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ARABIC language to be POPULARIZED in Pakistan

Because the Pakistani education system is defunct.

It is the fact that the majority of Pakistanis somehow relate to the Arab history than their own. Most of us claim Arab descent, I mean there are more 'Syeds' in Pakistan than there are probably Arabs in the Middle East, of course I exaggerate but you get the point. Our educational system propagates the same. It even alienates us from our own languages. Urdu is barely studied in schools while all the good universities want nothing to do with it. The ethnic languages are no where to be found. Today, for our youth, Urdu is second class, while the rest are third class.

In short we are a diverse lot who have distinct and unique histories and cultures which anyone would envy. But we are busy claiming to be Arabs, pretending to be Angraiz and ending up just being confused. Case in point,

What the Indians say has nothing to do with it. Nor is it incorrect just because an Indian said it.

Also, please keep the discussion civil.

Ethnic diversity has nothing to do with it. Disowning your own, trying to adopt another's and failing miserably does. Adopting another's while your own heritage is being lost due to idiocy is absolutely unacceptable. Heritage is what defines a nation, builds a people. It is the character of a nation which has been moulded through that nations centuries of specific experiences and history. You cannot transplant cultures and you cannot transplant languages. Foreign cultures and languages that are adopted without organic social mechanisms create massive ruptures in the social fabric. They are tumours which either consume everything or are rejected, leaving the society weaker and in conflict either way. A simple example is that we want our girls to wear tank tops but not our wives. A more serious example is the rigidity of religious thought that was imported from the middle east. Your society did not except it, was not used to it, which led the said rigidity to grow into extremism. You can read hundreds of Sociology papers on the subject.

You really want to learn a new language? Let's start with one of the +75 endemic languages in Pakistan which are all dying a slow death. Hundreds of years of literary history which is soon to go extinct.

Again, please keep the discussion civil. A good rule of thumb is that if you need to misspell it, just don't.

You keep saying that it is without giving any argument as to why. Apart from allowing one to read the Quran without its translation (Which, as mentioned before, is absolutely redundant) Arabic holds no value at all. There are no research papers being churned out in Arabic, you do not need to communicate it with anyone, not even the Arabs. OTOH, having torn away Urdu from our educational system (except in sub-par educational institutes) the only chance for us to acquire modern education is through English.

They are treated worse than the animals they keep for sport.

Now you're just adding more circles to it. Circular arguments are by definition a fallacy.

No it wasn't. I keep showing how it wasn't and you keep not wanting to see it. You keep saying that it was but never how.

Half of modern research on Islam is in English. Half of the Islamic Scholars that have ever been never spoke Arabic. Our religion transcends language and culture. Islam was spread in our part of the world by people who couldn't understand a single word of Arabic.

It is akin to asking a philosophy major to first go learn ancient Greek. It makes no sense.

Again, because it is 1) useless, 2) waste of resources, 3) propagates the confused identity and 4) will further create Islam's 'thekedars'.

You know, by now I'm starting to think that I am wasting my time. You want to learn Arabic? By all means. Go take some classes. I did, for eight years. But if you want the already defunct Pakistani education system to spend further of its non-existent resources on teaching a redundant foreign language because you thought "Why not?" then I'd say you'd best spend those resources on educating our youth on how to reason better.

Exactly. The idea itself is laughable.

I would rather it be anyone of the 75 languages present in Pakistan.
Ok you have serious misinformation about cultural heritage, language and identity. These things might be related but you don't need them all together to make you who you are. Your identity is whatever you want to show to the world, it's your blank page. Language, well the more of them you know the better, urdu this and urdu that. Qe are a fluid nation, we choose what works for us. First it was Persian then it was urdu, and before all that it was greek. No one is taking your urdu away from you, I like the language too. Arabic is the need of the time, there are more considerations to take into account when I say we should adopt it. Open your eyes look around you, the country is in a state of restructuring, this is the perfect time.

