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"Arab Countries, Together With The United States, Are Preparing To Overthrow The Imran Government."

In your hearts and emotions and feelings, yes, in reality, not a chance. You know this yourself.

As a Muslim, who is a student of the Noble Qur'an and an Ummati of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, there is a defined path toward Imaan. And as a Muslim, you ought to know that emotions are reserved only for Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, in this breath, for our Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, after which our parents ... not anyone, nor anything else.

As for reality, if you delve into the Noble Qur'an, to approach it with sincerity, you would know the meaning of what "reality" really is. It most certainly isn't what everyone perceives it to be. Read Surah Al-Kahf, then study it and you would understand what I said.

We all know that if the Prophet mohammed alyhi al salat wa al salam was around, he would priorities Muslim blood, not bricks and mosques.

Tell that to the Najdi-Sauds, Najdi-Emiratis, Najdi-Qataris, Najdi-Bahrainis and Najdi-Kuwaitis, who are busy as a bee and vain as a peacock, building tall structures and competing with one another in the process. Isn't the twist of irony bitter sweet? Since it is Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam who foretold this? Barefooted and naked shepherds, wasn't it?!!!

Well, Muslims in Palestine have been slaughtered left and right and mighty Pakistan did what?

Pakistan did what, you ask? Well Pakistan has not and shall not (in-sha-Allah) ever recognize the illegal, illegitimate, murderer and liar state of israel. One cannot say the same for Emirates, Kazakhstan, Bahrain, Turkmenistan, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Sudan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Tajikistan and Morocco, who shamefully have recognized that pathetic, criminal, zionist israel.

Burn a bunch of flags and beat at their chests in the slums of their under developed cities.

That's where you and I, part ways. You measure progress with developed cities, whereas I measure progress with how strong my Imaan is, how much effort I have made to qualify as an Ummati of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam and how much time I have devoted to studying the Noble Qur'an and

I find no pleasure saying this, just a bitter reality check.

The actual "reality check" most will receive, due to their utter ignorance and lack of studying the Noble Qur'an, is when they go six feet under. When the Angel of Death comes to take human souls.
Well now, you really ought to read and study the Noble Qur'an, because you needn't be asking this question, had you done so. Besides it is a very elementary question you ask, who else can Banu israeel be other than the ones whom Musa Alaihi Salam was sent to.

My dear friend, you asking such shows you have not studied the Noble Qur'an. I would suggest that you do this, because without the Noble Qur'an, you are navigating this subject, compass-less.

The religious legitimacy you seek for Israel is no different than what Nationalist Israelis seek.

The world should look beyond such blackmail and return the Egyptian lands to Egyptians occupied by western unwanteds under protectorate of British World Order.
As a Muslim, who is a student of the Noble Qur'an and an Ummati of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam

Mashallah Tabarak Allah , inshallah you do well in your studies.

Word of Advice from a scum Najdi Cafeteria Emirati Muslim. Restrain your tongue from accusing your Muslim brothers and sisters of being lesser Muslims than you and your countrymen. Restrain your tongue from insults and branding GCC Arabs as Najdi or any other label because it is a way of separating and dehumanizing and you will pass this on less educated Pakistanis and your own children.

This way you will truly be a follower and student of the life of the Prophet mohammed PBUH

take care Naser
This is all horse-shit gossip. There is ONLY ONE POWER that can topple Imran Khan. And this is THE CORRUPT ESTABLISHMENT OF PAKISTAN. They can topple anyone they like, and even install 3rd grade thugs and arse-holes like Zardari and Nawaz President and PM of the country. The Establishment has become the biggest enemy of the people of Pakistan by not allowing our people to progress.
Arab Countries, Together With The United States, Are Preparing To Overthrow The Imran Government."
By Web Desk Last updated January 18, 2021 2

There is a plan to overthrow the government of Imran Khan under the auspices of the United States. A technocratic government is being brought by removing Imran Khan, at the end of February. Haroon Al-Rashid's revelation

Disclosing this in his program, Haroon Rashid said that a plan has been made to remove the Imran Khan government. The plan, sponsored by the United States, will be implemented under Biden.

