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Arab descriptions of early medieval South Asia

Ahhh, interesting yes. I see what you mean now.

It looks as though that seems to be the case, if the female offspring are displaying more of the traits of the original female population (native) and the male offspring are displaying more of the traits of the original male population (indo-european). As to the genetic reason, i'm not sure as to why this would happen, but i'm sure they're trying to find reasons why. It maybe unique to this group specifically, but generally it's not the rule. The only rule i can think of is the correllation between mtDNA U and blondism in european women. So girls typically will inherit blondness from a mtDNA hg U mother, even if the father is dark haired. I suppose inbreeding is one hypothesis, but you're right, this happened in many ancient peoples.

we can (hypothetically) say that the entire South Asian brown skinned dark haired people are the result of miscegenation between Caucasoid Y Chromosomes and Mongoloid mtDNAs. May be a little bit of Negroid mtDNAs played a role there. this may explain why misogyny is ingrained in the society. its really very interesting...
Proof of this OTHER SPECIES please! The clay like substance is us humans incase you dont know, we Humans have the SAME composition as clay....and if you want to be called an ape's descendant be it! But you stand alone with your group........!

Hope you don't believe Dinosaurs existed at the same time as Hazrat Adam ah. Do you or don't you?


What if man and ape descended from the same specie.

The one who used brain became humans.

the one who didn't. Well call them Mullahs or apes or whatever.
Wow interesting, i had no idea females could work their way up like that but males couldn't. So the caste system subjugated the native Y-chromosomes?

The native Y Chromosomes simply died out as the females were all enslaved and used as factories to produce children. the invading male population wanted to multiply the number by doing so. the native Y chromosome was just exterminated.

the book is Madhushree Mukherjee's Land of the Naked People, partly available on google books. Bamshad's study is available on internet.
we can (hypothetically) say that the entire South Asian brown skinned dark haired people are are result of miscegenation between Caucasoid Y Chromosomes and Mongoloid mtDNAs. May be a little bit of Negroid mtDNAs played a role there. this may explain why misogyny is ingrained in the society. its really very interesting...

Definitely, for sure. I think it's also possible that Indo-european men were predominantly dark-haired with minority of Red. And it could be argued that the main reason for blondism in Europe is a result of inter-marrying native European women and killing their men also (which resulted in the minority status of haplogroup I). R1b for example, seems to become more concentrated the further West one travels. The funny thing is that so does dark hair. Ireland for example, is more dark-haired than England, etc etc.

A good example is Prince Philip who was very blonde, he married a dark haired woman (Elizabeth II) and produced dark-haired Prince Charles.
Prince Charles married a blonde woman (Diana), produced blonde/red haired children.
Definitely, for sure. I think it's also possible that Indo-european men were predominantly dark-haired with minority of Red. And it could be argued that the main reason for blondism in Europe is a result of inter-marrying native European women and killing their men also (which resulted in the minority status of haplogroup I). R1b for example, seems to become more concentrated the further West one travels. The funny thing is that so does dark hair. Ireland for example, is more dark-haired than England, etc etc.

A good example is Prince Philip who was very blonde, he married a dark haired woman (Elizabeth II) and produced dark-haired Prince Charles.
Prince Charles married a blonde woman (Diana), produced blonde/red haired children.

I think females from Homo Nienderthalensis played a vital role in the creation of blondism in Europe as in East Asia Homo Floresiensis, found in the Java region, are responsible for East Asian/Mongoloid origin. may be. i could be wrong though.
Hope you don't believe Dinosaurs existed at the same time as Hazrat Adam ah. Do you or don't you?


What if man and ape descended from the same specie.

The one who used brain became humans.

the one who didn't. Well call them Mullahs or apes or whatever.
Bring forward your proof and we will look into it! :D
Umair,I have no hate or wrong feelings towards urdu or for that matter any language spoken by anyone.

I said one doesn't need to speak a sophistictaed language to feel proud or even one spoken by majority people of the world,even an amazonian's tribes dialect is as proud for them as our languages for us.

Sanskrit is a religious language and not mere religious.of cultural significance and it has organically merged with most languages of India.

It is like arabic for the arabs,just that they call everything arabic even the aramaic and others mixed totally.

The problem starts once u say that this is an indian language and comprises of the languages of india.

By saying this u yrself make these regional languages country specific!!!!!!

When we say u that we r arabs n turks then u dont accept then when we try to own this regional cultures, legacies then u disown us by labeling them Indian Languages/culture/music only.

U should say that these r part of the SA legacy jointly shared by everyone. Because even when we go outside country they hear us from Pakistan n when we tell them that this is the land of Pakistan n her legacy then they say that its indian owned not yrs. Then we say that then u see where they exist physically then they just go dumb n abuse india for misinformation it spreads. This my personal experience Im specifically talking about Alexander,Sanskrit and Taxila these tree were in topics that me my foreign friends discussed.

Yr Sanskrit+Hinduism was born in this land of pure n u say that they r india specific cutting their connection with us:lol:
So what else u expect us how to react.

Visit this thread.


