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Arab nations offered to pay for Syria strike: Kerry

What good are the billions of dollars that Arabs spend on their military if they are so incompetent that they cannot use them and have to call USA to save them.
Why would we when our back is being taken care of? Sorry but we would like to maintain the current oil prices unless China wants its economy to crumble due to high oil prices which she cant afford!!.

Oil prices will soar no matter who invades Syria.

I just thought Arab Muslims who own significant military firepower would want to take care of their own business, rather than inviting Westerners like the USA to do it.
Oil prices will soar no matter who invades Syria.

I just thought Arab Muslims who own significant military firepower would want to take care of their own business, rather than inviting Westerners like the USA to do it.

Things don't run that way, maintaing oil prices is important to keep Iran and Russian in check.

Oil prices will soar no matter who invades Syria.

I just thought Arab Muslims who own significant military firepower would want to take care of their own business, rather than inviting Westerners like the USA to do it.

When China and Russia pocked their noses into the issue it isn't our business any more.
Oil prices will soar no matter who invades Syria.

I just thought Arab Muslims who own significant military firepower would want to take care of their own business, rather than inviting Westerners like the USA to do it.

They don't want to get their hands dirty, especially not at the risk of entering into something that we haven't seen in a very long time: A war where the winner isn't decided as soon as the war begins.

Yes, let's return to the topic. I know you're very embarrassed having been exposed as an extremist who thinks unarmed civilians are "animals" - when you go to such lengths to show people on here how 'tolerant' you are.

Anyway, back on topic.

Let us hope the Arabs do pay. If they aren't prepared to use their shiny American toys, then at least cough up the cash.

As if this is something new..

The Arabs have been coughing up cash for almost everything that's been happening in the Middle East lately. Wealthy Arabs with powerful friends, knocking down the weaker Arabs.
Why call America?

America has already invaded 3 Muslim countries in the past decade alone, now it's yet another Muslim country, Syria.

The Gulf nations have more than enough military firepower to do it themselves. So why call America, was 3 invasions of Muslim nations in one decade not enough?

Is it going to be 4 now?

I think their weapons are either just for show, or they are saving them for someone else. :pop:
I think their weapons are either just for show, or they are saving them for someone else. :pop:

Their weapons aren't powerful enough to allow them to win the war instantly. There is a chance they might get fucked over, lose and that's why they don't want to take the risk. Plus they don't want to look bad in front of the whole world, especially not in the Middle East. And why do it yourself when someone else is willing to do it for you?
Remind me please how did turkey react when Assad downed one of your jets with two pilots on board? Or to that deadly attack inside your borders killing Turkish citizens? You have it now do you?:blah:
As you know from many of my previous posts,im all for action(even then)but my chicken government hasnt got the balls(thats what i meant with IT incase you didnt know).
You know as well as i do that the best way to deal with Syria is an Arab intervention.
So who hasnt got it?
Remind me please how did turkey react when Assad downed one of your jets with two pilots on board? Or to that deadly attack inside your borders killing Turkish citizens? You have it now do you?:blah:

Well if Turkey interferes you guys will scream that they are meddling in Arab affairs like you do with Iran, so why don't you guys interfere bro you got the hardware. :pop:
I think their weapons are either just for show, or they are saving them for someone else. :pop:

I think we don't live in a barbaric world my friend, We have borders and better not be to be crossed. Let the international community bare its responsibilities toward the issue why do we have to open another front?!! We have done a lot so far while others just Blah from behind the keyboards.
Their weapons aren't powerful enough to allow them to win the war instantly. There is a chance they might get fucked over, lose and that's why they don't want to take the risk. Plus they don't want to look bad in front of the whole world, especially not in the Middle East. And why do it yourself when someone else is willing to do it for you?

Assad cannot defeat every other nation in the middle east, his army has lost ground to a bunch of untrained folk with basic weaponry.
How did we not scream to others intervening n Syria as we speak, Its a world issue right now not Arab issue.

Okay fair enough, but why don't you guys interfere when you got enough hardware. Your army alone could overrun Syria with the juice you guys have let alone all Arab states.
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