According to Haroon Rashid, the plan also includes a superpower and an Arab country. This is the same Arab country whose ambassadors met the Prime Minister a few days ago.

Explaining the objectives of the project, Haroon Rashid said that the purpose of the project was to prevent Pakistan from entering the bloc of friendly country China. The project would pave the way for recognition of Israel in Pakistan and ensure India's supremacy in the region. Is .
Claiming that a government of technocrats will be formed, the name of the Prime Minister has been proposed, Hussain Haroon is planned to be made the Prime Minister, he has been Pakistan's ambassador to the United Nations, he has the support of Nawaz Sharif. Maulana Fazlur Rehman's Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam workers have been given resources and given the task.
Haroon Rasheed further said that there will be a demonstration in Islamabad at the end of February, in which an attempt will be made to get help from NGOs. This alliance consists of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, PML-N, Liberal Element of Civil Society. Will be.
Haroon Rasheed further said that you will see a storm on social media, the commotion of the Election Commission is a prelude to it, the real commotion will happen later, the state institutions will be penetrated to try to get their help, it The plan will not succeed under any circumstances, it is against the aspirations of the Pakistani people,
The senior journalist further said that do you think that Imran Khan will allow this project to succeed? Imran Khan is a man to stand firm. At present, all the institutions in the country are on the same page. Unless the army is involved in this project, it cannot flourish. ا
He said that Maulana Fazlur Rehman can become the Prime Minister and neither Hussain Haroon nor Maryam or Bilawal can become the Prime Minister. This country will not fall into the lap of India, Pakistan will not end its relations with China

Noon leagues start celebrating!!
Keep dreaming LMAO
In your hearts and emotions and feelings , yes, in reality, not a chance. You know this yourself.

We all know that if the Prophet mohammed alyhi al salat wa al salam was around, he would priorities Muslim blood , not bricks and mosques. Well, Muslims in Palestine have been slaughtered left and right and mighty Pakistan did what ? Burn a bunch of flags and beat at their chests in the slums of their under developed cities.

I find no pleasure saying this, just a bitter reality check.
Silence Madkhali
This is all horse-shit gossip. There is ONLY ONE POWER that can topple Imran Khan. And this is THE CORRUPT ESTABLISHMENT OF PAKISTAN. They can topple anyone they like, and even install 3rd grade thugs and arse-holes like Zardari and Nawaz President and PM of the country. The Establishment has become the biggest enemy of the people of Pakistan by not allowing our people to progress.
that same establishment is where your mian was born!! YET that part of it is fine and dandy. there is only one pig and thats haram laiden mian and its headed to the holy see.
Mashallah Tabarak Allah , inshallah you do well in your studies.

JazakAllah Khair brother.

Word of Advice from a scum Najdi Cafeteria Emirati Muslim.

Dear brother in Islam, the term "scum" is used by Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, when issued a warning (after receiving a vision from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah) in which Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam warned the Arabs of their destruction.

وَيْلٌ لِلْعَرَبِ مِنْ شَرٍّ قَدِ اقْتَرَبَ (Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, Book 88, Hadith 181)

When Hazrat Fatimah RadiAllah ta'aalah Anha asked whether we (Arabs) would be destroyed. The Prophet Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam replied, Yes, because the "Scum" shall prevail.

نَعَمْ، إِذَا كَثُرَ الْخَبَثُ (Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, Book 88, Hadith 181)

Who rules the Arabs today, and over the last 100 years? It is the Najdis who rule over the Arabs. Hejaz was defeated by Najd, with the help of betrayal and the zionist-british. Read it, history has recorded this, irrespective of the efforts by the zionists to conceal this truth.

