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"Arab Countries, Together With The United States, Are Preparing To Overthrow The Imran Government."

"A technocratic government is being brought by removing Imran Khan,"

There's that magic word folks.

"Technocrat" is meaningless hubris, a word normally deployed when the west wishes to bring in their man in a thoroughly undemocratic manner.

It's okay to ride in via a coup if you're a"technocrat" folks!

Btw, the veracity of this article is debatable, however, that KSA, India and USA are in an alliance against Pakistani long-term interests is most certainly not. It's possible KSA takes its foot off the gas as and when we toe their line on Iran - but its foot will always at least be hovering, whatever we do.
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I do not know much about Pakistan internal politics but looking from outside and hearing about Nawaz Sharif going to Saudi and Biden first priority being limiting China's reach...It makes a lot of sense..The Empire may actually assassinate IK . Watch out guys you are now at the cross hair of the empire and MBS is the stooge who will take the blame if things go wrong (he is after all master of f**king things up all over..lol)
Land of the Aryans
The twin cities of Fassad, Deoband and Barreilly.
He also said that the Saudis also came to put pressure on pak on behalf of US to roll back the scale of CPEC

CPEC was and has been curtailed by this government. It was one of the first projects 'selected' for 'accountability'. PTI government has a history with CPEC which is hard to deny.
Arab Countries, Together With The United States, Are Preparing To Overthrow The Imran Government."
By Web Desk Last updated January 18, 2021 2

There is a plan to overthrow the government of Imran Khan under the auspices of the United States. A technocratic government is being brought by removing Imran Khan, at the end of February. Haroon Al-Rashid's revelation

Disclosing this in his program, Haroon Rashid said that a plan has been made to remove the Imran Khan government. The plan, sponsored by the United States, will be implemented under Biden.

According to Haroon Rashid, the plan also includes a superpower and an Arab country. This is the same Arab country whose ambassadors met the Prime Minister a few days ago.

Explaining the objectives of the project, Haroon Rashid said that the purpose of the project was to prevent Pakistan from entering the bloc of friendly country China. The project would pave the way for recognition of Israel in Pakistan and ensure India's supremacy in the region. Is .
Claiming that a government of technocrats will be formed, the name of the Prime Minister has been proposed, Hussain Haroon is planned to be made the Prime Minister, he has been Pakistan's ambassador to the United Nations, he has the support of Nawaz Sharif. Maulana Fazlur Rehman's Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam workers have been given resources and given the task.
Haroon Rasheed further said that there will be a demonstration in Islamabad at the end of February, in which an attempt will be made to get help from NGOs. This alliance consists of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, PML-N, Liberal Element of Civil Society. Will be.
Haroon Rasheed further said that you will see a storm on social media, the commotion of the Election Commission is a prelude to it, the real commotion will happen later, the state institutions will be penetrated to try to get their help, it The plan will not succeed under any circumstances, it is against the aspirations of the Pakistani people,
The senior journalist further said that do you think that Imran Khan will allow this project to succeed? Imran Khan is a man to stand firm. At present, all the institutions in the country are on the same page. Unless the army is involved in this project, it cannot flourish. ا
He said that Maulana Fazlur Rehman can become the Prime Minister and neither Hussain Haroon nor Maryam or Bilawal can become the Prime Minister. This country will not fall into the lap of India, Pakistan will not end its relations with China

Noon leagues start celebrating!!

Well whether this is factually true or not, it seems likely that this would happen. Since we are moving toward the time where israel is poised to move toward taking Jerusalem and proclaiming it as it's capital. Along with it, and which will follow in succession of israel claiming Jerusalem, is them rebuilding the Temple Mount on the site of Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah.

For israel to do so, it needs its regional neighbors to fall in line. Hence we have the "Najdi-Scum" leaderships of Jazeerat-ul-Arab (Arabia), Emirates and Bahrain recognize israel as a legitimate state. As they have now, it is for israel to face no opposition to it demolishing Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah complex in order to build their Temple Mount. So expect these Najdi-Scum leaderships to pressure more Muslim States around the world to fall in line.

