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Arab Coalition Announces Launch of Operation to Liberate Yemen from Houthis

Yeah yeah whatever

Just save your scientists and don't shoot down your airliner next time
Thats a pretty cheap shot [to put it very mildly] considering that for 14 years us drones murdered hundreds of pakistani civilians with virtual impunity,while its military did nothing [naturally] and its government offered barely a fart of [easily ignored] protest......and we wont even go into the national embarrassment that resulted from the americans bin laden hit...
And all of this despite pakistan being the worlds sole nuclear armed muslim nation...
It certainly puts it all into a very clear perspective,now doesnt it? :sarcastic:
The GCC is much more important, more influential and smarter then a Mullah whos reciting Khurafat they don't even understand properly what they are following.. That is the worst of mankind given everything of good but he doesn't understand the books his carrying.. It's like that verse which says it is like donkey's carrying books because if you don't actully understand what the books you carry says you ain't about this life..

It is like failing at the most basic area of life
I would agree with you that GCC is more important than Iran.
Yeah yeah whatever

Just save your scientists and don't shoot down your airliner next time
sure, but how is this related to the topic at hand? dont get mad at me that i'm usually right on Middle east and Iran and you arent.
Airstrikes must be the lesser significant component of the operation, ground operation the significant portion.

GCC does it the other way around which wields little result.

No more internet for Houthis in Yemen.. no more updates or communications..

the Arab coalition have targeted the only internet get in Yemen the Hodeidah gate..

They have no appetite for war. As soon as their soldiers start dying they will chicken out. By giving space they have allowed Houthis to become a formidable foe. If Saudis and Allies are not ready for long war then they will suffer.
They have no appetite for war. As soon as their soldiers start dying they will chicken out. By giving space they have allowed Houthis to become a formidable foe. If Saudis and Allies are not ready for long war then they will suffer.

The houtis are getting beaten to a pulp by the giants brigade.. I fail to see the imaginative suffering here:lol:
But it is countries where they have majority support and notice nothing follows countries where there is no supporters of theirs.. If the population tilt's towards them that is when cough we cough! destablize it. The Expandables should be disregarded..
It's a question of democracy, why should autocrats be tolerated?
No body is important for Pakistan.. they all use Pakistan. We are seen as slaves.
Iranian are bastards
Arabs are bastards.

We have to stand on our feet.

Bro, I wish lot more Pakistanis understood this. I have seen simply too many Pakistanis literally worshiping Arabs. Nothing, no argument , no logic goes through their heads.
Arabs cant win wars. it is known. They are like ANA but Arab rather than Afghan.

Didn't we make tahroonis mad for 8 years, oh yes we did!


Pakistan, Iran and Turkey will be Arabized, that day you will gain the passport to heaven.
That Palestinian card is fake and including the Israel card that is used is also fake card and only used to gather support for terrorist criminals and it is there 123 go to argument card which is technically intellectually bankrupt.. Israel aren't launching drones into sovereign countries but these who are doing it will pay dearly

And Arab coalition Is sending rasgulla and gulajamun to sovereign country ? What an absolutely blind arab bootlicker you are.
Didn't we make tahroonis mad for 8 years, oh yes we did!


Pakistan, Iran and Turkey will be Arabized, that day you will gain the passport to heaven.

Pakistan, Iran & Turkey will never be Arabized and why should we? According, to The Prophet PBUH said he felt cold winds coming from the East, cause your asses in the GCC will already be on fire. :D
Thats a pretty cheap shot [to put it very mildly] considering that for 14 years us drones murdered hundreds of pakistani civilians with virtual impunity,while its military did nothing [naturally] and its government offered barely a fart of [easily ignored] protest......and we wont even go into the national embarrassment that resulted from the americans bin laden hit...
And all of this despite pakistan being the worlds sole nuclear armed muslim nation...
It certainly puts it all into a very clear perspective,now doesnt it? :sarcastic:

I may not agree with the other guy but should put the record straight, you put it as if we couldn't stop them, as if the drones were carried out without the consent of the state. We openly allied with US, didn't we? Targets inside Pakistan were each given permission by Pakistan and they were mostly accurate and naturally there will be collateral damage. It was highly politicised and political parties took advantage. It is why govts mostly lied and didn't tell the truth, we have a huge percentage of emotional zealots that dont think through. We are a democracy and our ppl are highly independent, unlike in dictatorships and where supreme leader reign supreme for life. Bin laden incident was also fake and he had died years ago, we could have shot down the choppers but decided not to.
It is wrong to compare all that with iran shooting passenger plane, or unable to protect nuclear scientist, these are clear incompetencies. While being a major non NATO ally, their CIA agent couldnt escape after killing a low tier intelligence operative and was caught, let alone successfully killing nuclear scientist.
First time to be exact. The Hudyada one was limited and only for that strip and stopped with international condemnations. But this one is coming from all angles they have already lost 10% of their territories since this began a week ago and most of their fronts are collapsing from this offensive
Taking Yemen shoudln't be an issue but holding on to it and suffering the consequences will be as the coalition forces found out in Afghanistan and Iraq.
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