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Arab Tank Concept

Lol and you don't think Pakistan would be nuked right after that? You don't just nuke a country and get away with it today. The U.S. would obliterate Pakistan and there would be no curry left.

Well what difference would it make compared to conventional weapons? Cities and civilians won't be targeted, but rather mobilised soldiers. In this hypothetical situation we're not considering alliances and such, but rather a one-on-one situation using each side's arsenal of weapons at their disposal.
Well what difference would it make compared to conventional weapons? Cities and civilians won't be targeted, but rather mobilised soldiers. In this hypothetical situation we're not considering alliances and such, but rather a one-on-one situation using each side's arsenal of weapons at their disposal.
They wouldn't be able to get over Egyptian air space. Egypt has many Air Defenses such as S-300, Iris-T-SL,Volga,Buk,MIM-23 Hawk,Pechora 2M,Kub,Tor,Avenger. All they would have to do was guard their airspace which wouldn't be hard especially since Pakistan's planes would have a hard time reaching Egypt with their limited range of their planes and with only 4 tankers. In short Egypt could defend and maybe even attack Pakistan depending on the length of the conflict
Bro you believe the Pakistani government?

Arab and US governments have also supported the claim, with Saiful Azam also going down as one of the worlds 22 Living Eagles.

Egypt is only a little behind Pakistan

Still behind.

with much better tanks albeit downgraded with M1 Abrams outclassing the Al-Khalid by a fairly big margin and the ability to take out pretty much ever tank in Pakistan's armory

The gap isn't quite that big, and Arab armies are notorious for being poorly trained.

And these fancy tools mean nothing in the face of our nuclear arsenal, something which not a single Arab country could hypothetically defend itself from. You can't even achieve MAD since none of you have nukes of your own.

with F-16s being in the 200 range

168, actually.

Pakistan's measly 76 and 60 JF-17

100 JF-17's, not 60.

Also, the PAF has got 684 fighter/attack aircraft (including conversion trainers) in comparison to Egypt's 298 (Air Tractors don't count).



Not only that, but the PAF's service record is far more impressive, routinely inflicting significantly larger casualties upon it's enemies and producing great pilots like MM Alam.


, a better navy

Agreed, but that's because Pakistan has a much smaller coastline. And our submerged fleet is still pretty good and is going to improve, with 8 new submarines on the way (which, once the older 5 in our current fleet retire, will make our total submarine count 11). We're also getting 4 new frigates from China.

Saudi Arabia is having problems in Yemen because they aren't actually using all their troops to invade and many are just guarding the border.

That's because their troops get completely humiliated every time they try to use them. Just look at the casualty rates, they're embarrassing.

I forgot to mention Egypt an Arab country is ahead of you on this site

Global Firepower is a joke, they put Israel below Indonesia and Brazil for crying out loud.

Lol and you don't think Pakistan would be nuked right after that?

No, because no Arab country has nukes.

The U.S. would obliterate Pakistan

They'd throw a hissy fit but that's about it. Nobody would take military action unless they wanted radiation burn too. Nukes keep us safe from the trauma that's been inflicted upon you guys.

and there would be no curry left.

Someone's frustrated lol.
Arab and US governments have also supported the claim, with Saiful Azam also going down as one of the worlds 22 Living Eagles.

Still behind.

The gap isn't quite that big, and Arab armies are notorious for being poorly trained.

And these fancy tools mean nothing in the face of our nuclear arsenal, something which not a single Arab country could hypothetically defend itself from. You can't even achieve MAD since none of you have nukes of your own.

168, actually.

100 JF-17's, not 60.

Also, the PAF has got 684 fighter/attack aircraft (including conversion trainers) in comparison to Egypt's 298 (Air Tractors don't count).



Not only that, but the PAF's service record is far more impressive, routinely inflicting significantly larger casualties upon it's enemies and producing great pilots like MM Alam.


Agreed, but that's because Pakistan has a much smaller coastline. And our submerged fleet is still pretty good and is going to improve, with 8 new submarines on the way (which, once the older 5 in our current fleet retire, will make our total submarine count 11). We're also getting 4 new frigates from China.

That's because their troops get completely humiliated every time they try to use them. Just look at the casualty rates, they're embarrassing.

Global Firepower is a joke, they put Israel below Indonesia and Brazil for crying out loud.

No, because no Arab country has nukes.

They'd throw a hissy fit but that's about it. Nobody would take military action unless they wanted radiation burn too. Nukes keep us safe from the trauma that's been inflicted upon you guys.

Someone's frustrated lol.
Your funny bro. First of all, the Saudis or another Arab country could start of by making little boy gun type nuclear bombs which are made with little expertise and just need a big amount of Uranium to work. Second of all, in the Vietnam war the U.S. lost 50000 troops, casualties are expected even when you have air superiority and naval superiority that's like calling the U.S. military weak. Saudi pilots are pretty good at their jobs, look at the two engagements with Iraqi and Iranian pilots in the 80s and 90s in which 4 planes were shot down by the Saudis while losing none. Third of all, yes an Arab country could defend against your WMDs by using the THAAD or Patriot Pac-3 against it which are very effective against MRBM which Pakistan uses. A Patriot or THAAD can engage numerous targets at once and would blunt the attacks even if Pakistan launched numerous missiles. Realistically the only real things Pakistan could use would be their missiles and their air force which lacks tankers and can be engaged by Patriots, MIM-23 Hawks, VL-MICA, and MANPADS and fighter jets. So in actual reality missiles are the only thing they can use and therefore they have no options that can work. Good game my friend.
Dear Friends, A racially categorized approach is not right at all. Let us not forget that there is a ww and post ww reality over the Arab world, and many of them are still under serious influence by US or Russia.

