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Arabs haven't given one bullet to Palestine

No that's the opposite. Arming Palestinians could only change the situation for the better as they are already under attack but lack equipment to repel these attacks.

It would be better for the Arab world to focus on a central issue and our regional disputes which contribute to 'wiping off the Arabs' much more than any Palestinians.

Do you think it is fine for all this regional disputes to take place? I think all Arabs would be satisfied if we could end them and focus on a central issue. Saudi's used to have a lot of honor. I have roots to the Prophet's family. Saudi's would be greatly respected for supporting this cause and supported by God.

You see I know your issue here, I want to speak with you in Arabic but can't here. I would prefer exchanging emails. There should be no jealousy in this. But, taking on the issue of Palestine means we can take on any other issue with the world that we're affected by. Taking on issues in the Arab isn't as complicated because less foreign hold/interference.

And you are going to repel Israel's attacks with what? AKs vs F-16s? Fircracker rockets to shoot down Israeli missiles? Or do you want Arabs to start smuggling Mig-29s and T-90s into Gaza? Because only having bullets and assault rifles is not going to repel anything. The world respects those who are smart, pragmatic and collected, always pick a fight you can win, if there is a chance that you will lose a fight you must try your best to avoid it, this was aid 2600 years ago and it still holds true today.

Hamas's idea of "Fighting the occupation" is by far the most idiotic thing happening in the world, Israel is a nation with a professional Army fighting across its home turf, Guerilla tactics won't work and repel any invasion, especially in an area as small as Gaza, taking strategic and tactical things into account, Hamas is only doing a theatrical act which tickets cost a lot of Palestinian blood. Chest beating and war howling for "honor" will get you no where when you are nothing but a corpse, and currently fighting Israel is the stupidest thing any Arab country will do, they can steam roll through Israel easily right now true, however without international support and a viable Casus Beli the entire world will turn against you, even the Arabs beloved Russia will be the first to protect Israel and get brownie points within western civilian circles as it is hardly trying to do currently.

Like it or not Israel is recognized by most countries around the world as an independent nation, we can't change this fact, maybe throwing more Palestinians into the meat grinder will reduce enough Anti-Israel sentiment to bring about a viable Casus Beli but until then, it is best to focus on ourself and better ourself, the Saudi Arabia you hate so much is now the number 1 across the Arab World in everything. From science to industry to growth, you know why? Because we don't take stupid stances and follow stupid statements, instead we are as I said earlier, Smart, Pragmatic and Collected. Which the only key to success for a third world country right now.
The main reason the conservative Christians are showing ANY support for the Jews over the last few decades is because they feel the Jews are LESS likely (not 100% unlikely) to pull an ISIS-like scenario with the religious sites and people's.

That is the MAIN reason. They feel the Jews are just the lesser of two evils. They have no love for them.

Are you Irish catholic? Most Irish catholics I met are supportive of our cause.

And you are going to repel Israel's attacks with what? AKs vs F-16s? Fircracker rockets to shoot down Israeli missiles? Or do you want Arabs to start smuggling Mig-29s and T-90s into Gaza? Because only having bullets and assault rifles is not going to repel anything. The world respects those who are smart, pragmatic and collected, always pick a fight you can win, if there is a chance that you will lose a fight you must try your best to avoid it, this was aid 2600 years ago and it still holds true today.

Hamas's idea of "Fighting the occupation" is by far the most idiotic thing happening in the world, Israel is a nation with a professional Army fighting across its home turf, Guerilla tactics won't work and repel any invasion, especially in an area as small as Gaza, taking strategic and tactical things into account, Hamas is only doing a theatrical act which tickets cost a lot of Palestinian blood. Chest beating and war howling for "honor" will get you no where when you are nothing but a corpse, and currently fighting Israel is the stupidest thing any Arab country will do, they can steam roll through Israel easily right now true, however without international support and a viable Casus Beli the entire world will turn against you, even the Arabs beloved Russia will be the first to protect Israel and get brownie points within western civilian circles as it is hardly trying to do currently.

Like it or not Israel is recognized by most countries around the world as an independent nation, we can't change this fact, maybe throwing more Palestinians into the meat grinder will reduce enough Anti-Israel sentiment to bring about a viable Casus Beli but until then, it is best to focus on ourself and better ourself, the Saudi Arabia you hate so much is now the number 1 across the Arab World in everything. From science to industry to growth, you know why? Because we don't take stupid stances and follow stupid statements, instead we are as I said earlier, Smart, Pragmatic and Collected. Which the only key to success for a third world country right now.

