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"Arab Countries, Together With The United States, Are Preparing To Overthrow The Imran Government."

I am waiting for the days, when we can start living without conspiracy theories,
and, stop viewing ourselves as some sort of a play thing for the world powers.

It's pathetic, and we need to grow up. Fast.

Conspiracies exist Bro. How many governments were thrown by CIA and co ?

This kind of plan is expected since many decades. I red in the 90’s an article in serious french geopolitical magazine about encircling China and that supposed to turn all country in Chinese camp in battlefield or takeovers etc. In other word : destabilising !
Unfortunately (@MastanKhan was right) we have traitors in our army leadership too.

They plan, but Allah is the best Planner. And we will get what we deserve.
Pray everyday Allah for his protection for Pakistan.
Some lobbies in Pakistan are desperately trying to paint an enemy on Saudia face. Beware of them. Saudia was a friend, Saudia is a friend. The only problem in Saudia for us is prince Muhammad. That's it.

The problem is prince Muhammad BS is Saudia !
America is too busy with its own republic to care about Pakistan right now.

Pentagon has 5 sides Sir.
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Well whether this is factually true or not, it seems likely that this would happen. Since we are moving toward the time where israel is poised to move toward taking Jerusalem and proclaiming it as it's capital. Along with it, and which will follow in succession of israel claiming Jerusalem, is them rebuilding the Temple Mount on the site of Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah.

For israel to do so, it needs its regional neighbors to fall in line. Hence we have the "Najdi-Scum" leaderships of Jazeerat-ul-Arab (Arabia), Emirates and Bahrain recognize israel as a legitimate state. As they have now, it is for israel to face no opposition to it demolishing Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah complex in order to build their Temple Mount. So expect these Najdi-Scum leaderships to pressure more Muslim States around the world to fall in line.

History has shown us how zionists have used the same tactics in the past. Albeit for economic agenda that dovetailed to a political one. In 1974, it was the zionists (yes it was, documented and if anyone wants to challenge this, go do your homework), who made the deal happen between america and the Najdi-Scum leadership (due respect to King Faisal) where the Najdi-Scum Saudis would sell oil only for us dollars. The deal went further than that, where under american insistence, Najdi-Scum Saudis forced the OPEC (Gulf States at least) to comply with oil sales to be only sold in us dollars.

Today the Najdi-Scum leadership is again being used to force other Muslim States to recognize the illegal, illegitimate, murderer and liar state of israel. Jordan, Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco have all bent over backwards for the Najdi-Scum. They are now hell bent on doing the same to Pakistan.

But why so much attention on Pakistan, lately? Well Pakistan is the First and Only Muslim State to be a Nuclear Power with a formidable arsenal. And why is that so important to israel? Well because when (not if) israel does demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah to build its Temple Mount. Pakistan would have no choice left but to declare war on israel. 220 million Pakistanis who happen to be Muslim, would make sure that Pakistan responds to this act of war, where a Masjid is made Shaheed and that too, one of the three Holiest Sites of Islam.

So my dear countrymen, this is why israel ought to be clearly identified as an enemy. If you do not agree with this, then you have failed miserably to study the Noble Qur'an and are for lack of a better description, a Cafeteria Muslim.

Here a YouTube video, a rabin is talking about the prophecies. It’s in french with some Hebrew words, but he is saying exactly what you said about Jerusalem, the Temple reconstruction, the fall of Arabs (from western side of Africa to Arabs of north and east. And he said now is left Perse (Iran). They are expecting the fall of Iran and then expecting the return of Machiah.

yes I know it’s a nobody on YouTube, but it is a confirmation from themselves what they are pushing for, even if he didn’t used this expression. He is using “miracles from God” expression.
Well whether this is factually true or not, it seems likely that this would happen. Since we are moving toward the time where israel is poised to move toward taking Jerusalem and proclaiming it as it's capital. Along with it, and which will follow in succession of israel claiming Jerusalem, is them rebuilding the Temple Mount on the site of Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah.