History has shown us how zionists have used the same tactics in the past. Albeit for economic agenda that dovetailed to a political one. In 1974, it was the zionists (yes it was, documented and if anyone wants to challenge this, go do your homework), who made the deal happen between america and the Najdi-Scum leadership (due respect to King Faisal) where the Najdi-Scum Saudis would sell oil only for us dollars. The deal went further than that, where under american insistence, Najdi-Scum Saudis forced the OPEC (Gulf States at least) to comply with oil sales to be only sold in us dollars.

Today the Najdi-Scum leadership is again being used to force other Muslim States to recognize the illegal, illegitimate, murderer and liar state of israel. Jordan, Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco have all bent over backwards for the Najdi-Scum. They are now hell bent on doing the same to Pakistan.

But why so much attention on Pakistan, lately? Well Pakistan is the First and Only Muslim State to be a Nuclear Power with a formidable arsenal. And why is that so important to israel? Well because when (not if) israel does demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah to build its Temple Mount. Pakistan would have no choice left but to declare war on israel. 220 million Pakistanis who happen to be Muslim, would make sure that Pakistan responds to this act of war, where a Masjid is made Shaheed and that too, one of the three Holiest Sites of Islam.

So my dear countrymen, this is why israel ought to be clearly identified as an enemy. If you do not agree with this, then you have failed miserably to study the Noble Qur'an and are for lack of a better description, a Cafeteria Muslim.
Very good and important points by "Nasr".. the Prophesy of Jews and Zionist christians actually requires that the Jewish Temple to be built in where the Masjid Al-Aqsa currently is situated...And short of a war with all Muslims the next best plan would be to "pacify" each individual muslim nation one by one so when the time comes to build the third Temple there be no opposition...(Iran, Turkey and Pakistan) are the ones that will put up a big resistance. The rest are more or less in the basket.

As for "Dollar"..You are absolutely correct..By pricing OIL (which in 1970 was the largest trade in the world where most countries needed the trade) in US dollar (Saudi's and Shah of Iran had to be onboard)..Americans were able to make US dollar as the world's reserve currency ....Saddam of Iraq tried to change that but we all know what happened to him. They should teach these things in schools of every Muslim nation so they will recognize the traps put in front of them .
And why is that so important to israel? Well because when (not if) israel does demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah to build its Temple Mount. Pakistan would have no choice left but to declare war on israel. 220 million Pakistanis who happen to be Muslim, would make sure that Pakistan responds to this act of war, where a Masjid is made Shaheed and that too, one of the three Holiest Sites of Islam.

In your hearts and emotions and feelings , yes, in reality, not a chance. You know this yourself.

We all know that if the Prophet mohammed alyhi al salat wa al salam was around, he would priorities Muslim blood , not bricks and mosques. Well, Muslims in Palestine have been slaughtered left and right and mighty Pakistan did what ? Burn a bunch of flags and beat at their chests in the slums of their under developed cities.

I find no pleasure saying this, just a bitter reality check.
Hahahhahahha every single time idk why people fall for this propaganda. Saudi FM is visiting Pakistan so naturally we will see many propagandas like this one.
Arab Countries, Together With The United States, Are Preparing To Overthrow The Imran Government."
By Web Desk Last updated January 18, 2021 2

There is a plan to overthrow the government of Imran Khan under the auspices of the United States. A technocratic government is being brought by removing Imran Khan, at the end of February. Haroon Al-Rashid's revelation

Disclosing this in his program, Haroon Rashid said that a plan has been made to remove the Imran Khan government. The plan, sponsored by the United States, will be implemented under Biden.

According to Haroon Rashid, the plan also includes a superpower and an Arab country. This is the same Arab country whose ambassadors met the Prime Minister a few days ago.

