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Arab nations offered to pay for Syria strike: Kerry

All the more reasons to call upon either China or Russia. At least they could serve as peacekeepers. Ply them with enough oil or women, especially women since China needs them, and both will come. They have the hardware and the manpower.

Lol at the China reference.

But anyways, from what it appears, it seems like even President Obama himself isn't very excited about participating in the Syrian conflict. Even the majority of Americans aren't supporting it..

"56 percent of adults say the U.S. should not intervene and 19 percent support action, a new poll from Reuters/Ipsos reported"

Majority of Americans don't want Syria intervention: poll - Washington Times
If that is enough to make US the good guys, we got no beef with that. So why no one called China or Russia?

You made a mistake & clearly lack common sense, I corrected you just move on (However I do respect you for your knowledge)

Not need to turn into a off-Post debate. (I was talking in general)

So why no one called China or Russia? & Now that is a silly/weak question & dont expect this from members like you!

You know it/I know it no need to write it all up, if you really wanna know make a thread & we will discuss it there/alongside other senior members.
CD is young, while he doesn't understand the significant relationship between China and KSA.

Screw Russia, they were acting like they are a superpower who can scare off USA, so now they are going to eat their own words when USA truly invading Syria.

China has already said it is unacceptable for both side to use the chemical weapons, if Assad's regime has used it, they are going to pay for it for sure.

BTW, China is going 100% neutral on the Syrian crisis, just like Russia is neutral between China and US-Japan pivot in Asia.

People today might just stand by and watch once again naked aggression take place against a sovereign state, and then later mourn about it as they now do over the Iraq war, the result of which over 1 million Iraqis dead and no WMD's. But i'm afraid the crocodile tears won't do much when its too late.

I'm no Assad fan, since he must go, but neither will i tolerate naked aggression against Syria from a personal view point.

When Syria falls, it will become a nesting ground and major hot bed of extremism, as did Afghanistan, as did Iraq, as did Libya, and as will Syria if this naked aggression will be allowed to take place. No country will be safe, including your very own China. And your country will have no way of striking back against the training camps in Syria, and if you do strike back somehow you will be seen as an aggressor by the Arabs and they will declare a global Jihad against you. You do know what that would mean right??? Hint: Chechnya.
CD is young, while he doesn't understand the significant relationship between China and KSA.

Screw Russia, they were acting like they are a superpower who can scare off USA, so now they are going to eat their own words when USA truly invading Syria.

China has already said it is unacceptable for both side to use the chemical weapons, if Assad's regime has used it, they are going to pay for it for sure.

BTW, China is going 100% neutral on the Syrian crisis, just like Russia is neutral between China and US-Japan pivot in Asia.

Brother do you think it is alright for the US Army to attack Syria?
I think Russia will also eventually give up Syria, since Putin is already looking for an excuse to withdraw from the proxy game in Syria.

Putin says Russia could support strike on Syria - latimes.com

I don't know if you've read the entire article, but it seems that they are giving continued support unless the chemical attacks are actually proven to be from Assad's army. But so far, the evidence is showing that it's in fact the rebels that did it, which is not surprising.
People today might just stand by and watch once again naked aggression take place against a sovereign state, and then later mourn about it as they now do over the Iraq war, the result of which over 1 million Iraqis dead and no WMD's. But i'm afraid the crocodile tears won't do much when its too late.

I'm no Assad fan, since he must go, but neither will i tolerate naked aggression against Syria from a personal view point.

When Syria falls, it will become a nesting ground and major hot bed of extremism, as did Afghanistan, as did Iraq, as did Libya, and as will Syria if this naked aggression will be allowed to take place. No country will be safe, including your very own China. And your country will have no way of striking back against the training camps in Syria, and if you do strike back somehow you will be seen as an aggressor by the Arabs and they will declare a global Jihad against you. You do know what that would mean right??? Hint: Chechnya.

Russia is looking for a Russia-China duo-alliance to support Syria, but we say it is about the right time since even with our combine naval force is still no match against USA not within our projection boundary.

We did abstain our veto against the no-fly zone against Libya, Russia did immediately follow this decision.

Yep, Gadaffi was an anti-China a$$hole, but he was a good friend of Russia, Russia shouldn't abandon him, but Russia decided to follow our option to abandon him.

Brother do you think it is alright for the US Army to attack Syria?

It is not right, but we don't have the power to stop it, so stop moaning about Syria.

We should think not to ruin our relationship with our Saudi friends.

I don't know if you've read the entire article, but it seems that they are giving continued support unless the chemical attacks are actually proven to be from Assad's army. But so far, the evidence is showing that it's in fact the rebels that did it, which is not surprising.

Whether is Assad or Rebels used the chemical weapons, it will not be relevant, Russia will close an eye even it is evident.

Russia is looking to withdraw.
Whether is Assad or Rebels used it is not relevant, Russia will close an eye even it is evident.

Russia is looking to withdraw.

They aren't supporting the Assad regime just for fun, they have a lot to lose. Russia will not only lose face to the West, but lose a trading partner as well as its naval presence in the Mediterranean. But yeah, against international pressure, they may have to let go. But it appears that they won't allow something like this to happen and allow it to escalate this far again, especially not with a country of interest.
They aren't supporting the Assad regime just for fun, they have a lot to lose. Russia will not only lose face to the West, but lose a trading partner as well as its naval presence in the Mediterranean.

Well, you lose your foothold in Syria, while this will push you to focus more on your traditional backward, e.g Central Asia.
It is not right, but we don't have the power to stop it, so stop moaning about Syria.

We should think not to ruin our relationship with our Saudi friends.

I don't support any kind of intervention. Obviously we should stay out of it.

I'm not a fan of American imperialism either.
I don't support any kind of intervention. Obviously we should stay out of it.

I'm not a fan of American imperialism either.

The US imperialism is the worst aggressor of the mankind, but you don't have the power to fight it right now.

China is now playing the defensive role, the most important thing for us right now is to improve the economy, get rid of the corruption and kill off the pro-West libtards.
Because we are the good guys.

Nope, because we brainless...we lost our touch and savvy. we went from inventors and builders to nothing, the only thing left for us to keep the economy churning is by going to war...war create destruction, destruction call for construction....

Sure as the pollution in Hong Kong, they did not call on China
We thought HH belong to China

despite the fact they know China will vote anything against the US.

In the "contest" of the smarts, China has leg up on us...They can't sell us good if we are broke...So they will vote against us, to keep us churning there factories...We should learn from them...
Why would we when our back is being taken care of?

The jackal when he can't reach the grapes, he tell his brood that they are not ripe...You wouldn't, because you can't! And it is not your back that is being taken care off, for most of us is well below that.

A gift from all of us..
Things don't run that way, maintaing oil prices is important to keep Iran and Russian in check
Oil prices are not set by Saudi arabia, Russia or Iran ...Its New York stock Market and London that have more input.


When China and Russia pocked their noses into the issue it isn't our business any more.

You farmed out the issue?:omghaha: the joke of the week..
I think their weapons are either just for show, or they are saving them for someone else. :pop:
... For show...you have to know how they function

Saving them for someone else...I agree with you on that...Not hard to guess the identity of the "someone"
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