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Appreciating Made in Pakistan - Aeronutics operations

Pakistan is still far behind. Lemme tell you something, all these machines you see are provided by China mostly manufactured in Japan. Pakistanis are merely operating them. These workers you see have no real understanding of radars or avionics or aerodynamics. Mere operating Chinese and Japanese machines wont make Pakistan an aeronautical superpower.

They have taken a start.And i appreciate the engineers at PAC that they have skipped the step of reinventing the wheel.With out any proper understanding of " Radar, Avionics and Aerodynamics" one can not develop a fighter jet out of the blue.And then think about upgrading their product without the backing of due amount of research.You need to keep your knowledge up to date on the subject,otherwise you'll keep on posting in the similar fashion as you are doing now.
Your post carries no value.
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Pakistan is still far behind. Lemme tell you something, all these machines you see are provided by China mostly manufactured in Japan. Pakistanis are merely operating them. These workers you see have no real understanding of radars or avionics or aerodynamics. Mere operating Chinese and Japanese machines wont make Pakistan an aeronautical superpower.
I'm glad you got a negative rating for this outrageous outburst of jealousy. :angry:
@S.U.R.B. Thank you.:tup::tup::tup:
Pakistan is still far behind. Lemme tell you something, all these machines you see are provided by China mostly manufactured in Japan. Pakistanis are merely operating them. These workers you see have no real understanding of radars or avionics or aerodynamics. Mere operating Chinese and Japanese machines wont make Pakistan an aeronautical superpower.
...and how do you know all that? I hope you have a video interview with those specific workers.
Pakistan is still far behind. Lemme tell you something, all these machines you see are provided by China mostly manufactured in Japan. Pakistanis are merely operating them. These workers you see have no real understanding of radars or avionics or aerodynamics. Mere operating Chinese and Japanese machines wont make Pakistan an aeronautical superpower.

Are you blind or what. The Machine Tools and other machines are from all over the world. Austrian, Swedish and Japanese. Read the labels. Machine operators are not supposed to be electronic wizards. That is the work of engineers and designers. There are quiet a few of them and more in the pipeline.
Well I was impressed , it would have been fantastic if the PAC tablet made in Kamra was initiated in schools so students could benefit and also Kamra would get additional funds to continue further research in that area
If they are into those commercial devices like Takhti 7 and book readers.
It'll be good opportunity for them to develop & manufacture something like a portable combat information system for the soldiers in the field.It can tremendously improve the battlefield situational awareness. Especially when we have Beidou navigational satellite system in our approach.

Something like the one that is developed for the Indian army.
It is called ,Sathi (Strategic Awareness and Tactical Handheld Information).



militaries around the world use such portable devices.It is a need of time.And we can have the potential of developing an indigenous & cost effective solution for that.
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