I'm not going to respond to you if you're going to throw words in my mouth and blow things out of proportion.
I'm not going to respond to you if you're going to throw words in my mouth and blow things out of proportion.

Sorry but it seems now that my "Intellectual Capacity" is far exceeding yours in this particular subject.
Sorry but it seems now that my "Intellectual Capacity" is far exceeding yours.

Has nothing to do with intellectual capacity. You went on a pointless rant which didn't address anything related to the topic. You've said the same thing dozens of times now and I've responded before this. There's no point in wasting my time with you. 90% of your post is meaningless rhetoric which you try to advertise as 'intellectual capacity' so you can avoid having a real discussion.
Are you Irish catholic? Most Irish catholics I met are supportive of our cause.

An ex-half Irish Catholic.

The Catholics have moved to Rome and Jerusalem isn't as important as it once was just like how Mecca is to Muslims.

The Protestants don't have another place. That's why they make a bigger deal out of Jerusalem than Catholics.
Has nothing to do with intellectual capacity. You went on a pointless rant which didn't address anything related to the topic. You've said the same thing dozens of times now and I've responded before this. There's no point in wasting my time with you. 90% of your post is meaningless rhetoric which you try to advertise as 'intellectual capacity' so you can avoid having a real discussion.

I didn't address the point of "Arming Hamas"? What I said was meaningless? Are you insane or maybe you are just selectively deaf? Oh and the whole "Intellectual Capacity" thing is something that you have started a while back and I was only bringing to a close.
Yes I'm a 12 year old kid. :-)

Heal yourself as soon as possible. Please don't tell me you're one of those racist people who is against Palestinians because of your disregard to other Arabs. :undecided:

I find it strange that you hate Arab,US,West and other Muslim nations for not helping your cause...But you have understand that even they have their own limitation which you have to understand. Most of the Muslim world, i believe support your struggle politically...but the moment you are asking for military support this will lead to another dimension for your resistance movement...So you should try to understand the concern from your Muslim friends before complaining to them....Every one is not super power like US or China that they can take a stand independently without facing any consequences..

And the most interesting part is, I am trying to understand if you do not like Arab and US, how come in you are still enjoying the quality life at USA? That is just not in alignment with your thought process...You are just rebuking the same land who is providing you food and shelter and i think that should be against your ideology.
I didn't address the point of "Arming Hamas"? What I said was meaningless? Are you insane or maybe you are just selectively deaf? Oh and the whole "Intellectual Capacity" thing is something that you have started a while back and I was only bringing to a close.

No, if I respond to you, you won't take it seriously. I see no point in responding to you. Ask the mods to exchange personal information and we can talk on whatsapp in Arabic. So you stop all this meaningless rhetoric and actually see we are closer than you think.
What does arming the Palestinians actually mean?

Which Palestinians? The PA? Hamas? IJ? The entire population?

With what weapons? Medium to high altitude SAMs? Artillery? Patrol crafts? or any system usually associated with conventional forces. Or just small arms?

Where will you source these weapons? The US? Russians? Chinese? Indigenous Arab weapons?

Where will fighters receive their training? The US? Russia? China? Arab states?

Do these fighters have the relevant qualifications and skills to operate complicated systems?

Are these fighters in any way associated with any group that is designated a terrorist organisation? will these fighters result in a political problem with the host nations allies? or could it bring about sanctions or further sanctions? will training and supplying these fighters endanger the hosts nations national security? will training and supplying these fighters endanger any peace treaties or accords?

How will the arms be supplied? how will these arms be maintained without any infrastructure? if infrastructure to support these arms is to be built who will build it? who will fund it, the supplier or recipient?

If arms are delivered and infrastructure built who will fund the maintenance of these systems and infrastructure? who will fund any future upgrades? Are there personnel who can actually maintain these systems and infrastructure?

If Arab states fund and supply the "Palestinians" how does that serve their national interests? will the political blow back weaken them? If so why should they arm anyone?

Most important of all, how will the "Palestinians" defend against Israeli military action to destroy all of the above? simple answer they can not.

Everything you need to fight like guerrillas you have, you simply need the tactics and policy in order to have an effective insurgency. Once you arm yourselves with weaponry associated with conventional forces you will be crushed.

The notion that Hamas or any other armed Palestinian faction is not well armed for an asymmetric fight is simply false, they are better armed than the Guerrillas that inhabit south America, better armed than any African militia, better armed than any
militia in Asia including the Taliban. Policy is their problem not arms.