Regarding education system, that needs to be reformed like everything else that was created by ret*rds. From farming to construction, reforms need to take place, for the sake of social growth.

Also your statement about Pakistan having more arabs then middle east. This statement might as well be true considering the immigrants that came here, because issues in the middle east at that time. Also the Americans are more Italian, german, french, then the actual countries. It's about what you want to be.

Because the Pakistani education system is defunct.

It is the fact that the majority of Pakistanis somehow relate to the Arab history than their own. Most of us claim Arab descent, I mean there are more 'Syeds' in Pakistan than there are probably Arabs in the Middle East, of course I exaggerate but you get the point. Our educational system propagates the same. It even alienates us from our own languages. Urdu is barely studied in schools while all the good universities want nothing to do with it. The ethnic languages are no where to be found. Today, for our youth, Urdu is second class, while the rest are third class.

In short we are a diverse lot who have distinct and unique histories and cultures which anyone would envy. But we are busy claiming to be Arabs, pretending to be Angraiz and ending up just being confused. Case in point,

What the Indians say has nothing to do with it. Nor is it incorrect just because an Indian said it.

Also, please keep the discussion civil.

Ethnic diversity has nothing to do with it. Disowning your own, trying to adopt another's and failing miserably does. Adopting another's while your own heritage is being lost due to idiocy is absolutely unacceptable. Heritage is what defines a nation, builds a people. It is the character of a nation which has been moulded through that nations centuries of specific experiences and history. You cannot transplant cultures and you cannot transplant languages. Foreign cultures and languages that are adopted without organic social mechanisms create massive ruptures in the social fabric. They are tumours which either consume everything or are rejected, leaving the society weaker and in conflict either way. A simple example is that we want our girls to wear tank tops but not our wives. A more serious example is the rigidity of religious thought that was imported from the middle east. Your society did not except it, was not used to it, which led the said rigidity to grow into extremism. You can read hundreds of Sociology papers on the subject.

You really want to learn a new language? Let's start with one of the +75 endemic languages in Pakistan which are all dying a slow death. Hundreds of years of literary history which is soon to go extinct.

Again, please keep the discussion civil. A good rule of thumb is that if you need to misspell it, just don't.

You keep saying that it is without giving any argument as to why. Apart from allowing one to read the Quran without its translation (Which, as mentioned before, is absolutely redundant) Arabic holds no value at all. There are no research papers being churned out in Arabic, you do not need to communicate it with anyone, not even the Arabs. OTOH, having torn away Urdu from our educational system (except in sub-par educational institutes) the only chance for us to acquire modern education is through English.

They are treated worse than the animals they keep for sport.

Now you're just adding more circles to it. Circular arguments are by definition a fallacy.

No it wasn't. I keep showing how it wasn't and you keep not wanting to see it. You keep saying that it was but never how.

Half of modern research on Islam is in English. Half of the Islamic Scholars that have ever been never spoke Arabic. Our religion transcends language and culture. Islam was spread in our part of the world by people who couldn't understand a single word of Arabic.

It is akin to asking a philosophy major to first go learn ancient Greek. It makes no sense.

Again, because it is 1) useless, 2) waste of resources, 3) propagates the confused identity and 4) will further create Islam's 'thekedars'.

You know, by now I'm starting to think that I am wasting my time. You want to learn Arabic? By all means. Go take some classes. I did, for eight years. But if you want the already defunct Pakistani education system to spend further of its non-existent resources on teaching a redundant foreign language because you thought "Why not?" then I'd say you'd best spend those resources on educating our youth on how to reason better.

Exactly. The idea itself is laughable.

I would rather it be anyone of the 75 languages present in Pakistan.
So Arabic is foreign to you? Next time read the Quran in urdu and perform your daily prayers in urdu. What nonsense are you blabbing on about? Arabic is as foriegn to us as the eyes you see with.
Arabic is the most read, recited, uttered, spoken, heard and least understood language in the world. It is injustice to the language itself.

