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"Arab Countries, Together With The United States, Are Preparing To Overthrow The Imran Government."

Brother when someone means muslim umma and muslim brotherhood it never means the hypocrite leadership of al saud or irani extreme mullah.

It means common muslims. Muslim brotherhood does not mean that we tolerate injustice of muslim countries but it means ww support muslim and islamic cause whenever it is required as per islamic standard just like case of palestine. But we need not to get involved in ksa iran or ksa qatar conflict.

just an update , no issues between Qatar and the rest of the GCC anymore
The location of the temple is disputed among the most enthusiastic of Zionists.

I would suggest that you research this, as I too was given this impression. However after sifting through a multitude of israeli, zionist, as well as Modern West, Orthodox Christianity and that of Muslims, it became abundantly clear that while the Hebrew Jews (the ones without any say) dispute rebuilding the Temple Mount (not it's location), whereas the zionists, the ones in power and authority (for the last 100 years plus) proclaim this site and have vowed to rebuild the Temple Mount.

Jerusalem was under the rule of the Byzantine Empire, laid waste to site, because of their utter disdain for the Jews, for what they had done when the True Messiah (Jesus) Isa Alaihi Salam came. Signifying that this location was the site of the Old Temple, where the ruins remained. This is confirmed by records of the Muslims, where in 637 AD the Khulafa-e-Rashidun period under the Khalafah of Hazrat Umar RadiAllah ta'aalah Anho, the Muslim Army laid siege on Jerusalem. Since the Byzantine Empire failed to send reinforcements and support to defend Jerusalem. The appointed representative of the Byzantine Empire in the Holy Land was known as Sophronius the Sophist, titled as the Patriarch of Jerusalem, who (his excellency) conceded the surrender of Jerusalem to the Muslims, under the condition that the Caliph of the Islamic World personally come to Jerusalem to take accept the surrender.

The incident has been recorded, that Hazrat Umar RadiAllah ta'aalah Anho was given a tour of the City of Jerusalem, by the Patriarch of Jerusalem. Whilst the tour was conducted, they came across the ruins of the Temple Mount. It is recorded that Hazrat Umar RadiAllah ta'aalah Anho witnessed the site of the Temple Mount filled with garbage. The reason was the Orthodox Christians displayed their disdain for the Jews and what their ancestors did to the One True Messiah of God, Jesus Alaihi Salam, by dumping their garbage in the ruins of the Temple Mount. Hazrat Umar RadiAllah ta'aalah Anho, personally began to clean the site, which was followed by the rest of the Muslims doing so with him. The site was cleared and Hazrat Umar RadiAllah ta'aalah Anho commissioned the building of Masjid Al-Aqsa in place of the ruins of the Temple Mount.

Why did Hazrat Umar RadiAllah ta'aalah Anho commission the building of Masjid Al-Aqsa on the Temple Mount site?

1. The original Temple was built by Nabi Suleiman Alaihi Salam, a Prophet of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. As such, Muslims as Ummati of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, respect and honor all Prophets of Allah.

2. The site is where Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam performed Salah, during His (Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam) journey to the Heavens, titled as Israh wal Mairaj. It is also the location where Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam ascended to the Heavens on the heavenly creature, Buraaq.

I don't know why it has political value to Pakistan or religious value to the doctrine and dogma of the state religion.

I would suggest you read and study the Noble Qur'an, as without doing so, you or anyone of us, is incapable of understanding the subject. For when you do, then you would understand that Masjid Al-Aqsa and Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah, nor Jerusalem have any "political value" for Muslims. Rather, Jerusalem holds the key to everything that has transpired for the last 2000 years. The deceit and treachery of the Temple Mount Rabbis and King Herod, his wife and his sons, supported whole heartedly by the Jewish masses, at the time. Hence as a Muslim, it is a duty upon all who are the followers of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, to study the Noble Qur'an, and in its light, challenge the Jews as well as the Zionists (who pretend to be both Jews and Christians) on their claim to the Holy Land. Since their claim is based on a LIE, and upon which they have continued to commit heinous acts of wickedness, to present day.

One day---I went looking for a car in the Palm springs ' Desert Hot springs area---. On my way back---I stopped at a 7-11 store. A pakistani man in medium height---wearing a baseball hat was at the counter---not your typical 7/77 cashier---but someone with authority---.

Would not talk to me---won't look me in the eye---did not acknowledge my gfreetingatypical bad pakistani military officer type---. On my way home---something hit me---maybe a "sellout" hiding in the nowhere desert in southern california---.