For israel to do so, it needs its regional neighbors to fall in line. Hence we have the "Najdi-Scum" leaderships of Jazeerat-ul-Arab (Arabia), Emirates and Bahrain recognize israel as a legitimate state. As they have now, it is for israel to face no opposition to it demolishing Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah complex in order to build their Temple Mount. So expect these Najdi-Scum leaderships to pressure more Muslim States around the world to fall in line.

History has shown us how zionists have used the same tactics in the past. Albeit for economic agenda that dovetailed to a political one. In 1974, it was the zionists (yes it was, documented and if anyone wants to challenge this, go do your homework), who made the deal happen between america and the Najdi-Scum leadership (due respect to King Faisal) where the Najdi-Scum Saudis would sell oil only for us dollars. The deal went further than that, where under american insistence, Najdi-Scum Saudis forced the OPEC (Gulf States at least) to comply with oil sales to be only sold in us dollars.

Today the Najdi-Scum leadership is again being used to force other Muslim States to recognize the illegal, illegitimate, murderer and liar state of israel. Jordan, Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco have all bent over backwards for the Najdi-Scum. They are now hell bent on doing the same to Pakistan.

But why so much attention on Pakistan, lately? Well Pakistan is the First and Only Muslim State to be a Nuclear Power with a formidable arsenal. And why is that so important to israel? Well because when (not if) israel does demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah to build its Temple Mount. Pakistan would have no choice left but to declare war on israel. 220 million Pakistanis who happen to be Muslim, would make sure that Pakistan responds to this act of war, where a Masjid is made Shaheed and that too, one of the three Holiest Sites of Islam.

So my dear countrymen, this is why israel ought to be clearly identified as an enemy. If you do not agree with this, then you have failed miserably to study the Noble Qur'an and are for lack of a better description, a Cafeteria Muslim.

Whats a Cafeteria Muslim?
Exactly you get the point the whole article is based on character assassinating Saudis. I feel sorry for the Arabs no wonder their approval rate is so bad in Pakistan due to them becoming a major paper-selling entity for decades. Garbage article at best it puts eurasiantimes to shame
Did you feel sorry for them when they were giving medals to Modi?
Conspiracies exist Bro. How many governments were thrown by CIA and co ?

This kind of plan is expected since many decades. I red in the 90’s an article in serious french geopolitical magazine about encircling China and that supposed to turn all country in Chinese camp in battlefield or takeovers etc. In other word : destabilising !
Unfortunately (@MastanKhan was right) we have traitors in our army leadership too.

They plan, but Allah is the best Planner. And we will get what we deserve.
Pray everyday Allah for his protection for Pakistan.

The problem is prince Muhammad BS us Saudia !

Pentagon has 5 sides Sir.

I totally agree, they do exist, but to what level depends on country's own power. Pakistan is not some silly little country to be used like a puppet.

There is a mindset in Pakistan, it is going down, but still there, that everything in Pakistan is decided outside the country, by America or Saudi Arabia, or this country or that country, its the most stupid thing I've ever heard.

If the outsiders were so powerful

we would not have had nuclear weapons,
or a missile program,
or relations with China, America has been opposing us since the 1960s,
or we would not have helped Bosnia,
or we would not have helped the North African countries gain independence from France,
or we would not have opposed America for last 20 years, don't you remember "do more" demands,
or we would have already signed the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty that the "whole" world has been forcing us to sign for last decade, Pakistan is the reason it has not been rectified. because it is not in our interest.

I can give you so many examples, all those policies and actions have happened under various military and civilian governments, so please do me a favour and don't belittle yourself.

Pakistan does what's in its best interest, sometimes we have to take a step back for different reasons, but then every country has to accept pressure at one time or another. There is no one pulling any strings in Pakistan. Yes, people have influence, including outsiders, but influence is not like how people present it, like Pakistan is some sort of a remote controlled robot, that's rubbish.
I totally agree, they do exist, but to what level depends on country's own power. Pakistan is not some silly little country to be used like a puppet.