Explaining the objectives of the project, Haroon Rashid said that the purpose of the project was to prevent Pakistan from entering the bloc of friendly country China. The project would pave the way for recognition of Israel in Pakistan and ensure India's supremacy in the region. Is .
Claiming that a government of technocrats will be formed, the name of the Prime Minister has been proposed, Hussain Haroon is planned to be made the Prime Minister, he has been Pakistan's ambassador to the United Nations, he has the support of Nawaz Sharif. Maulana Fazlur Rehman's Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam workers have been given resources and given the task.
Haroon Rasheed further said that there will be a demonstration in Islamabad at the end of February, in which an attempt will be made to get help from NGOs. This alliance consists of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, PML-N, Liberal Element of Civil Society. Will be.
Haroon Rasheed further said that you will see a storm on social media, the commotion of the Election Commission is a prelude to it, the real commotion will happen later, the state institutions will be penetrated to try to get their help, it The plan will not succeed under any circumstances, it is against the aspirations of the Pakistani people,
The senior journalist further said that do you think that Imran Khan will allow this project to succeed? Imran Khan is a man to stand firm. At present, all the institutions in the country are on the same page. Unless the army is involved in this project, it cannot flourish. ا
He said that Maulana Fazlur Rehman can become the Prime Minister and neither Hussain Haroon nor Maryam or Bilawal can become the Prime Minister. This country will not fall into the lap of India, Pakistan will not end its relations with China

Noon leagues start celebrating!!
Pdm doesn't has the juice for it
Nor Arabs have the balls
And USA the desire to deal with the fallout if it doesn't goes as planned

and with past experiences it most likely won't ;)
If the source is not legitimate than mods should delete this thread. Or atleast ban it till the Saudi FM visit is over, then we'll see clearly if this infact is propaganda or reality.
if the Prophet mohammed alyhi al salat wa al salam was around, he would priorities Muslim blood , not bricks and mosques.
Really? You asked him did you?

You think he'd stand by and watch while others died defending such holy sites on his behalf?

Maybe Arabs are in far bigger trouble than they themselves realise.
So my dear countrymen, this is why israel ought to be clearly identified as an enemy. If you do not agree with this, then you have failed miserably to study the Noble Qur'an and are for lack of a better description, a Cafeteria Muslim.
That's bullying and straight out blackmail.
Arab Countries, Together With The United States, Are Preparing To Overthrow The Imran Government."
By Web Desk Last updated January 18, 2021 2

There is a plan to overthrow the government of Imran Khan under the auspices of the United States. A technocratic government is being brought by removing Imran Khan, at the end of February. Haroon Al-Rashid's revelation

Disclosing this in his program, Haroon Rashid said that a plan has been made to remove the Imran Khan government. The plan, sponsored by the United States, will be implemented under Biden.

According to Haroon Rashid, the plan also includes a superpower and an Arab country. This is the same Arab country whose ambassadors met the Prime Minister a few days ago.

Explaining the objectives of the project, Haroon Rashid said that the purpose of the project was to prevent Pakistan from entering the bloc of friendly country China. The project would pave the way for recognition of Israel in Pakistan and ensure India's supremacy in the region. Is .
Claiming that a government of technocrats will be formed, the name of the Prime Minister has been proposed, Hussain Haroon is planned to be made the Prime Minister, he has been Pakistan's ambassador to the United Nations, he has the support of Nawaz Sharif. Maulana Fazlur Rehman's Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam workers have been given resources and given the task.
Haroon Rasheed further said that there will be a demonstration in Islamabad at the end of February, in which an attempt will be made to get help from NGOs. This alliance consists of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, PML-N, Liberal Element of Civil Society. Will be.
Haroon Rasheed further said that you will see a storm on social media, the commotion of the Election Commission is a prelude to it, the real commotion will happen later, the state institutions will be penetrated to try to get their help, it The plan will not succeed under any circumstances, it is against the aspirations of the Pakistani people,
The senior journalist further said that do you think that Imran Khan will allow this project to succeed? Imran Khan is a man to stand firm. At present, all the institutions in the country are on the same page. Unless the army is involved in this project, it cannot flourish. ا
He said that Maulana Fazlur Rehman can become the Prime Minister and neither Hussain Haroon nor Maryam or Bilawal can become the Prime Minister. This country will not fall into the lap of India, Pakistan will not end its relations with China

Noon leagues start celebrating!!

Whole world is conspiring against Pakistan.
All nations of the east always face a choice be it today or tomorrow "Either Serve the Great Satan United States and sell your soul, or Honor ur Sovereignty, creed and Fight the Great Satan United Sates". Time for talk is over. People are good at commentating about Iran. Iran chose its way a long time ago. Let's see wat Pakistan chooses. Freedom, Faith, Tradition, Pride on one side, servitude of the the Imperialists on the other. My prayers and best wishes with Pakistan.
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