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ARABIC language to be POPULARIZED in Pakistan

You keep presenting this circular argument without any premise. I keep showing you how our problems have had nothing to do with understanding or not understanding Arabic but you keep repeating the same statement.

Waste of already limited resources, complicating an already defunct educational system, further confusion in the Pakistani identity, tons more 2-bit mullahs. Take your pick.
Why did you learn English? And what is this identity crisis everyone keeps fcking talking about?!! The Indians said it a few times and it took yall no time to jump on the argument. Canada, America, south America, central America etc all have mixed populations from around the world. All of them are mixed do they have a identity crisis?!! For fuks sakes learning a new language or adopting a new culture doesnt mean you have an identity crisis. Learning Arabic is beneficial far more beneficial then leaving English.

I guess Pakistani don’t know how they are being treated in Arabic speaking countries.
How are they treated all wise man? And what does learning Arabic have to do with this?

You keep presenting this circular argument without any premise. I keep showing you how our problems have had nothing to do with understanding or not understanding Arabic but you keep repeating the same statement.

Waste of already limited resources, complicating an already defunct educational system, further confusion in the Pakistani identity, tons more 2-bit mullahs. Take your pick.
I keep presenting a circular argument because it's TRUE. Whatever happened in kpk and Fata was because of lack of understanding Arabic. Our religion is biased in Arabic there is no escaping it, so why not learn it? No one is telling you to drop your mother tongue, but it learn more then one languages.
Why did you learn English?

Because the Pakistani education system is defunct.

And what is this identity crisis everyone keeps fcking talking about?!! The Indians said it a few times and it took yall no time to jump on the argument.

It is the fact that the majority of Pakistanis somehow relate to the Arab history than their own. Most of us claim Arab descent, I mean there are more 'Syeds' in Pakistan than there are probably Arabs in the Middle East, of course I exaggerate but you get the point. Our educational system propagates the same. It even alienates us from our own languages. Urdu is barely studied in schools while all the good universities want nothing to do with it. The ethnic languages are no where to be found. Today, for our youth, Urdu is second class, while the rest are third class.

In short we are a diverse lot who have distinct and unique histories and cultures which anyone would envy. But we are busy claiming to be Arabs, pretending to be Angraiz and ending up just being confused. Case in point,

Arabic is OUR language. It is the language of Islam/Muslims, and most of us are Muslim.

If you refer to what our ancestors spoke, my lineage has had Imams who would have known Arabic, and the same can be said for many Pakistanis.

What the Indians say has nothing to do with it. Nor is it incorrect just because an Indian said it.

Also, please keep the discussion civil.

Canada, America, south America, central America etc all have mixed populations from around the world. All of them are mixed do they have a identity crisis?!! For fuks sakes learning a new language or adopting a new culture doesnt mean you have an identity crisis.

Ethnic diversity has nothing to do with it. Disowning your own, trying to adopt another's and failing miserably does. Adopting another's while your own heritage is being lost due to idiocy is absolutely unacceptable. Heritage is what defines a nation, builds a people. It is the character of a nation which has been moulded through that nations centuries of specific experiences and history. You cannot transplant cultures and you cannot transplant languages. Foreign cultures and languages that are adopted without organic social mechanisms create massive ruptures in the social fabric. They are tumours which either consume everything or are rejected, leaving the society weaker and in conflict either way. A simple example is that we want our girls to wear tank tops but not our wives. A more serious example is the rigidity of religious thought that was imported from the middle east. Your society did not except it, was not used to it, which led the said rigidity to grow into extremism. You can read hundreds of Sociology papers on the subject.

You really want to learn a new language? Let's start with one of the +75 endemic languages in Pakistan which are all dying a slow death. Hundreds of years of literary history which is soon to go extinct.

Again, please keep the discussion civil. A good rule of thumb is that if you need to misspell it, just don't.

Learning Arabic is beneficial far more beneficial then leaving English.

You keep saying that it is without giving any argument as to why. Apart from allowing one to read the Quran without its translation (Which, as mentioned before, is absolutely redundant) Arabic holds no value at all. There are no research papers being churned out in Arabic, you do not need to communicate it with anyone, not even the Arabs. OTOH, having torn away Urdu from our educational system (except in sub-par educational institutes) the only chance for us to acquire modern education is through English.

How are they treated all wise man? And what does learning Arabic have to do with this?

They are treated worse than the animals they keep for sport.

I keep presenting a circular argument because it's TRUE.

Now you're just adding more circles to it. Circular arguments are by definition a fallacy.

Whatever happened in kpk and Fata was because of lack of understanding Arabic.

No it wasn't. I keep showing how it wasn't and you keep not wanting to see it. You keep saying that it was but never how.

Our religion is biased in Arabic there is no escaping it,

Half of modern research on Islam is in English. Half of the Islamic Scholars that have ever been never spoke Arabic. Our religion transcends language and culture. Islam was spread in our part of the world by people who couldn't understand a single word of Arabic.

It is akin to asking a philosophy major to first go learn ancient Greek. It makes no sense.

so why not learn it?

Again, because it is 1) useless, 2) waste of resources, 3) propagates the confused identity and 4) will further create Islam's 'thekedars'.

No one is telling you to drop your mother tongue, but it learn more then one languages.

You know, by now I'm starting to think that I am wasting my time. You want to learn Arabic? By all means. Go take some classes. I did, for eight years. But if you want the already defunct Pakistani education system to spend further of its non-existent resources on teaching a redundant foreign language because you thought "Why not?" then I'd say you'd best spend those resources on educating our youth on how to reason better.

Well put mate.

I am not against learning a new language but I doubt if 10% of our population can utter a sentence without using an English word in it - not wrong per se but what is the use of teaching Arabic if we fail to teach Urdu.

