears as if the republican christian right do. Although I have met other ones who are very anti-Jewish..

The main reason the conservative Christians are showing ANY support for the Jews over the last few decades is because they feel the Jews are LESS likely (not 100% unlikely) to pull an ISIS-like scenario with the religious sites and people's.

That is the MAIN reason. They feel the Jews are just the lesser of two evils. They have no love for them.

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