So I call Najdis, scum, because of what Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam has stated. This doesn't mean that the Arabs living under Najdi rule, are scum as well. I stand with those Arabs who defy and resist the Najdi rule. Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah has exposed the Najdi leadership and its treachery, when they went ahead and recognized the illegal, illegitimate and murderer state of zionist-israel.

Again, I take aim at the Najdi leadership that are traitors to Islam, not the Arabs who are my brothers and sisters in Islam. The same way I take aim at the corrupt politicians of Pakistan, who are traitors to Islam, not my fellow Pakistani brothers and sisters. Only those who support these traitors to Islam (regardless of if they are Pakistani, Arab, Turk, Egyptian, Sudanese or etc), I confront and engage them.

I hold no allegiance to any leader of any political party, or any race, or any cult, or any nation. My allegiance is to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, being a member of the Ummah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam and thereby approach the Noble Qur'an with sincerity in their hearts. Those who do the same, are my brothers and sisters in Islam.

I do not think I can be any more clearer and more precise than this. And if still you think that this is wrong, then my dear brother in Islam, this is where you and I part ways.
So we have got good vibes from the newly elected president biden of corporation with pakistan so i dont think US wants a govt change in Pakistan. Wesay bhi i think Americans dont need a govt change in Pakistan to alter the afg policy of Pakistan to their liking. if they want to they can do it through military. They have enough influence over the military.
2. I again think because of the coming visit of saudi FM, this is nothing but propaganda.
The religious legitimacy you seek for Israel is no different than what Nationalist Israelis seek.

My dear friend, as we discuss and engage each other. I would recommend that we stay linear in our discussion and not go off tangent at the blink of an eye.

You began engaging me on my post, by first accusing me of "bullying and blackmail" and when I asked you how that could be.

You responded by saying, and I quote, " You have closed the door on discussion or debate by writing that statement."

To which I responded by stating that it isn't true and encouraged you to respond with an explanation of what you claimed earlier. And you then asked "I don't know why it has political value to Pakistan or religious value to the doctrine and dogma of the state religion."

I responded with posts #77, #84 and #86. Citing the Noble Qur'an, giving historical references on Muslims Conquest of Jerusalem and requesting you to study the Noble Qur'an. And yet you have concluded that I seek religious legitimacy for israel? Really brother? All this time I have stated that the entire basis of the creation of the state of israel is hinged on a LIE. That they, the zionists, have planned and in the near future shall execute that plan, of demolishing Masjid Al-Aqsa/Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah complex to build their Temple Mount.

I urge you study the subject through the light of the Noble Qur'an, otherwise you will continue to drift from one tangent to the next. The subject of the illegal, illegitimate and murderer state of zionist israel, can only be understood and dealt with, when a Muslim approaches the Noble Qur'an. There is no religious legitimacy of israel, Islam is not a religion rather it is a way of life. You either are, or you are not, a Muslim. There is no in-between and no fence to sit on.
My dear friend, as we discuss and engage each other. I would recommend that we stay linear in our discussion and not go off tangent at the blink of an eye.

You began engaging me on my post, by first accusing me of "bullying and blackmail" and when I asked you how that could be.

You responded by saying, and I quote, " You have closed the door on discussion or debate by writing that statement."

To which I responded by stating that it isn't true and encouraged you to respond with an explanation of what you claimed earlier. And you then asked "I don't know why it has political value to Pakistan or religious value to the doctrine and dogma of the state religion."

I responded with posts #77, #84 and #86. Citing the Noble Qur'an, giving historical references on Muslims Conquest of Jerusalem and requesting you to study the Noble Qur'an. And yet you have concluded that I seek religious legitimacy for israel? Really brother? All this time I have stated that the entire basis of the creation of the state of israel is hinged on a LIE. That they, the zionists, have planned and in the near future shall execute that plan, of demolishing Masjid Al-Aqsa/Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah complex to build their Temple Mount.

