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ARABIC language to be POPULARIZED in Pakistan

Arabic is an important language due to our faith however Pak should also promote and learn English as it is a global language.
Arabic of the quran is not the same as spoken arabic. So focus must be on quranic arabic..
Spoken will come easy after that.

The focus should be on fus'ha.

We must also revert Urdu to it's original, more Persianised form just like it is in Iqbal's poetry and the national anthem.

Our current form of Urdu is just a less tacky version of Hindi.
So we are losing the languages we have, including our national language and you want us to adopt a foreign language that actually has nothing to do with us? One that will further amplify the Bakistaniat of our people? A language according to which you are 'ajami'?

How does Arabic serve our interests?
It will cut the role of Fasadi in the name of religion and those who could learn the language could themselves consult the basic religious texts rather remain dependent on someone .... in short IT WILL GIVE POWER TO QUESTION THE RELIGIOUS ELITE
Bingo. If I can understand the Quran and religious texts, I wont be mislead. I will question everything a religious head says. Also a large market will open back up to us, like it was far back in time

The focus should be on fus'ha.

We must also revert Urdu to it's original, more Persianised form just like it is in Iqbal's poetry and the national anthem.

Our current form of Urdu is just a less tacky version of Hindi.
Yes urdu needs to be spoken like it was meant to. Schools should start first then media.

what is happening in middle east is happening even after knowing Arabic so there are many other causes of such problems
What's happening in middle east is not what's happening in pakistan. What happened in pakistan would've been easier to control if the public spoke Arabic. The middle east is a mess because they hate each other and, the countries were used by others to destabilise each other.
No need for Arabic. Those who need it, eg businessmen can learn it.

There is a strange inferiority in Pakistan: everybodies language is better than your own.
No need for Arabic. Those who need it, eg businessmen can learn it.

There is a strange inferiority in Pakistan: everybodies language is better than your own.
How is leaning a new language make you have an inferiority complex?

Arabic of the quran is not the same as spoken arabic. So focus must be on quranic arabic..
Spoken will come easy after that.
Yes, it should be old Arabic just like old urdu.
No need for Arabic. Those who need it, eg businessmen can learn it.

There is a strange inferiority in Pakistan: everybodies language is better than your own.

Arabic is OUR language. It is the language of Islam/Muslims, and most of us are Muslim.

If you refer to what our ancestors spoke, my lineage has had Imams who would have known Arabic, and the same can be said for many Pakistanis.
What's the difference between adopting Arabic or Urdu, both are foreign to your land.
What my understanding is those who are not interested to read and understand the Quran are two types
- One who are either least bother with it
- or those who just simply oppose any thing which have its association with Islam

but those who prefer to read these tafaseers and translations are the main cause of concern as they are told and taught to read Translation and tafseer by a particular Molvi of a particular sect and associate themselves with that sect and the molvis of that sect on the basis of holiness rather that their logical understanding

True, however reading the original Arabic text will not solve this problem, it will only exacerbate it. All these divergences in Islam come from men ill-fit to understand Islam by themselves. And now we are proposing even more of them? That too in a nation which has seldom shown any inklings of critical reasoning or even common sense?

I must reiterate the fact that anything you'd want to read in the original Arabic text has already been translated into Urdu, English, Balochi, Pashto, Sindhi, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Saraiki. Let us also not forget that 90% of these divides originated in Arabic speaking populations. Not knowing Arabic really has nothing to do with Muslim problems.

agreed this is the wrong thing but what I want and support is to give at least more than rudimentary understanding of Arabic to the common person same as most of people read and write English today so yes not all of them are creating literature in English but not dependent to read and understand the basics

My argument is that it would be useless and will further aggravate the Pakistani identity crisis.

Bingo. If I can understand the Quran and religious texts, I wont be mislead. I will question everything a religious head says. Also a large market will open back up to us, like it was far back in time

Here, literal translations of,

The Quran,


Sahih Bukhari,


Sahih Muslim,


Once you're done with these, let me know. I'll give you the works of Hanbal, Malik, Abu Hanifa, Jafar Al-Sadiq, Ibn Taymiyyah and the likes.

Problem solved?

This isn't the 900s where you need a mullah to tell you what is being said in the Arabic text.
True, however reading the original Arabic text will not solve this problem, it will only exacerbate it. All these divergences in Islam come from men ill-fit to understand Islam by themselves. And now we are proposing even more of them? That too in a nation which has seldom shown any inklings of critical reasoning or even common sense?

I must reiterate the fact that anything you'd want to read in the original Arabic text has already been translated into Urdu, English, Balochi, Pashto, Sindhi, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Saraiki. Let us also not forget that 90% of these divides originated in Arabic speaking populations. Not knowing Arabic really has nothing to do with Muslim problems.

My argument is that it would be useless and will further aggravate the Pakistani identity crisis.

Here, literal translations of,

The Quran,


Sahih Bukhari,


Sahih Muslim,


Once you're done with these, let me know. I'll give you the works of Hanbal, Malik, Abu Hanifa, Jafar Al-Sadiq, Ibn Taymiyyah and the likes.

Problem solved?

This isn't the 900s where you need a mullah to tell you what is being said in the Arabic text.
Answer me who in our country has excess to this? Do the people in FATA, Balochistan, sindh etc have excess to these?! Heck even most of the people in the city don't have excess to this.
Answer me who in our country has excess to this? Do the people in FATA, Balochistan, sindh etc have excess to these?! Heck even most of the people in the city don't have excess to this.

Everybody does. Every single Quran and book on hadith sold in Pakistan has the Urdu translation in it by default.
Everybody does. Every single Quran and book on hadith sold in Pakistan has the Urdu translation in it by default.
Yet we had so many issues becuse people couldn't understand Arabic. Did you forget the last 12 years of chaos?
What would be an issue in learning it anyways? Why do you feel attacked?
Yet we had so many issues becuse people couldn't understand Arabic. Did you forget the last 12 years of chaos?

You keep presenting this circular argument without any premise. I keep showing you how our problems have had nothing to do with understanding or not understanding Arabic but you keep repeating the same statement.

What would be an issue in learning it anyways? Why do you feel attacked?

Waste of already limited resources, complicating an already defunct educational system, further confusion in the Pakistani identity, tons more 2-bit mullahs. Take your pick.
You keep presenting this circular argument without any premise. I keep showing you how our problems have had nothing to do with understanding or not understanding Arabic but you keep repeating the same statement.

Waste of already limited resources, complicating an already defunct educational system, further confusion in the Pakistani identity, tons more 2-bit mullahs. Take your pick.

Well put mate.

I am not against learning a new language but I doubt if 10% of our population can utter a sentence without using an English word in it - not wrong per se but what is the use of teaching Arabic if we fail to teach Urdu.

Learning a new language should be a must but choice of language should be made on individual basis.

My top foreign languages to learn are:
1. Mandarin
2. English
3. German
4. Arabic
5. Any scandanavian
6. French

plus any else anyone wants to.
I guess Pakistani don’t know how they are being treated in Arabic speaking countries.

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