Of course, there are many important factors such as the trained workforce and the academic and industrial infrastructure, but the real issue is about the psychology of defeat as Sinan said.

I want to give an example, paradigm breaks at every industrial transformations. It seems that unmanned autonomous vehicles, whose impacts has been questioned until recently, will be the new way of world aviation in the next 100 years. In other words, there is a paradigm shifting in aviation. So who is investing in these technologies? Totally industrialized or developing economies.In fact, the majority of the problem is related to mentality. Need to work and show patience, with long-term structuring.
The simple fact is that not a single Arab country has the industrial capability to produce a tank.

While Turks,Pakistanis,Indonesians and even Iranians (despite sanctions) are developing their own systems.
The simple fact is that not a single Arab country has the industrial capability to produce a tank.

While Turks,Pakistanis,Indonesians and even Iranians (despite sanctions) are developing their own systems.
They have no need to right now but they should and very easily could. They have the money to make factories and the design process might be hard but I think they could develop a light tank or MBT after 8-9 or maybe more years.
Your funny bro. First of all, the Saudis or another Arab country could start of by making little boy gun type nuclear bombs which are made with little expertise and just need a big amount of Uranium to work. Second of all, in the Vietnam war the U.S. lost 50000 troops, casualties are expected even when you have air superiority and naval superiority that's like calling the U.S. military weak. Saudi pilots are pretty good at their jobs, look at the two engagements with Iraqi and Iranian pilots in the 80s and 90s in which 4 planes were shot down by the Saudis while losing none. Third of all, yes an Arab country could defend against your WMDs by using the THAAD or Patriot Pac-3 against it which are very effective against MRBM which Pakistan uses. A Patriot or THAAD can engage numerous targets at once and would blunt the attacks even if Pakistan launched numerous missiles. Realistically the only real things Pakistan could use would be their missiles and their air force which lacks tankers and can be engaged by Patriots, MIM-23 Hawks, VL-MICA, and MANPADS and fighter jets. So in actual reality missiles are the only thing they can use and therefore they have no options that can work. Good game my friend.
Hey kid, show me a single arab country producing any sophisticated or significant military weapon system.. excluding those fancy mraps and UAE assembled uavs.

Infact even most of saudi “products” like NIMR vehicle and UAV can be tracked down to Pakistani engs on LinkedIn.

Pakistan today is exporting almost a billion USD in arms.

From egyptian K-8s to Turkish Super Mushaks and from Iraq Saad APCs to Malaysian MANPADs .. Export variants of tanks to Burma and Bangladesh.. aswell as fighters to several countries are exported by Pakistan.

KSA bought a 100 million USD in small arms and munitions just from 1 Industrial Complex.. apart from buying 20 Super Mushak.. as did Qatar,Oman,Bahrain.

Even Syrians operate Pak SM.. the Bangladeshi even operate our old KRL-122.

They have no need to right now but they should and very easily could. They have the money to make factories and the design process might be hard but I think they could develop a light tank or MBT after 8-9 or maybe more years.
Yeah right.

Without any trained workmen, industrial complex,trained scientists anf engineers.. you can develop only as much.

Assembling FLIR pods under license doesnt mean you have mastered the technology.

We built submarines in our shipyards.. we have built and exported fleet tankers.

But it would still take Pakistan a considerable time to produce its own indigenous Submarine .. and we have a nuclear Sub project.

The best arab country could produce is Lightening pods assembled by saudis.
Hey kid, show me a single arab country producing any sophisticated or significant military weapon system.. excluding those fancy mraps and UAE assembled uavs.

Infact even most of saudi “products” like NIMR vehicle and UAV can be tracked down to Pakistani engs on LinkedIn.

Pakistan today is exporting almost a billion USD in arms.

From egyptian K-8s to Turkish Super Mushaks and from Iraq Saad APCs to Malaysian MANPADs .. Export variants of tanks to Burma and Bangladesh.. aswell as fighters to several countries are exported by Pakistan.

KSA bought a 100 million USD in small arms and munitions just from 1 Industrial Complex.. apart from buying 20 Super Mushak.. as did Qatar,Oman,Bahrain.

Even Syrians operate Pak SM.. the Bangladeshi even operate our old KRL-122.

Yeah right.

Without any trained workmen, industrial complex,trained scientists anf engineers.. you can develop only as much.

Assembling FLIR pods under license doesnt mean you have mastered the technology.

We built submarines in our shipyards.. we have built and exported fleet tankers.

But it would still take Pakistan a considerable time to produce its own indigenous Submarine .. and we have a nuclear Sub project.