People use this language in prayers and paternoster. If you know what are you reciting, you achieve the target sooner than later. You can know the meaning through translation. But Islam is well established, preserved and practiced religion. For how long will one use crutches to observe it.

God actually doesn't need word of any language rather what your heart speaks. But in this world you have to have a proper way to move ahead. Arabic is the language in which religion of Islam originated. It's teachings really changed the world. So Arabic is still a unifying factor for Muslims and all humans.

Regarding the recitation of the holy Quran, no doubt each and every verse of the holy Quran has a background and context. To understand it, you have to consult other literature like the Hadith and the Sunnah of holy prophet peace be upon him. Nevertheless the holy Quran is word of God and has passed the test of time. You don't necessarily read the holy Quran to extract rulings and judgements. It has something to offer for every human. What you get, remains between you and God.

So there are more than one reasons to adopt this language, to own and popularize it as said in the OP.
Arabic is the most read, recited, uttered, spoken, heard and least understood language in the world. It is injustice to the language itself.

People use this language in prayers and paternoster. If you know what are you reciting, you achieve the target sooner than later. You can know the meaning through translation. But Islam is well established, preserved and practiced religion. For how long will one use crutches to observe it.

God actually doesn't need word of any language rather what your heart speaks. But in this world you have to have a proper way to move ahead. Arabic is the language in which religion of Islam originated. It's teachings really changed the world. So Arabic is still a unifying factor for Muslims and all humans.

Regarding the recitation of the holy Quran, no doubt each and every verse of the holy Quran has a background and context. To understand it, you have to consult other literature like the Hadith and the Sunnah of holy prophet peace be upon him. Nevertheless the holy Quran is word of God and has passed the test of time. You don't necessarily read the holy Quran to extract rulings and judgements. It has something to offer for every human. What you get, remains between you and God.

So there are more than one reasons to adopt this language, to own and popularize it as said in the OP.

If only everyone else had such high regard for your kind.

Look at what Iran did with Islam, or what Rome did with Christianity. This what great civilizations do, they absorb it into their culture.

Im not denying the spirtual pureness of Islam and how it can nourish the soul, spirtuality is important but what I am saying is there is a method to adopt a faith without absorbing a foreign culture and destroying your own in the process.

There is a very very specific reason why Pakistan regressed into a poor militant infested mess, people lost their culture and violent anti state Islamist culture tooks its place in the form of TTP. That would never happen in Iran because they have moulded the delivery of Islam in their country otherwise Saudi would have declared cultural victory over Iran. Its an old civilization they know what they're doing. Learn from them.

Pakistan is not meant to be a vassal state, its a civilization to last the ages with its own strong culture. This slave mindset has to stop its not healthy for the national psyche.

Why don't you learn from the TTP experience instead of repeating the same mistakes and being engulfed in another proxy war.
Should Arabic be a top 10 language of Pakistan, or even higher?

I think Arabic should be the 3rd official language of Pakistan.




If only everyone else had such high regard for your kind.

Look at what Iran did with Islam, or what Rome did with Christianity. This what great civilizations do, they absorb it into their culture.

Im not denying the spirtual pureness of Islam and how it can nourish the soul, spirtuality is important but what I am saying is there is a method to adopt a faith without absorbing a foreign culture and destroying your own in the process.

There is a very very specific reason why Pakistan regressed into a poor militant infested mess, people lost their culture and violent anti state Islamist culture tooks its place in the form of TTP. That would never happen in Iran because they have moulded the delivery of Islam in their country otherwise Saudi would have declared cultural victory over Iran. Its an old civilization they know what they're doing. Learn from them.

Pakistan is not meant to be a vassal state, its a civilization to last the ages with its own strong culture. This slave mindset has to stop its not healthy for the national psyche.

Why don't you learn from the TTP experience instead of repeating the same mistakes and being engulfed in another proxy war.

What makes a civilization strong and great? It is knowledge. It shows its metal in every aspect of life. Islam provided that metal and made the Arab society shine and stand in front of Roman and Persian empires.