Unfortunately I am aware of some high ranking ISI and Pak army officials who worked for CIA and then settled in USA,
Haroon Rasheed is not a very credible journalist any longer. Havai batien.
Jerusalem to the Muslims
Treaty of Omar still holds for the old city. Principles of Justice as envisioned by Omar are quoted in most modern constitutions of the world.
The Jordanians exercise control over Muslim heritage sites in Palestine.
Rather, Jerusalem holds the key to everything that has transpired for the last 2000 years.
That is down to geography of trade and mass propaganda. The city and others adjoining them have been routinely abandoned and destroyed over the past centuries.
Really? You asked him did you?

You think he'd stand by and watch while others died defending such holy sites on his behalf?

Maybe Arabs are in far bigger trouble than they themselves realise.
Brother when someone means muslim umma and muslim brotherhood it never means the hypocrite leadership of al saud or irani extreme mullah.

It means common muslims. Muslim brotherhood does not mean that we tolerate injustice of muslim countries but it means ww support muslim and islamic cause whenever it is required as per islamic standard just like case of palestine. But we need not to get involved in ksa iran or ksa qatar conflict. For that matter even
just an update , no issues between Qatar and the rest of the GCC anymore
Doesnt matter. No issues right now but it will arrive in future.

KSA and Iran both consider themselves as leader of muslims whereas none of them care about muslima or islam
Doesnt matter. No issues right now but it will arrive in future.KSA and Iran both consider themselves as leader of muslims whereas none of them care about muslima or islam

Well like a marriage then. Let issues arise and due to good history and relationships, they need to work on them and make the bond stronger !

also, you forgot Ardoghan xD
Treaty of Omar still holds for the old city. Principles of Justice as envisioned by Omar are quoted in most modern constitutions of the world.
The Jordanians exercise control over Muslim heritage sites in Palestine.

That is down to geography of trade and mass propaganda. The city and others adjoining them have been routinely abandoned and destroyed over the past centuries.

The Temple Mount was destroyed twice, as is documented and recorded in history. I am sure you are aware of this, as well as Herod l building the second Temple Mount.

So we can conclude safely that the geographical location of where the Temple Mount is gonna be built, i.e Al-Quds. Otherwise there is no rhyme or reason why israel wants Jerusalem to be it's capital, nor any reason for its recognition by Muslim States.
The Temple Mount was destroyed twice, as is documented and recorded in history. I am sure you are aware of this, as well as Herod l building the second Temple Mount.

So we can conclude safely that the geographical location of where the Temple Mount is gonna be built, i.e Al-Quds. Otherwise there is no rhyme or reason why israel wants Jerusalem to be it's capital, nor any reason for its recognition by Muslim States.

Shouldn't this be a matter between them and Yahweh?

Looks to me Muslims believe in their stories more than they do themselves. Land grabbing has no religion. You can claim to have Mars in the name of Indus Valley God or Priest.

Political matters need political solutions not religious dogma.
Shouldn't this be a matter between them and Yahweh?

Looks to me Muslims believe in their stories more than they do themselves. Land grabbing has no religion. You can claim to have Mars in the name of Indus Valley God or Priest.

Political matters need political solutions not religious dogma.

It isn't religious dogma, when the Noble Qur'an declares the wickedness of Banu israeel. Muslims believe in the Noble Qur'an, unless of course you are stating that the Noble Qur'an is wrong, are you????
It isn't religious dogma, when the Noble Qur'an declares the wickedness of Banu israeel. Muslims believe in the Noble Qur'an, unless of course you are stating that the Noble Qur'an is wrong, are you????

Who are the Israelites of the Quran?
Is it a race or ethnicity or a nation or people following a set form of religion?
haroon rashid knows as much as he can fart..

now lets look at some facts

Is IK popular in west and Arab nations?

No... of course not .. his policy flies in their face

Does it mean they will do a coup?..


Muharaf is one thing.. but against a man that is most popular man in Pakistan history backed by the Pakistan army.. impossible.
Who are the Israelites of the Quran?

Well now, you really ought to read and study the Noble Qur'an, because you needn't be asking this question, had you done so. Besides it is a very elementary question you ask, who else can Banu israeel be other than the ones whom Musa Alaihi Salam was sent to.

Is it a race or ethnicity or a nation or people following a set form of religion?

My dear friend, you asking such shows you have not studied the Noble Qur'an. I would suggest that you do this, because without the Noble Qur'an, you are navigating this subject, compass-less.
no one can do anything unless we have traitors from inside help them
If you follow Imran Khan interview last few days, he admitted few friendly countries try reach him and ready to provide funding to his political parties. Which he refused. Something big is cooking against him. After dealing with corrupts like Zardari-Nawaz , honest man doesn't suit these leaders.... in search of new slaves.
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