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Arab nations offered to pay for Syria strike: Kerry

People today might just stand by and watch once again naked aggression take place against a sovereign state, and then later mourn about it as they now do over the Iraq war, the result of which over 1 million Iraqis dead and no WMD's. But i'm afraid the crocodile tears won't do much when its too late.

I'm no Assad fan, since he must go, but neither will i tolerate naked aggression against Syria from a personal view point.

When Syria falls, it will become a nesting ground and major hot bed of extremism, as did Afghanistan, as did Iraq, as did Libya, and as will Syria if this naked aggression will be allowed to take place. No country will be safe, including your very own China. And your country will have no way of striking back against the training camps in Syria, and if you do strike back somehow you will be seen as an aggressor by the Arabs and they will declare a global Jihad against you. You do know what that would mean right??? Hint: Chechnya.

But what you want us to do? Syria already got our large phase radar, so maybe they can survive against the strike from F-22/B-2.



But it is hard to survive against the strike of the Tomahawks from the Aegis DDG.

It is too risk for China to provide them the DF-21D ASBM.
It's not a question of why Arab nations allow USA to do the work, it's a matter of the capability to do so... The Middle East is like a ticking bomb to the point where anything can happen if another nation like Turkey, or Israel attacks alone.

Inside sources tell me that we will use UN Peace Keeping troops once our attack is over to safe guard the chemical weapons. Also, our attack won't be limited, it will change the tide of the civil war.... ****... did I say to much?

Your sources?

My sources told me that Obama won't get his vote, and he will accommodate with Assad until Syria is cleaned of djihadis. My sources told me too that the actual king pf KSA will be pushed to retirement as the Qatari one, for failing to stop his security services from providing chemical rocket to the djihadis to be used in Syria.
of course those puppets will pay their masters to destroy another Arab nation... they are known for calling their masters to destroy other Arab nations...
of course those puppets will pay their masters to destroy another Arab nation... they are known for calling their masters to destroy other Arab nations...

As if something left to be destroyed. The coward Assad and his thugs from Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Russia and elsewhere have demolished the whole country, even animals, birds weren't not spared. So yes we will do whatever it takes to bring all of em down even if we had to ally with the Beelzebub.
Lol at the China reference.

But anyways, from what it appears, it seems like even President Obama himself isn't very excited about participating in the Syrian conflict. Even the majority of Americans aren't supporting it..

"56 percent of adults say the U.S. should not intervene and 19 percent support action, a new poll from Reuters/Ipsos reported"

Majority of Americans don't want Syria intervention: poll - Washington Times
This is not about American public opinion or about the US President, but about the Arab world and why does not the Arabs call upon Russia or China?

Say the US decided not to get involved. Do you really think they would call up on either Russia or China then? It is a joke that either of them will get involve. Everybody knows it. It is not that they do not have the manpower or the hardware. It is that they do not have the courage, the skills, and the respect.

When the need is humanitarian, the US is expected not just to participate but to lead. And when the need is to put down a rabid dog, same...
As if something left to be destroyed. The coward Assad and his thugs from Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Russia and elsewhere have demolished the whole country, even animals, birds weren't not spared. So yes we will do whatever it takes to bring all of em down even if we had to ally with the Beelzebub.

you? you can't even dare to do it, you asked your master to do it for you hahaha.... TRAITORS...
But what you want us to do? Syria already got our large phase radar, so maybe they can survive against the strike from F-22/B-2.
Did you clasp your hands in prayer before you post that? :lol:

It is too risk for China to provide them the DF-21D ASBM.
The DF-21D have yet to perform open water testing. So please spare us your feeble attempt at 'military analysis'.
the Arabs just want new sahawat in Syria, thugs in Egypt, ... someone anyone to brutalize any free mouvement in the ME
We Arab Muslims do not consider Child-Murderers and Pagans to be our "brothers" or "sisters".

The Child-Murderer, his Pagan sect and his Child-Murdering supporters will be dealt with. If the West can help with that or anybody else for that matter then that is fine.

Syria must be a free country once again ruled by Muslim Arabs and loyal to their fellow Muslims and Arabs.
Your sources?

My sources told me that Obama won't get his vote, and he will accommodate with Assad until Syria is cleaned of djihadis. My sources told me too that the actual king pf KSA will be pushed to retirement as the Qatari one, for failing to stop his security services from providing chemical rocket to the djihadis to be used in Syria.

Let's who's sources are more reliable.
"One who digs trench for others falls in it him self one day", Natures way of doing justice. What US is gonna do with its allies in Syria, must have been done by other Arab countries them selves

Why call America?

America has already invaded 3 Muslim countries in the past decade alone, now it's yet another Muslim country, Syria.

The Gulf nations have more than enough military firepower to do it themselves. So why call America, was 3 invasions of Muslim nations in one decade not enough?

Is it going to be 4 now?

In near future most of the Govts. in Arab countries will be US puppets n stooges. despite rich in money n high tech weapons these arab countries are awful in diplomacy
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