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Arab descriptions of early medieval South Asia

well if u think so , then i m sorry.
it wasnt my intention at all....all i said was marauders were marauders, it has nothing to do with the religious inclinations of my ppl.
islam , may be diagonally different than hinduism, but it brought us the diversity we always aspired.
u know the value of diversity.
for a population of a little more than 25 million, u guys are a cosmos of diversity urself - punjabis, sindhis, baloch, pustoons, pathans, afghans, turks, arabs. if u point out that diversity, u dont become a hateful maniac. its also a possibility that u are in fact, proud to be a part of this cosmos.
but then if u r having fun in pissing me off by writing one-liners, be my guest.

why would I want to pissss you off, you said what you believed, dont need no apologies or anything.
A politically correct comment, but not based on reality.

Muslim invaders in particular and their hatred is used to justify violence by groups. Despite the fact, the many others also invaded and not just some opportunistic muslims.

In gujarat this is true.

everyone hates invaders, but to treat their co religionists as outsiders in the 21st century is wrong.
invaders are invaders, one hates them irrespective of their religion or cultural inclinations.
and i dont know where u got the idea (from my posts) that i treat muslims as outsiders or implicate them for the actions of the marauders. todays muslims had no connection with the invasions/raids. hell they were the victims themselves.
rabid anti muslim or anti hindu mentalities are found in remote areas in the minds of illiterate n ill informed ppl, not me.
Is this India or South Asia, I think we need to distinguish between the two. Usually Arabs came to South Asia through Sindh which is Pakistan.

I think, Indians should not use the world India to describe South Asia, India is not synonymous of South Asia.

Yes yes they came to Pakistan and met some ****** there... lol! use common sense... there was no pakistan then...
Yes yes they came to Pakistan and met some ****** there... lol! use common sense... there was no pakistan then...

India is not synonymous of South Asia.

South Asia is a geographical term, or what we call beraisaghir, while India is the name of British colony which British established in South Asia.

It is offensive when Indians use the term, India to describe South Asia.

:hitwall: is irritating to watch people spew cr@p on things they know nothing about

They know nothing about? I'm talking about DNA. Genetic evidence. Haplogroup R1 is indicative of Indo-European origins. This is not my opinion, go and look at any DNA analysis taken from subcontinental people. I'd ask you not to be so emotional, but clearly that is too much to ask of someone who emotionally immature. Hopefully you'll learn one day though.

How about you shove your stormcunt crap back into the hole and leave before mods ban you.

Again, foul language, more emotional immaturity, why so upset? None of that was my opinion, it's taken from DNA analysis by people from your own country and also Pakistan. Clearly i've struck a vital nerve, in a very sensitive being. Go and ask your GP for some treatment in testosterone production. Hopefully it'll clear up your emotional sensitivities. It's called TRT.
I think its absolutely clear. The area between himalayas and Indian ocean, ie todays Indian subcontient or todays "Sooth Asia" as you would call it for reasons known well to us, is known as "Bharat Varsh" since thousands of years before even Islam and arbi kasim came to India.

pakistan is just an artificial construct in Bharat-Varsha.
except for the bold part i totally second u.
u know the place between the gangetic plains(heart of indian civilization) and persian/arab civilization lies the indus valley. the ppl there had been consistently subjected to changes in culture/religion/language etc etc coz thats where the path to india lies. due to these changes, the modern day pakistanis have metamorphosed themselves into a different breed, not unique, but different.
They know nothing about? I'm talking about DNA. Genetic evidence. Haplogroup R1 is indicative of Indo-European origins. This is not my opinion, go and look at any DNA analysis taken from subcontinental people. I'd ask you not to be so emotional, but clearly that is too much to ask of someone who emotionally immature. Hopefully you'll learn one day though.