The best arab country could produce is Lightening pods assembled by saudis.
Super Mushaks are license built Saab Safari with some upgrades so don't act like you made the design yourselves. K-8s are Chinese designs that you guys build don't pass it as yours. Your wrong about the MRAP thing as Saudi Arabia has built the Al-Fahd and Al-Faris-8-400 vehicles which are IFV type vehicles. Licensed production is more important and much easier than building things yourselves with many Arab countries choosing to go for them such as Jordan with the RPG-32, Saudi Arabia with the AT-14 Kornet,Tos-1A, and AGS-30. Pakistan has help from China when building their things, they don't do it alone as you seem to think and many engineers are Arab born as you don't seem to know. If you want to see what they are building please go to Made In KSA all right? @SC knows much more about this than me and could prove you are wrong much better than I can. I'm only half Arab and yet I know BS when I can see it. And don't call me kid F*ggot.
Arabs should stop letting themselves be dictated by foreign powers and should start setting an example for the Muslim world.

The Arabian gulf has huge natural resources and should create their own military industries and remilitarise.
Arabs should stop letting themselves be dictated by foreign powers and should start setting an example for the Muslim world.

The Arabian gulf has huge natural resources and should create their own military industries and remilitarise.
Exactly what I've been saying for a while now.
Super Mushaks are license built Saab Safari with some upgrades so don't act like you made the design yourselves.
SM is an advanced version sharing nothing with the old aircraft.

K-8s are Chinese designs that you guys build don't pass it as yours.

Your wrong about the MRAP thing as Saudi Arabia has built the Al-Fahd and Al-Faris-8-400 vehicles which are IFV type vehicles.
K-8 is a Sino Pak JV, with both countries sharing profits.

Al-fahd , how many in service or sold?

Mate a Pakistani private company came up with better product.
Licensed production is more important and much easier than building things yourselves with many Arab countries choosing to go for them such as Jordan with the RPG-32, Saudi Arabia with the AT-14 Kornet,Tos-1A, and AGS-30. Pakistan has help from China when building their things, they don't do it alone as you seem to think and many engineers are Arab born as you don't seem to know. If you want to see what they are building please go to Made In KSA all right? @SC knows much more about this than me and could prove you are wrong much better than I can. I'm only half Arab and yet I know BS when I can see it. And don't call me kid F*ggot.
Listen fukface, producing rockets under license doesnt give you any capability. You cant come up with your own seeker without OEM support.

As for made in KSA.. thats cute.. i believe Pakistan probably has more patents than entire gulf region.

Yes Pakistan got help from China.. we started by setting up an ordinance and tank repair factory in the 60s, sending sounding rockets in the 70s.

You arabs in industrial capability are still in the 60s & 70s. Producing fancy military trucks on toyota chasis and small arms.
First of all, the Saudis or another Arab country could start of by making little boy gun type nuclear bombs which are made with little expertise and just need a big amount of Uranium to work.

And then NATO would breathe down their necks and force them to stop. If they didn't listen, they'd get the Iraq treatment.

, casualties are expected

It's not the fact that there are casualties, it's that they're simply far higher than they should be. Over 2,000 coalition soldiers have been killed, almost two dozen aircraft and tanks have been destroyed (a lot of them due to accidents might I add), and friendly fire has been rampant. In comparison, of the over 11,000 dead Yemenis, more than 90% of them are estimated to be civilians.

Saudi pilots are pretty good at their jobs


ook at the two engagements with Iraqi and Iranian pilots in the 80s and 90s in which 4 planes were shot down by the Saudis while losing none.

Shooting down old, crappy Iraqi 3rd gen planes with F-15's a couple of times isn't much of an achievement. Especially when the Iraqis themselves are also Arab, so you still haven't proven me wrong.

yes an Arab country could defend against your WMDs

No, you can't. Even if you hypothetically had proper ABM systems, they don't cover enough territory and would simply get overwhelmed by the sheer number of missiles bombarding them. We've also got MIRV to counter that anyway.
Well this turned into anti arab topic real fast lol. Arabs are muslims so brothers in religion. Not to mention they stood by us in time of need and we did the same for many arab nations.

We love arabs. But we would like the arab brothers to fight less as clearly wars don't work out for arabs very well. We should maoe sure we protect them.

No pakistani ever should he anti arab or anti chinese both of these people are very good friends of pakistaniz
Your funny bro. First of all, the Saudis or another Arab country could start of by making little boy gun type nuclear bombs which are made with little expertise and just need a big amount of Uranium to work.
I really hate to rain on your parade,but where exactly would you get the highly enriched uranium from in the first place to actually build this crude nuke......which would likely not have that much actual military usefulness on account of its bulk and weight.
I really hate to rain on your parade,but where exactly would you get the highly enriched uranium from in the first place to actually build this crude nuke......which would likely not have that much actual military usefulness on account of its bulk and weight.
Jordan has 80000 tons of uranium and saudi Arabia has a great amount lying in the desert so there's where you would get uranium. I know it isn't efficient but it would work as a deterrent until a thermonuclear one could be built or the plans for one could come from Pakistan.

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