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Anyone in Sindh Objecting to KALA Bagh Dam? One more flood One more Year

Politicians here have slave mentality and specially the money launderers who stashes the money in west.

Simply change the name of Dam from the Kalabagh to SufaidBagh, GoraBagh, and anything related to white skin domination for the complexed and everything will be OK.
Do you have any articles or paper that is available to learn more about Pakistan flood control system?

Btw, keep in mind this was officially presented to WAPDA in 2011 (the author shared an official presentation letter with me years ago, but I have to find it on an ok’d compute one of these days).

So had the leadership of any of the parties had the vision, this could have been built by now, and this year’s floods would be excess water Pakistan would be benefiting from and not enduring the damage from. :(

Partially why I support PTI, is that they at least tried to raise funding to build dams. But this is also why we need to achieve political unity in Pakistan to focus on these vital infrastructure projects. Dams as well as water treatment plants and systems to replenish our aquifers. With this kind of water infrastructure in place, no matter the government, at least the average person will be able to eat and not lose their homes to floods. Politics can then be worked out from a place of stability and water security.

If we are to make good use of our demographic dividend we need to expand the canal network and build the dams to grow arable land by at least 55% as outlined in the presentation.
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That’s why if there is one thing I can accomplish be on this forum, all these years, is to advocate for the “Pakistan flood control system”. It’s potentially the most consequential project to sustain the nation for at least the next 50 years.

Write an article on DAWN or some other paper.
Write an article on DAWN or some other paper.
I would but the current political environment make me think otherwise. I’ll wait till the dust clears to see where we stand. In the mean time I hope the original author of the presentation writes on the subject. I think he is more qualified then I. I’m just a huge fan of his work.
I would but the current political environment make me think otherwise. I’ll wait till the dust clears to see where we stand. In the mean time I hope the original author of the presentation writes on the subject. I think he is more qualified then I. I’m just a huge fan of his work.

Fair enough. You can encourage him to write an article or bring this into the public domain somehow...to build pressure on the governments.

PTI being in the opposition will readily take such as a project and publicize it for it's own gain perhaps.
We need a linked reservoir system like UK. Instead of facing flood every few years. Store the water clean it and use it.
They should have planned for these floods, they have seen it so many times before. Escape routes for river flood water must be created so the water floods into special flood plains and not into cities, towns and villages. One question Is did India calculatedly release water from their dams to cause this disaster and if so what is Pakistan going to do about it?
Floods have devastated the whole country while in middle of financial crisis but the leaders (military and civilian) are playing politics, banning media and enjoying foreign trips. A true banana republic.
There is no water problem. There is only a people problem.

It’s Up to Sindhis peoples to sort out their PPP shit. Till then, Keep drowning yearly

Politicians here have slave mentality and specially the money launderers who stashes the money in west.

Simply change the name of Dam from the Kalabagh to SufaidBagh, GoraBagh, and anything related to white skin domination for the complexed and everything will be OK.
Better option would be Bhutto Zinda hai dam.😂😭
Convicted PM, dropping 4 bags of items, to the flood affectees, from the helicopter, just for a good PR PHOTO SHOOT.

While, the only real progress has been made, is on how to DISQUALIFY, an OUSTED PM.

Is IK really that powerful?
Are your past and present deeds, paint a bleek future to your career?

How much more, will the poor, poverty stricten flood affectees need to suffer?

Billions of rupees of COVID funds vanished / unaccounted for. Same is expected from the convicted criminals in the ongoing crisis.

How much loyalty / sincerity is expected from the servants of the people, when the only thing they are capable of doing is punishing the civilians, OPPOSING THEIR STATUS QUO?
Fair enough. You can encourage him to write an article or bring this into the public domain somehow...to build pressure on the governments.

PTI being in the opposition will readily take such as a project and publicize it for it's own gain perhaps.
I’ll see what I can do. Although he seems frankly non-partisan and apolitical. A professional who wanted the merits of his analysis to lead to its implementation.

If the PTI picks it up on there own ( :azn: ), It would definitely be a plus. Especially to convince voters in the hardest effected areas, which are traditionally where the PPP holds the most sway.
I’m not a hydrologist/engineer so I’m not sure how long a massive new dam would take to intitially fill up to reach its base level. If Kalabagh or a similarly massive dam is built it would take some time, similar to the issue with the Ethiopian Renaissance dam and the issues they are having with Sudan and Egypt downstream. There maybe a year or a few years of not an insignificant amount of water not going downstream as the dam fills. That period of tine can be used to malign the dam. Once the dam is up and running though, it would be a blessing for the people of southern Punjab and Sindh, especially Karachi and the mangroves in the delta.

I also agree we need canals to divert water East/west across the rivers of Punjab and into the marginal farming lands of the desert areas like Cholistan. At the very least this water should be used to increase arable land or replenish aquifers.
This flooding feels similar to back in 2010's or around that period we had earth quakes and floods

We all had ideas , suggested it but nothing really got developed between 2010 and 2022

Once the water levels go down , people forget it ever happened

6 Months later people are claim we have shortages of water for farming

From a observer stand point , we just got blessed with So much water but because we never had a planning to divert water and develop strategic reserves the precious water just causes flooding and then falls into sea
This flooding feels similar to back in 2010's or around that period we had earth quakes and floods

We all had ideas , suggested it but nothing really got developed between 2010 and 2022

Once the water levels go down , people forget it ever happened

6 Months later people are claim we have shortages of water for farming

From a observer stand point , we just got blessed with So much water but because we never had a planning to divert water and develop strategic reserves the precious water just causes flooding and then falls into sea

Plans have been proposed but we need visionary and Bold leaders that are willing spend their political capital to prioritize water management ahead of nearly everything else.

Water management (including water treatment plants and aquifer replenishment boreholes) should help minimize waterborne diseases, expand arable land, allow people to continue to get water through current water distribution infrastructure such as Nulkas and canals, and minimize the amount of heavy metals in our water and the food the water is used to irrigate.

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