Again, foul language, more emotional immaturity, why so upset? None of that was my opinion, it's taken from DNA analysis by people from your own country and also Pakistan. Clearly i've struck a vital nerve, in a very sensitive being. Go and ask your GP for some treatment in testosterone production. Hopefully it'll clear up your emotional sensitivities. It's called TRT.

You can be proud of your Indo-European or whatever genes God has gifted you with. The rest of us Indians are proud of how we are, ethnically, culturally, religously, etc...
LOL if they were so advance as claimed in article then why couldnt they name their kind? and country?

Hindu and Hindustan was the name given to them from Muslim who first visited this area for trade. Its a Geographical Definition.

No they have names for their country and it is Bharat.

all that contributes to restriction by sea travel in Hindu religion the idea that everything not hindu is dirty and they should stay away from it like in old days hindus were not allowed to cross River Sutluj...so if you dont come to them they will come to you and everyone did

They came because central asia is a dry dead desert.
India is not synonymous of South Asia.

South Asia is a geographical term, or what we call beraisaghir, while India is the name of British colony which British established in South Asia.

It is offensive when Indians use the term, India to describe South Asia.


Ancient India was synonymous to South Asia. Current India is not. This thread is with respect to ancient India.

Pakistanis and BDeshis converted to Islam, and made a seperate identity for themselves. Good for you guys :tup: Current India is just the continuin legacy of ancient India, but only smaller in size...
India is not synonymous of South Asia.

South Asia is a geographical term, or what we call beraisaghir, while India is the name of British colony which British established in South Asia.

It is offensive when Indians use the term, India to describe South Asia.


LOL it's shame that you do not want to accept the fact that your land was ruled by Indian (Bhartiya) for millennium, but want to relate yourselves with invaders/ rapist/ robbers who make people of present day Pakistan suffer. :cuckoo:
Hindu books r not taken as valid sources because if u search history u cant find their substantial validity.

Where as this language yr talking about is already dead in this 21st century.

Let me tell u what this word is n what it means.

Hindustan is the Persian word where Hindu specifically is refereed to people living in the eastern side of river indus. It at its best is a geographical definition. According to it im also a hindu. Rest us-tan means ''sar zameen'' or in English 'Land'.

There is reason why u see central asian states have same names who were part of persian empire once like uzbakistan,tajikistan,kazakistan etc etc.

In old persian language or farsi tan is refereed to land.

If u look at yr neighboring country's name its called Pak-is-tan which means word to word Pure-of- land or land of pure.

The Hind-us-tan means word to word as hindu-for- land or land for hindus.

who are u to give certificates on validity?

The language is super alive and is not like Urdu a mish mash mix of everything and nothing.
You can be proud of your Indo-European or whatever genes God has gifted you with. The rest of us Indians are proud of how we are, ethnically, culturally, religously, etc...

:lol: TRT...hopefully not too expensive.
Thanks for sharing.

Too bad, so many cr@ppers are here to destroy this thread with Pak-Ind $hit shoveling.

Back to the topic!

Any Hindu/Sanskrit writers or historians who may have written about contemporary Iraq from the same period?

Just curious (and too lazy to look it up at this time :lol:)


Most old talks about Arabia/Iraq comes from Maritime trade between South India & Mesopotamia and onto Rome Via Istanbul.

muslim conquerors started calling you guys hindus, not before nor in books?

muslim conquerors?

I doubt if they were even literate.

Anyway Hinduism is a vast ocean and we have clear specifications of what each one of us are.
No they have names for their country and it is Bharat.

They came because central asia is a dry dead desert.

I think it would be better if Indians do not call whole of South Asia, India, it is offensive.

Better to use a scientific name to describe the land, e.g, South Asian Subcontinent. it is scientific and politically neutral. Plus it makes more sense, with out the confusion.

As for describing, South Asia as, Bharat or Hindustan, even those terms are offensive, as they seem to have religious meanings, instead of geographical. At least now they do.

Partition happened 60 years ago and only after a longtime,one can actually truly fall apart completely.
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