Peshawar University has departments of every language spoken or dead in SA n world. And for yr info its department of Sanskrit has highest collection of sanskrit scripts in the entire world known.
It was oldest n still is the biggest centre in SA working on this dead language n trying to revive it from ashes.
Its working on it even before independence and is Universities oldest department n oldest known in world to be working on this language.

It qa sub department of Institute of Archaeology and Social Anthropology, University of Peshawar.


But do we see u people even giving us a pat on the back acts like these?
No we dont but u dont stop here but even go in the extend that u tell the world that these r yr languages/cultures.

The problem starts once u say that this is an indian language and comprises of the languages of india.

By saying this u yrself make these regional languages country specific!!!!!!

When we say u that we r arabs n turks then u dont accept then when we try to own this regional cultures, legacies then u disown us by labeling them Indian Languages/culture/music only.

U should say that these r part of the SA legacy jointly shared by everyone. Because even when we go outside country they hear us from Pakistan n when we tell them that this is the land of Pakistan n her legacy then they say that its indian owned not yrs. Then we say that then u see where they exist physically then they just go dumb n abuse india for misinformation it spreads. This my personal experience Im specifically talking about Alexander,Sanskrit and Taxila these tree were in topics that me my foreign friends discussed.

Yr Sanskrit+Hinduism was born in this land of pure n u say that they r india specific cutting their connection with us:lol:
So what else u expect us how to react.

Visit this thread.


Peshawar University has departments of every language spoken or dead in SA n world. And for yr info its department of Sanskrit has highest collection of sanskrit scripts in the entire world known.
It was oldest n still is the biggest centre in SA working on this dead language n trying to revive it from ashes.
Its working on it even before independence and is Universities oldest department n oldest known in world to be working on this language.

But do we see u people even giving us a pat on the back acts like these?
No we dont but u dont stop here but even go in the extend that u tell the world that these r yr languages/cultures.


I do not have any right to stop people of your country of showing their links,but in reality i often see the opposite.

I dont go by strict political camping this way or the other,

Forget about a pat,i dont see people of Pak as mere hot blooded jingoist stereotypes,am aware of many intellectuals/linguistics/researchers existing there.

Aren't we hindus not forced to take this action,

You people of the book are ready to raise the sword after a single initial disagreement,we either perish as martyrs of an old civilization or survive with the talwars in our fists.

I am forced to make languages/ideas/notions/culture country specific.

I dont believe in silly patents,who invented atta/who invented raajma chaawal,nobody has a right to say this is mine and thats yours,thats a habit of the western powers to consolidate their wealth.

But i do see many muslims give up habits of their forefathers once they complete,i can understand the spiritual things like idol worship etc but cultural beliefs etc etc.

why cant a muslim be a vegetarian?
I do not have any right to stop people of your country of showing their links,but in reality i often see the opposite.

I dont go by strict political camping this way or the other,

Forget about a pat,i dont see people of Pak as mere hot blooded jingoist stereotypes,am aware of many intellectuals/linguistics/researchers existing there.

Aren't we hindus not forced to take this action,

You people of the book are ready to raise the sword after a single initial disagreement,we either perish as martyrs of an old civilization or survive with the talwars in our fists.

I am forced to make languages/ideas/notions/culture country specific.

I dont believe in silly patents,who invented atta/who invented raajma chaawal,nobody has a right to say this is mine and thats yours,thats a habit of the western powers to consolidate their wealth.

But i do see many muslims give up habits of their forefathers once they complete,i can understand the spiritual things like idol worship etc but cultural beliefs etc etc.

why cant a muslim be a vegetarian?
Stupid kid.

Read the links i shared with u.
Stupid kid.

Read the links i shared with u.

I have read those links even before,primarily the people of those areas and culture where you live now moved on into India.

Even until partition,44% of the population east of the Indus was not muslim.

so,sorry dude.

you cant be both,just accept the invader tag,barbarian babur/taimur/ghazni/ghori is your identity.

try researching into more advanced cultures like ours to get better in life.

I have read those links even before,primarily the people of those areas and culture where you live now moved on into India.

Even until partition,44% of the population east of the Indus was not muslim.

so,sorry dude.

you cant be both,just accept the invader tag,barbarian babur/taimur/ghazni/ghori is your identity.

try researching into more advanced cultures like ours to get better in life.

LOL Contrary to yr popular gov's propaganda of minorities here. The early stats shows that Official non muslims after things got settled down were nowhere near those what u claim it was less then 10% thats according to gov's official stats.
Bring forward your proof and we will look into it! :D

Ever spent time with a book called Quran ?

It's all in there, read it objectively. pay full attention to this part. Lets see how much can you concentrate.

26 And indeed, We created man from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud.

27 And the jinn, We created afore time from the smokeless flame of fire.

28 And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "I am going to create a man (Adam) from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud.

29 "So, when I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him (Adam) the soul which I created for him, then fall (you) down prostrating yourselves unto him."

Why did God need to make man from clay from earth ?
Why is God illustrating this Formula / technique again and again in Quran ?
Pay attention, the soul is breathed INTO man alternatively "Blown" into man.
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