Arming the Palestinians is only a dream, in reality it's impossible to arm them with anything other than small arms and AT weapons. The unguided missiles are useless and should have never been adopted in the first place.
I find it strange that you hate Arab,US,West and other Muslim nations for not helping your cause...But you have understand that even they have their own limitation which you have to understand. Most of the Muslim world, i believe support your struggle politically...but the moment you are asking for military support this will lead to another dimension for your resistance movement...So you should try to understand the concern from your Muslim friends before complaining to them....Every one is not super power like US or China that they can take a stand independently without facing any consequences..

And the most interesting part is, I am trying to understand if you do not like Arab and US, how come in you are still enjoying the quality life at USA? That is just not in alignment with your thought process...You are just rebuking the same land who is providing you food and shelter and i think that should be against your ideology.

I am very well aware of it. This thread was created when I was angry. Although I am more aware of the situation than most people. To clarify with your second post, I am an Arab first of all. I don't dislike Arabs, Arabs overwhelmingly support our cause. Our cause is a joint cause with the Arab people which isn't only about Palestine. Which is why you saw the Arab 'spring'.

For the US, nobody lives here if you can't provide for yourself. Nobody feeds you or shelters you besides your hard earned money. I am against corporation control of government which dictates our interests and not the American people. In fact, much more Americans share this same concern. It doesn't mean they have to leave the nation, they have to be aware and call for reform.

Which is why we have things such as 'petitions' and 'WolfPac'. Look into them.

What does arming the Palestinians actually mean?

Which Palestinians? The PA? Hamas? IJ? The entire population?

With what weapons? Medium to high altitude SAMs? Artillery? Patrol crafts? or any system usually associated with conventional forces. Or just small arms?

Where will you source these weapons? The US? Russians? Chinese? Indigenous Arab weapons?

Where will fighters receive their training? The US? Russia? China? Arab states?

Do these fighters have the relevant qualifications and skills to operate complicated systems?

Are these fighters in any way associated with any group that is designated a terrorist organisation?

You exposed yourself here. The questions prior to that are relevant questions which can easily be answered. The arms market is large and there are plenty of sources.

But, of course as I expected you are against Palestinian Resistance so there's no point in leaving a comment here. I didn't ask you for anything

I don't want any insight from a British born atheist military reserve elite egyptian who comes from a rich family.

This disucssion should be had with real Egyptians from Egypt. Just look at the Arabic military forum with actual Arab members and see the overwhelming support. Not one person is against the Palestinian Resistance.

Problem with them is they can't speak English or else they would shame all of you.
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You exposed yourself here. The questions prior to that are relevant questions which can easily be answered. The arms market is large and there are plenty of sources.

Large and varied, however it is dominated by the Russians and US. Even nations with large or growing industries are reliant on US and Russian support and equipment to produce everything from jets to bullets, if the US or Russia find out that these weapons are being supplied to any undesirable faction they will immediately revoke licenses, cease cooperation, and in extreme cases try to impose sanctions.

If the arms market was not dominated by the US and Russians do you think the Iranians would have been stuck relying on pre Islamic revolution weapons systems and infrastructure?

If they can be easily answered, answer them.

But, of course as I expected you are against Palestinian Resistance so there's no point in leaving a comment here. I didn't ask you for anything

I'm against idiocy and the targeting of civilians.

More of this:-

Hamas armed wing counter-attack on Israeli military post filmed

None of this


I don't want any insight from a British born atheist military reserve elite egyptian who comes from a rich family.

This disucssion should be had with real Egyptians from Egypt. Just look at the Arabic military forum with actual Arab members and see the overwhelming support. Not one person is against the Palestinian Resistance.

Problem with them is they can't speak English or else they would shame all of you.

Stop with the personal attacks it's pathetic and inaccurate.

Where have I said anything about not supporting the Pali resistance?

You will find nearly every Arab expressing support, but find one, just one amateur military enthusiast who will tell you that Hamas' rocket policy is in any way militarily advantageous or the slightest bit effective against IDF targets, let alone civilian targets.
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People like Mosomania/Frogamn represent about 2% of the Arab world public opinion. Just to clarify to the viewers, they wouldn't dare say such things on the Arabic military forum which has plenty of Sisi/King Abdullah(both) supporters yet strong supporters of the Palestinian Resistance.

All the questions he posed aren't complicated at all. But, he's only posing them to try to put it off as impossible because he's an Israeli supporter. For no other reason, you can tell how disgusted they get just when you even suggest sending some bullets to resupply the Palestinians.
Thanks for your sensible reply...I can understand your pain and frustration....But sometimes if you do not control your pain and frustration then you may send wrong message to your friends too..

Here is my impression about this issue....