Exactly. The idea itself is laughable.

Learning a new language should be a must but choice of language should be made on individual basis.

My top foreign languages to learn are:
1. Mandarin
2. English
3. German
4. Arabic
5. Any scandanavian
6. French

plus any else anyone wants to.

I would rather it be anyone of the 75 languages present in Pakistan.
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twrong.they have tried many times in the past. Farsi is much easier for pakistaniz. If they indeed start arabic its a good thing its one of my favorite languages byt for pakistan i see a future for even chinese in pakistan but arabic is kinda hard to imagine after 2019.. Farsi has the greatest chance in pakistan.
Neither am i an arab fan boy neither iranian fan boy. If i am a fan boy ever it would be chinese.
I fully support this move. The more languages a person knows or can speak is better. English, Urdu & Arabic are really good from a career standpoint too. Plus, the Quran & our Faith is in Arabic, would work greatly in increasing our faith rather than just spitting out words that we have memorized.

As well as increase the knowledge of the faith so as to bring status quo with the khawarij & the illiterate religious scholars.

I already learned Spanish here in the US, learning Chinese & Russian rn. Arabic is next. :D
I fully support this move. The more languages a person knows or can speak is better. English, Urdu & Arabic are really good from a career standpoint too. Plus, the Quran & our Faith is in Arabic, would work greatly in increasing our faith rather than just spitting out words that we have memorized.

As well as increase the knowledge of the faith so as to bring status quo with the khawarij & the illiterate religious scholars.

I already learned Spanish here in the US, learning Chinese & Russian rn. Arabic is next. :D
yo sabe español también. es muy fácil y similar a english. Arabi es un lenguaje prima de Urdu.
Muy bueno amigo. Es correcto.
esto es verdad que Arabic es muy importante para la cultura y religiosa unificación de Musulmanes. es muy beneficioso para todo el mundo Musulmano.
Arabic should be promoted to help our coming generation understand Islam.

I also think that Pakistan needs more advanced Islamic courses dealing with modern subjects.

The state needs to own religion and set its discourse to prevent its abuse by charlatans on the illiterate populace.

Farsi/Dari also needs to be promoted. We live in a neighborhood where our neighbors West and North of us speak Farsi.

Not only that but it will help us re-connect with Allama Iqbal, which is the need of the hour.

I also support Shah Mahmoud Qureshi’s promotion of real Urdu instead of the street, unsophisticated Urdu being spoken by most Pakistanis.

Pakistan needs to pick up Arabic and Farsi/Dari ASAP. I would even add Turkish here as well for contacts and business from Turkey, Azerbaijan, CARs.
esto es verdad que Arabic es muy importante para la cultura y religiosa unificación de Musulmanes. es muy beneficioso para todo el mundo Musulmano.

Arabic es importante para la religiosa unificacion de Muslims pero no para cultura. Yo gusto mi cultura de Pakistan/South Asia :lol:

Farsi/Dari also needs to be promoted. We live in a neighborhood where our neighbors West and North of us speak Farsi.

Not only that but it will help us re-connect with Allama Iqbal, which is the need of the hour.

I also support Shah Mahmoud Qureshi’s promotion of real Urdu instead of the street, unsophisticated Urdu being spoken by most Pakistanis.

Yep, I don't know why they stopped the teaching of Farsi in schools anymore. It's a big blow to our culture & intelligence. Dari would be great too. I say introduce Mandarin too. Now we got all our neighboring languages covered and any that learn/masters all should get a good scholarship.

What I have been noticing for the past few years that no one (at least the young & the middle aged) in Pakistan can speak a full sentence without uttering a word of English. It truly speaks to their mastering of the Urdu language as a whole...
Arabic es importante para la religiosa unificacion de Muslims pero no para cultura. Yo gusto mi cultura de Pakistan/South Asia :lol:

No, tienes el incorecto idea. Yo dijo 'la cultura unificacion' entre los Arabes y somos Pakistanis. No tenemos mucho amistad entre nosotros y los Arabes. Yo quiero mas amistad y amor profundo en esto.
why do we need a language in which we can't even pronounce our own country's name?
No, tienes el incorecto idea. Yo dijo 'la cultura unificacion' entre los Arabes y somos Pakistanis. No tenemos mucho amistad entre nosotros y los Arabes. Yo quiero mas amistad y amor profundo en esto.

Pero yo no gusto los Arabes. Yo tengas trabajo con Arabes y sus actitud en contra non-Arabes ante todo Pakistanis es no bueno. Tambien los Arabes y Pakistanis tengas different culturas y ambos culturas son gran.

Tambien tu hablo muy bien espanol. Aprendida en la escuela o por tu cuenta?

why do we need a language in which we can't even pronounce our own country's name?

Urdu is written on a Farsi-Arabic script, you're partially speaking Arabic/Farsi when you talk in Urdu.
Pero yo no gusto los Arabes. Yo tengas trabajo con Arabes y sus actitud en contra non-Arabes ante todo Pakistanis es no bueno. Tambien los Arabes y Pakistanis tengas different culturas y ambos culturas son gran.

Tambien tu hablo muy bien espanol. Aprendida en la escuela o por tu cuenta?

Urdu is written on a Farsi-Arabic script, you're partially speaking Arabic/Farsi when you talk in Urdu.
Si tienes un punto verdad. La comportamiento de los Arabes a Pakistanis no es bueno. Ellos acto muy mal a nosotros. Por ejemplo, tengo muchos primos en Dubai y los Arabes jefes de ellos tratalos mal. Ellos dan los cheques de pago muy tarde. Sus salarios son temperado. Sus visas son temperado. Et cetera et cetera.

Aprendida en la escuela pero no di mucho esfuerzo. Pero si lo di mas esfuerzo, tal vez yo lo hablaría español como los natives.
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