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Arab culture and Islam


May 21, 2006
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What is the difference between arab culture and Islam. Because once I meet Tablighi jamat (didn't ask them this question, because of their one dimensional aggressive thought), i felt they are spending less time in propagation of islam more time in propagating arab culture. ( A cultural reverse, back to timing of Holy Prophet).I never travel arab land and not very religious person with knowledge) Honorable members your opinion.
To many unthinking degenerates arab culture of the 7th century and Islam are the same thing. Some suggest that it is a example of arab imperialism.

But if Islam is a universal religion, how can it possibly be the same as the arab culture, rather the culture of arab tribes of the 7th century? Nevertheless, even today we note degenerates pulling of hadith and verses out of context to push the vision of a particular culture set in a particular time in history, set in a particular geograpghy, as if it were Islam itself.

These degenerates imagine that Islam is a dead religion, these degenerates imagine that all that is to be known and uderstood is already known and understood, no need for critical thought, just silly, hollow certitude.

However, Islam is a living religion, it is not and must never allowed to be the same as a culture specific to a time and geography. It is, if you will, a gem that must be polished, the dust and decay of time removed from it, so that it's mercy can shine upon all who dare to be faithful.
No one is claiming that Islam is a dead. Nevertheless influence of Arab 7th culture cannot be denied.

For example, prayer timings:

In Bedouin culture people get up early to take advantage of cooler morning temperature. At noon (after Zuhar prayers) they had lunch and went to sleep. Got up at Asr, after prayers did rest of daily chores, at sunset ( Maghreb) stopped working. had their evening meals and just before sleep offered Isha prayers. Travih prayer is a kind of Tahujjud.

Calendar: Name of the months existed before onset of Islam. Hijra calendar was initiated by Hazrat Omar (RA) because Hijrat started on 6th of Muharram that is why Muharram was used as first month of the Hijra calendar.

Currency: There were two currencies; Roman Drachma (Silver coin) now known as Dirham. Denarii. Gold currency of higher value than Dirham (Kuwaiti Dinar).

Marriage. There were two kinds of marriages, permanent and temporary and rich people had more than wife. The no of permanent wives reduced to four and temporary marriage banned by Hazrat Omar (RA). One reason quoted by historians is that too many women had been captured by Arabs after Iranian conquest and therefore Hazrat Omar saw no need for a temporary marriage.

Mahar or bride price. Custom followed to this day by all Muslims.

Friday as Holiday is the same. Hajj also existed at the same time of the month. The form was changed by Islam but neither the period nor most of the 'Arkaan'.

The custom of 'Shuraa' is also tribal (as Jirga in Pakistan). Hazrat Abdul Muttalib was elected as leader of Meccans against the Yemenis. A process no different than the election of the Rashideen.

We follow the Sharia laws and Sunnah. Are these not part of the Arab Culture of following the onset of Islam.

We should not be emotional on all issues.

I think you misunderstand, just because we follow shariah, does not mean we must not discern culture from Islam - just because we follow Sunna does not mean that in all cases it is appropriate -- is it appropriate that an eskimo will open his fast with a date??

Taghleed, or blindly apeing is not what Islam was ever about, nor should it be.

Now we have no problem with calendar or timings of prayer, the calendar is the calendar everywhere and morning is morning everywhere (just not at the same time) - Ought we continue the custom of Mahar? Notice, the CUSTOM, a cultural practice -- ought we not have Islam that is as free of such CUSTOMS that are essentially negative in todays world as possible?

As you have mentioned about multiple wives and this being a custom of the time and space - ought we continue such a custom??

Girl babies were buried alive, it too was a custom, ought we follow this as well? Clearly, not all instances of custom are worth following - we are left again to decide between right and wrong and good and bad --- so, is it good and right that Islam be seen as arab customs of a particular time or is it that Islam is an eternal, living, evolving religion in which the good and the right is kept and the wrong and the bad allowed to wither away?
I think all religions have to evolve with the progresses in science and thats true for Islam to.

I think all religions have to evolve with the progresses in science and thats true for Islam to.

But T people used the Ayat from Quran that world is just illusion. Day of judgement, When Allah will ask how long you stay in the world, human will reply few minutes or a day. So, picking up these certain ayats causing holding back impact from further S&T progress among muslims..????? But in defence of AN statement Quran say " explore the universe", a call for progress and exploration.
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