There is a mindset in Pakistan, it is going down, but still there, that everything in Pakistan is decided outside the country, by America or Saudi Arabia, or this country or that country, its the most stupid thing I've ever heard.

If the outsiders were so powerful

we would not have had nuclear weapons,
or a missile program,
or relations with China, America has been opposing us since the 1960s,
or we would not have helped Bosnia,
or we would not have helped the North African countries gain independence from France,
or we would not have opposed America for last 20 years, don't you remember "do more" demands,
or we would have already signed the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty that the "whole" world has been forcing us to sign for last decade, Pakistan is the reason it has not been rectified. because it is not in our interest.

I can give you so many examples, all those policies and actions have happened under various military and civilian governments, so please do me a favour and don't belittle yourself.

Pakistan does what's in its best interest, sometimes we have to take a step back for different reasons, but then every country has to accept pressure at one time or another. There is no one pulling any strings in Pakistan. Yes, people have influence, including outsiders, but influence is not like how people present it, like Pakistan is some sort of a remote controlled robot, that's rubbish.

Everything no but main things yes. Do you know social engineering ? Look how a simple plate of bryani had helped crooks to be elected. Agreed it’s not the sole and main item which helped, but was part of the multi dimensional technics.

The foreigns powers do profiling of awam, and when they made it properly the plan through social engineering and other multi dimensional technics to provoke chaos or whatever they want.
Sure the efficiency depends on the strengths, weaknesses, faulty lines, the level of education, awareness and honesty of the targeted populations.

Of course I could be wrong. Only Allah know.

but just have a look on failed takeover in Turkey. Despite being a member of NATO, nato members were instead more worried about the captured culprits than being worried about Turkish civilian government and institutions. That shows who could been the real final beneficiaries.
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Everything no but main things yes. Do you know social engineering ? Look how a simple plate of bryani had helped crooks to be elected. Agreed it’s not the sole and main item which helped, but was part of the multi dimensional technics.

The foreigns powers do profiling of awam, and when they made it properly the plan through social engineering and other multi dimensional technics to provoke chaos or whatever they want.
Sure the efficiency depends on the strengths, weaknesses, faulty lines, the level of education, awareness and honesty of the targeted populations.

Of course I could be wrong. Only Allah know.

but just have a look on failed takeover in Turkey. Despite being a member of NATO, nato members were instead more worried about the captured culprits than being worried about Turkish civilian government and institutions. That shows who could been the real final beneficiaries.

The version you presented now, makes sense, but generally it is presented as,
we are weak,
we are nothing
our rulers all controlled from overseas, which weakens the confidence in governance, and helps create a mentally that nothing will change, we have no say in anything, so why give a damn, why pay taxes etc etc etc

How things are said, explained and presented matters, the point you made now, recognises that. Language matters, that's the big difference.
How you said it now, only a idiot would disagree, but how it is presented normally, like the main article, it gives the message that our rulers have no power and everything is controlled from abroad, that is the difference. By using careless language, we help the very things you pointed out.
The version you presented now, makes sense, but generally it is presented as,
we are weak,
we are nothing
our rulers all controlled from overseas, which weakens the confidence in governance, and helps create a mentally that nothing will change, we have no say in anything, so why give a damn, why pay taxes etc etc etc

How things are said, explained and presented matters, the point you made now, recognises that. Language matters, that's the big difference.
How you said it now, only a idiot would disagree, but how it is presented normally, like the main article, it gives the message that our rulers have no power and everything is controlled from abroad, that is the difference. By using careless language, we help the very things you pointed out.

Sometimes blackmailing is very very cleverly done that the head of state choose to agreed everything asked by the blackmailers. It’s when you get the prime minister in your no escape zone.
It’s kind of accept our offer or die in the hands of your owns ! Check and mate game (I don’t know if it is the right way to say it but in French we say “échec et mate”) and it’s THE END.