1- Middle east is a hugely political issue...One nation occupy another nation territory...So it is a political and national issue.
2- It has religious flavor too...The religion angle is that fight or Muslim vs Non Muslim

But the challenge is that most of the people around the world may feel the pain of this struggle of your people..But the moment, you or the people supporting you starts using the word eliminating Israel from the map, it is a warning sign for most of the other nation...You have to believe that Israel is going no where...You like it or not...You can not simply kill an entire nation just because you do not like them...They may be bad people by your assumption but the world now does not work like that way.

So you should present your case to the world as a humanitarian issue rather than religious issue...Then major stake holders like US,West,Europe and even Arab world with Sunni majority people may allign with you..Your association with Hamas is simply suicidal...Your reason may be legitimate but it will lead you no where....

Although most of the Muslim world talks about religious union so much on internet, but in real life, their nation and their country are more important to them than religion....That is why if you see, Arab world is developing very first economically and technologically too....Religion based movement has very few takers in this time...Examples are very self evident in front of you..

So you are people who are educated and you have the information of different ideas from different world...Try a different approch and speak with your people....Already generation of youth is lost from your side..How long this humantarian crisis will continue? Every Muslim nation can sympathize with you and they can send some financial assistance after war is complete...But till the point US, Europe,China, Russia and other major powers controls the geo politics of this world, no religion based movement will succeed...

I am very well aware of it. This thread was created when I was angry. Although I am more aware of the situation than most people. To clarify with your second post, I am an Arab first of all. I don't idislike Arabs, Arabs overwhelmingly support our cause. Our cause is a joint cause with the Arab people which isn't only about Palestine. Which is why you saw the Arab 'spring'.

For the US, nobody lives here if you can't provide for yourself. Nobody feeds you or shelters you besides your hard earned money. I am against corporation control of government which dictates our interests and not the American people. In fact, much more Americans share this same concern. It doesn't mean they have to leave the nation, they have to be aware and call for reform.

Which is why we have things such as 'petitions' and 'WolfPac'. Look into them.

You exposed yourself here. The questions prior to that are relevant questions which can easily be answered. The arms market is large and there are plenty of sources.

But, of course as I expected you are against Palestinian Resistance so there's no point in leaving a comment here. I didn't ask you for anything
Large and varied, however it is dominated by the Russians and US. Even nations with large or growing industries are reliant on US and Russian support and equipment to produce everything from jets to bullets, if the US or Russia find out that these weapons are being supplied to any undesirable faction they will immediately revoke licenses, cease cooperation, and in extreme cases try to impose sanctions.

If the arms market was not dominated by the US and Russians do you think the Iranians would have been stuck relying on pre Islamic revolution weapons systems and infrastructure?

If they can be easily answered, answer them.

I'm against idiocy and the targeting of civilians.

More of this:-

Hamas armed wing counter-attack on Israeli military post filmed

None of this


Don't waste your time with him, he wants chest pounding and flag burning and screaming. I apologize Hazzy but I am not a sheeple who uses loud voices to get messages across, I use reason and pragmatism in my everyday dealings including your own.
Large and varied, however it is dominated by the Russians and US. Even nations with large or growing industries are reliant on US and Russian support and equipment to produce everything from jets to bullets, if the US or Russia find out that these weapons are being supplied to any undesirable faction they will immediately revoke licenses, cease cooperation, and in extreme cases try to impose sanctions

I don't want Arab nations to publicly announce arming Palestinians. They can do so through third party sources. It already happens in other places in the Arab world.Or just allow us to get raw material, resources. People around the world want to arm us, if they are given approval you would see it. But, Egypt/Jordan need to cooperate a little bit.

If the arms market was not dominated by the US and Russians do you think the Iranians would have been stuck relying on pre Islamic revolution weapons systems and infrastructure?

What do Iranians have to do with this? For example, in Egypt there are old weapons storages. Some of those made it into Gaza, such as older Milan anti-tank rockets.

If they can be easily answered, answer them.

You don't take it seriously though so I have no urge to answer you.

I'm against idiocy and the targeting of civilians.

Slow down frogman, the first thing you need to understand is they're an occupied people. They will use what they have. They do their best to target military concentrated areas and shell in return Israeli settlements. Israel has wiped off whole suburbs and regularly targets civilian homes. You have a double standard when Palestinians return the favor with much less payload. If they could get guidance systems, accurate weapons, more resources to develop their weapons you can see the day where the Israeli military will be dealt a blow. The rocket fire is meant to damage economy and say to the Israeli's if our people don't have calm so won't yours. It is justified under occupation. Try to put yourself in their shoes. Our civilians have always been regularly targeted by Israel. Look up the Qiblya massacre for example. Modern day ones are easy to find.

This requires resources too.

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