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Spokesman: Coalition has Destroyed 350 Ballistic Missiles, 550 Houthi Drones

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Monday, 8 March, 2021 - 18:00


Coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Malki displays the debris of a ballistic missile launched by the Houthis towards Riyadh, during a news conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on March 29, 2020. (Reuters)
Asharq Al-Awsat
Spokesman for the Saudi-led Arab coalition, Colonel Turki al-Malki, underscored on Monday Saudi Arabia’s ability to defend its economic installations and thwart aerial and rocket threats.

In an interview to Al Arabiya, he confirmed that the ballistic missiles and armed drones that have been launched by the Houthi militias in Yemen were manufactured by Iran.

The coalition has so far destroyed 350 missiles, 550 explosive-laden drones and 62 booby-trapped boats launched by the Iran-backed Houthis.

No country in the world has been able to confront these drones the way Saudi Arabia has, he stressed.

The Kingdom boasts major deterrence power against any threat regardless of its source, Malki added.

Furthermore, he accused the militias of threatening navigation in the Red Sea, adding that the Houthis are adopting an approach similar to the terrorist al-Qaeda organization.

Addressing the Houthi offensive in the Marib province, he warned that it is threatening the lives of Yemenis and undermining UN efforts to resolve the conflict.

Saudi Arabia is supporting the Yemeni national army and helping it protect its gains on the ground, he added.

On Riyadh’s retaliation to the Houthi targeting of oil installations in eastern Saudi Arabia, he said: “As opposed to the Houthis, we are committed to international laws in our operations.”

“We enjoy tactical and strategic patience to protect civilians and we are carrying out painful strikes against the Houthis,” he went on to say.

As they say if you want peace prepare for war..... Saudi Arabia should exit all this UN nonsense and launch a massive new ground incursions the pretext have been provided to them on a silver plate.

Launch a ground incursion after making the place into rubble... The Houthis have showchased they want no peace but they want someone to end them out of their misery and the coalition should give it to them. Their are rival forces inside Yemen currently holding bigger junk then the houthis they would be of great asset plus the new massive land incursion troops. They are surrounded from everywhere the terrorists from south, north, west and east. They can't protect all the frontlines. The new massive scale land incursions should come from every direction.

A major offensive incursions is overdue now and it is the right time to do so. with Impunity where the UN can't say shit this time around they lost all the initiative.. It is time for the coalition to launch the new mass land incursions..

As Khalid banu Walid once famously said it is now the time to be decisive in the battle of Yarmouk... Take good junk of the northern territories the heartland of the terrorist tribes and resettle them the southern tribes ethnic cleanse the place ala taking a page out of Turkey's book
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