I urge you study the subject through the light of the Noble Qur'an, otherwise you will continue to drift from one tangent to the next. The subject of the illegal, illegitimate and murderer state of zionist israel, can only be understood and dealt with, when a Muslim approaches the Noble Qur'an. There is no religious legitimacy of israel, Islam is not a religion rather it is a way of life. You either are, or you are not, a Muslim. There is no in-between and no fence to sit on.

I prefer to have this issue politically raised rather than its religious nature which I do not deny hold deep sentiments to many of the great religions of the world.

Israel = Jew is not a mathematical equation I work with.
Pakistan lives and survives on American military aid

Pakistan is the one who cut off NATO supplies to their illegal occupying forces in Afghanistan, post the Salalalah Attack.

Pakistan is the one who thwarted and disabled CIA directed "Black Water" PMC from infiltrating it's State and Military sites, exposing their rat-operative publicly.

Pakistan also withstood decades of american military sanctions, and established a credible, enhanced, refined and effective Nuclear Arsenal, without american military aid.

Pakistan joined the bogus american war on terror, used american military aid and has been draining and depleting american military funding in Afghanistan for the last 20 years. Today america, after 20 years of illegal occupation of Afghanistan, has spent (more like bled) over $1.4 trillion.

Unlike the Oil Rich Najdi states, Pakistan doesn't have the luxury to ponder over what to do when faced with an enemy 10 times its size. Whereas Oil-Rich Najdis have had a tiny israel to contend with, yet they failed miserably in doing so. Had the real Arabs been in control of their people and state, they would have crushed israel before it could ever raise its ugly head.

which paid for your over glorified F16s.

The same F-16s that shot down indian jets that intruded into Pakistani air space on 27th February 2019. If F-16s were so glorified, then Taiwan could just as easily invade China. If F-16s were so invincible, then Egypt and Turkey would've already invaded and crushed israel. It isn't the machine itself, rather the operator and his/her skills that matter the most.

No-one gives two shits about your pride and artificial dignity you convinced yourself of.

I dunno what you are referring to, but it is clear that you have some serious personal issues to deal with. Whatever it is, I suggest that you resolve it comprehensively. Blabbering away on the internet is not therapeutic, nor would resolve whatever it is that you are going through.

As for personal attacks, if that is the best you got. Then I suggest you go back to the drawing board and try again. I have no pride, other than striving to be an Ummati of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. My dignity is my Imaan .... I dare you to come challenge that, and you shall find yourself in a world of pain.

Delusional forum nationalists who think Turkey or Pakistan is some kind of shield against the kikes. Go feed your people you poor ****

The only delusional idiot here, is you. For if you had your head screwed right, you would've read my post history and realized that I am no nationalist.

this is where you and I part ways.

Thank you for the effort you put in trying to explain your stance, however, I agree, this is where we part ways since I still believe what you are doing (intentionally or not) is Fitnah of the highest order.
Pakistan lives and survives on American military aid which paid for your overglorified F16s.

Could you please give us the details as to what 'aid' is coming from the US.

Do you think those F-16 were gifts in the 80's from the US? It shows how little you know of Pakistan.

Do you think that the Soviets just left Afghanistan on their own after nearly a decade? We were offered F-4 (Phantoms), but we settled for F-16's that were state-of the-art back then and the US was in no position to refuse. WE fought their War.

What aid are you referring to? The ones that paid for the last batch of F-16's in the mid-2000's. Sure, the US was getting fuel into Afghanistan through Helium balloons. It was through Pakistan that allowed all those Fighter Jets to Takeoff daily for their bombings.
... feed your people you poor ****
This coming from a refugee. How're things back home? Aren't you glad we didn't join the party when asked.

We may not be rich like most, but we managed to become the ONLY Muslim Nation to be Nuclear.

Q. What have you guys achieved in past half a century?!!
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