The downfall actually started when science was separated from religion. Today English represents science and Arabic is synonym of religion. Making Arabic popularized without science will encourage this downward trend further. To attract people we'll have to combine the two again. Islam has all other ingredients to unify the people.

Pakistani society and culture has shades of Islam like the Iranian society has. Islam doesn't negate culture of any given society. Otherwise culture of subcontinent would have been wiped out the moment Islam entered this region.

About militancy and extremism; every love story has a villain or not but every Ram has a Ravan and every Moses has a Pharaoh. This fitna can emerge anytime whether you are in civilizational glory or down time like now. These villains don't come from outside but from within.

Pakistan has recently gone through this fitna so apprehensions about drive to popularize Arabic is natural. Apart from that, the division as mentioned above is present and we have to remove it.

We distribute laptops in colleges and universities, why not in madrassas? Provide laptops and a microscope to every madrassa and let the kids play with them. You may also appoint a visiting science teacher, so the students develop interest in science.
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Most Pakistanis find Urdu too difficult to properly pronounce.

They can't even speak a sentence of Urdu without adding in English words. What can go wrong with learning Arabic? :lol:
We need to focus on English , Science and Technology

Good to Learn
  • English
  • Chinese
  • French
  • Arabic

Arabic great Hobby course

There is no prize for saying "I am broke, illiterate and have no social awareness " in arabic
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Why French? It's a dying language (see the pop. rate of France). I know North Africa and certain others like Canada speak French too but English & Arabic work in those countries too. I would rather prefer German.

I personally took French in 8th grade. Hated it, took Spanish 9th - 12th grade. Now I'm fluent in Spanish. :D

And the Spanish pop. worldwide (not just US) is booming...;)
Why French? It's a dying language (see the pop. rate of France). I know North Africa and certain others like Canada speak French too but English & Arabic work in those countries too. I would rather prefer German.

I personally took French in 8th grade. Hated it, took Spanish 9th - 12th grade. Now I'm fluent in Spanish. :D

And the Spanish pop. worldwide (not just US) is booming...;)

"French a dying language". Lol. It's already an official language with many international institutions and an official language in 29 independent territories. With the population boom in Africa and so the number of French speakers,it's far from a "dying language".

However I agree French language is difficult,but I guess it's not a language for everyone... lol.
We need to focus on English , Science and Technology

Good to Learn
  • English
  • Chinese
  • French
  • Arabic

Arabic great Hobby course

There is no prize for saying "I am broke, illiterate and have no social awareness " in arabic

POPULARIZED URDU, majority of the media anchors can’t even speak proper URDU.
"French a dying language". Lol. It's already an official language with many international institutions and an official language in 29 independent territories. With the population boom in Africa and so the number of French speakers,it's far from a "dying language".

However I agree French language is difficult,but I guess it's not a language for everyone... lol.



Judge by yourself. There is barely a difference in the pop. of mainland France from 2015 to 2050 & beyond. Even right now, you birth rate is at 2.0 & decreasing, so who knows if the total pop. of the future will go down?

With the legalization of gays, expect further downward spiral for the future population. :D

You can't depend on North Africa to keep a hold onto French for long, as their pop. grows so will the Arabic speaking pop. along with French speaking. On the other hand, Spanish (speaker wise) is already between 400-500 M in pop.

While all of French speakers (France has only 70/72M) are a measly 220M. So yea, it's a dying language. Even Urdu (which has no foreign speakers other than the Pakistani Diaspora) will soon have 220 M or higher speakers & all of them will be native speakers. :)

Never said that French was hard, I'm learning Arabic, Chinese & Russian rn, now those are "hard", even then, not that much for me but I just generally disliked French, never liked the accent. ;)
The MQM will go mad, and will protest against imposition of Arabic, it would demand equal status of both Arabic and Urdu as official languages in the Sindh province hahaha losers
As an ancient civilization, Egypt has forgotten its own language. The first way to destroy a nation is to eliminate its language.
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