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Arab descriptions of early medieval South Asia

by the way, what would be the original term if it was not hindu?
so you are assuming the arabs adopted the term from persians ?

Perhaps, Arabs didnt have links with India much later, persians was a neighbour of ancient India (which included present day Pak), and most outsiders referred to people living east of indus as Hindus in older itmes, whether they were Persians or arabs. Its a name that stuck, and evolved from being a ethnic term to a cultural/nationalitic/religious term over time...

by the way, what would be the original term if it was not hindu?

Already answered in my previous post...
u r absolutely rite sir.
but i don't need to respect and love the ppl who killed my ppl.
that said, my anger is not against the muslims but the marauders who ruled back then. it just happened that those were muslims all rite, but not as peace loving as they drummed about.
talking about names again, u guys call us "Hindustanis" rite ???? but tell me which internationally recognized atlas mentions india exclusively by the name "Hindustan".????
moreover Hindustan = hindu+stan.....\
hindu = hindu and stan = corrupted vocabulary from Persian languages derived from Sanskrit word "sthaan" meaning place . n u know what, by this logic ur country's name borrows our funda. but lets not go into petty "this is mine, that's yours"

point is.....the arrival of islamic civilization enriched and further diversified the already mind boggling diversity we had in this land.
islamists think that they gave us our name, our culture, or language, our sacred texts, out dress, our music, our buildings......and so i say.....THANK U very much. if a single thank u is enuf to give peace a chance then so be it.
but whether u believe it or not, india/hindustan/aryavart/bharat existed before muslims came and they will be still here after the muslims are long gone (i genuinely hope not, partition did enuf damage to the diaspora already).
peace be with u.

pure epic hatred !!
For the benefit of non-hindus here. Le me add that "Sanatan Dharma" means Eternal rightenousness. Which is supposed to be having no origin.

There is no concept of religion as such. Every one is free to practice anything that one believes in.

I thought it meant eternal duty? Isnt dharma duty/responsibility?
LOL if they were so advance as claimed in article then why couldnt they name their kind? and country?

Hindu and Hindustan was the name given to them from Muslim who first visited this area for trade. Its a Geographical Definition.

Yes son, There was nothing before Muslim religion was formed by a person name Muhammad..

Arian came to a country called "Inida" and wrote the book named "Indica" much before concept of allah exist, even much before monotheism exist..

The Arabic system what you refer as (0-9) is nothing but Indian number system, which was spread to west by Arabs.. Even the story of great flood was copied from Indian mythology.

Ever heard of Mahajanpad?? Oh! I forgot, there was nothing on earth before Islam was founded..

Read some good history book. Human civilization started 100,000 year ago, it doesn;t start from foundation of Islam...
i showed u
1. hatred for muslim invaders
2. no malice for muslim brethren
3. derivation of the word "stan".\
u saw
1. hate
2. hate
3. hate
please bear in mind, its not a college debate. we wont get ego boosts or beautiful admirers for winning.

your post did show hatred for all. now all you say is to justify and cover up.
Alberuni was a gem of a figure. How vividly he describes things. Sadly, the west does not appreciate him much.

i showed u
1. hatred for muslim invaders
2. no malice for muslim brethren
3. derivation of the word "stan".\
u saw
1. hate
2. hate
3. hate
please bear in mind, its not a college debate. we wont get ego boosts or beautiful admirers for winning.

A politically correct comment, but not based on reality.

Muslim invaders in particular and their hatred is used to justify violence by groups. Despite the fact, the many others also invaded and not just some opportunistic muslims.

In gujarat this is true.

everyone hates invaders, but to treat their co religionists as outsiders in the 21st century is wrong.
Different name of our country...

Our country is older than many newborn religion and nations, so our country have many name...

1. India : Refferef by Greeks and Romans thousand of years ago.
2. Hindusthan : The place of Hindu, refered by Indian and persian (later converted Muslims)
3. AryaVart: The land of Aryans
4. Bharat-Varsh: On the name of emperor Bhrat.
5. TianZhu: Tianzhu (天竺) Chinese name for ancient India, translates roughly to "heaven center(of)" (i.e. spiritual center); used especially during the Tang dynasty in reference to the Indian origins of Buddhism.
6. Tenjiku (天竺) is the Japanese word, which derives from Chinese word Tianzhu(天竺) commonly used in reference to pre-modern India. Tian, the root word for the Japanese kanji, means "heaven", while, jiku, means: "the center of", or 'primary concentration of'. The foreign loanwords Indo (インド) and India (インディア) are also used in some cases.

Rishabha was born to Marudevi, Bharata was born to Rishabh,
Bharatvarsha (India) arose from Bharata, and Sumati arose from Bharata

This country is known as Bharatavarsha since the times the father entrusted the kingdom to the son Bharata and he himself went to the forest for ascetic practices

uttaraṃ yatsamudrasya himādreścaiva dakṣiṇam
varṣaṃ tadbhārataṃ nāma bhāratī yatra santatiḥ
"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."
your post did show hatred for all. now all you say is to justify and cover up.
well if u think so , then i m sorry.
it wasnt my intention at all....all i said was marauders were marauders, it has nothing to do with the religious inclinations of my ppl.
islam , may be diagonally different than hinduism, but it brought us the diversity we always aspired.
u know the value of diversity.
for a population of a little more than 25 million, u guys are a cosmos of diversity urself - punjabis, sindhis, baloch, pustoons, pathans, afghans, turks, arabs. if u point out that diversity, u dont become a hateful maniac. its also a possibility that u are in fact, proud to be a part of this cosmos.
but then if u r having fun in pissing me off by writing one-liners, be my guest.
"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."

This was written much be4 brits invaded India or much before Islam was founded and you Pakistani are saying that there was no nation called India/Hindusthan/Bharat-varsh??? Is it what taught in your school???
Is this India or South Asia, I think we need to distinguish between the two. Usually Arabs came to South Asia through Sindh which is Pakistan.

I think, Indians should not use the world India to describe South Asia, India is not synonymous of South Asia.
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