I never said that Pakistan and we Pakistanis are weak but everyone has weaknesses which could be (and are surely) exploited by whom have the capabilities to do so.
Conspiracies exist Bro. How many governments were thrown by CIA and co ?

This kind of plan is expected since many decades. I red in the 90’s an article in serious french geopolitical magazine about encircling China and that supposed to turn all country in Chinese camp in battlefield or takeovers etc. In other word : destabilising !
Unfortunately (@MastanKhan was right) we have traitors in our army leadership too.

They plan, but Allah is the best Planner. And we will get what we deserve.
Pray everyday Allah for his protection for Pakistan.

The problem is prince Muhammad BS is Saudia !

Pentagon has 5 sides Sir.


One day---I went looking for a car in the Palm springs ' Desert Hot springs area---. On my way back---I stopped at a 7-11 store. A pakistani man in medium height---wearing a baseball hat was at the counter---not your typical 7/77 cashier---but someone with authority---.

Would not talk to me---won't look me in the eye---did not acknowledge my gfreetingatypical bad pakistani military officer type---. On my way home---something hit me---maybe a "sellout" hiding in the nowhere desert in southern california---.
no one can do anything unless we have traitors from inside help them
that is true. our own religious thugs and left wing elitist jerks are our worse enemies.
on the story I must say we kid ourselves by thinking that the world is against us.
we are of no consequence for the Arabs. we got nothing to offer and we are not even in their immediate neighborhood. our best use was to be hostile towards Iran or send our troops to kill the Yemani people. we disappointed them and the most they have done is they increased their cooperation and admiration for India just to spite us. but it wont go any further than that.

One day---I went looking for a car in the Palm springs ' Desert Hot springs area---. On my way back---I stopped at a 7-11 store. A pakistani man in medium height---wearing a baseball hat was at the counter---not your typical 7/77 cashier---but someone with authority---.

Would not talk to me---won't look me in the eye---did not acknowledge my gfreetingatypical bad pakistani military officer type---. On my way home---something hit me---maybe a "sellout" hiding in the nowhere desert in southern california---.
I met a deserter of Pakistan army of major rank and of Pasthon origin in UK back in 2003. the guys was very coy but I got him to talk eventually but meeting was cut short and I never saw him again.
Pakistan should

We're all McDonald's Muslims today
please explain good sir. if you have few moments.
Sometimes blackmailing is very very cleverly done that the head of state choose to agreed everything asked by the blackmailers. It’s when you get the prime minister in your no escape zone.
It’s kind of accept our offer or die in the hands of your owns ! Check and mate game (I don’t know if it is the right way to say it but in French we say “échec et mate”) and it’s THE END.

I never said that Pakistan and we Pakistanis are weak but everyone has weaknesses which could be (and are surely) exploited by whom have the capabilities to do so.

As you pointed out in the message before, no one comes out and says things. So not saying something does not mean it is not being said.

It's "check" and "check mate", in speech whilst playing it can be said as "that's check and mate"

It's better not to confuse the issue, what you said in the message before made sense, and it was right. It is when you start looking for alternative motives in everything, just incase something might be there, is when the doubt starts, and the faith in governance weakens, that is exactly what we need to avoid.

Avoid finding motives in everything,
Make rational assessments, not irrational judgements. Your post before was a good rational assessment, lets leave it at that.

One day---I went looking for a car in the Palm springs ' Desert Hot springs area---. On my way back---I stopped at a 7-11 store. A pakistani man in medium height---wearing a baseball hat was at the counter---not your typical 7/77 cashier---but someone with authority---.

Would not talk to me---won't look me in the eye---did not acknowledge my gfreetingatypical bad pakistani military officer type---. On my way home---something hit me---maybe a "sellout" hiding in the nowhere desert in southern california---.

Sorry MastanKhan but my English is very llimited soi couldn’t get what you mean
Need translation in simple words :help: thanks.
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