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Arab nations offered to pay for Syria strike: Kerry

Assad cannot defeat every other nation in the middle east, his army has lost ground to a bunch of untrained folk with basic weaponry.

That's not what I said.

And also, not everyone is against Assad.

Untrained and basic weaponry? Maybe a couple of months ago, but not anymore -- not with the support they are getting from foreigners.

How did we not scream to others intervening n Syria as we speak, Its a world issue right now not Arab issue.

You country has turned it into a world issue. Oh wait, let me rephrase that: your country is part of the bloc that has created the "issue".
Okay fair enough, but why don't you guys interfere when you got enough hardware. Your army alone could overrun Syria with the juice you guys have let alone all Arab states.

Our Hardware is for us and us only and not for others, We have armed the FSA to the teeth and we have done a lot in term of humanitarian assistance, we will not give our enemies the advantages they look for.

You country has turned it into a world issue. Oh wait, let me rephrase that: your country is part of the bloc that has created the "issue".

And you cant do anything about it except whining from behind your screen.
Your country is the leader of the Arab world,leave the patriotism(even im critical about my country for not interfering)aside.
Give my your personal opinion,as the leader of the Arabworld,shouldnt you lead the way and others would follow?
Okay fair enough, but why don't you guys interfere when you got enough hardware. Your army alone could overrun Syria with the juice you guys have let alone all Arab states.

Its quite simple, currently its a proxy war within a civil war, with non-state actors going in, direct military action by any other state intervening would make it a full on regional war and it will give others the license to go in, which is Iraq, Lebanon, Iran and Turkey and whoever else wanted to. That is an escalation to a different level.

But when the lone superpower acts out of humanitarian concern, with some good evidence of Assad's crime, everyone will stay quiet, because they cannot attack the US. Hope you see it now. Might is right, that is how it always has been and will always be. And in this case, I do not object to it, the US should have intervened a lot sooner, so many lives could be saved and extremists would not be needed to fill the gap. Obama is as clueless and callous as they come, what a joke. At least now he is doing the right thing.
Your country is the leader of the Arab world,leave the patriotism(even im critical about my country for not interfering)aside.
Give my your personal opinion,as the leader of the Arabworld,shouldnt you lead the way and others would follow?

My country has a lot to worry about, other regional issues. Only if we can get a political cover in the UN certainly we will.
Our Hardware is for us and us only and not for others, We have armed the FSA to the teeth and we have done a lot in term of humanitarian assistance, we will not give our enemies the advantages they look for.

Fair enough but remember other countries can say the same thing and look the other way.
Your country is the leader of the Arab world,leave the patriotism(even im critical about my country for not interfering)aside.
Give my your personal opinion,as the leader of the Arabworld,shouldnt you lead the way and others would follow?

You think we or Syria, Egypt, Algeria wil. consider them the leader? What you just wrote is an unrealistic opinion.
And you cant do anything about it except whining from behind your screen.

That's right, I can't. All I have to do is sit back and relax, and wait for the day when it catches up to you. Although it may appear right now that your relationship with foreigners is more important than countries in the Middle East and that money can get you through anything, in reality, your country appears to be isolating itself for the long term.


You think we or Syria, Egypt, Algeria wil. consider them the leader? What you just wrote is an unrealistic opinion.

Maybe they are right now, but their long term prospects don't look very good.
That's not what I said.

And also, not everyone is against Assad.

Untrained and basic weaponry? Maybe a couple of months ago, but not anymore -- not with the support they are getting from foreigners.

All the Arab states that matter militarily are and that is who I am talking about. OK they got better weapons now but they still not trained in warfare.
It's not a question of why Arab nations allow USA to do the work, it's a matter of the capability to do so... The Middle East is like a ticking bomb to the point where anything can happen if another nation like Turkey, or Israel attacks alone.

Inside sources tell me that we will use UN Peace Keeping troops once our attack is over to safe guard the chemical weapons. Also, our attack won't be limited, it will change the tide of the civil war.... ****... did I say to much?
It's not a question of why Arab nations allow USA to do the work, it's a matter of the capability to do so... The Middle East is like a ticking bomb to the point where anything can happen if another nation like Turkey, or Israel attacks alone.

Inside sources tell me that we will use UN Peace Keeping troops once our attack is over to safe guard the chemical weapons. Also, our attack won't be limited, it will change the tide of the civil war.... ****... did I say to much?

And how do you plan on dealing with Russia?
I know what you mean but you could beat the others to,i wouldnt worry.

We would but why do we need to flip things upside down? Like drive world's economy into a situation that doesn't fall under our interests? I don't think Turkey will be happy about it either? Do you want Iran to skirt sanctions, sell much oil, Russia enjoys high prices? Save the headache, pay the bill and you are good to go.

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