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Any questions regarding Pakistan.

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Pakistani society is said to be male dominated, how bad conditions are in your views and what have you done to change it, are you part of the problem or the solution ?
Every society is men dominated its just that the degree of domination gets diluted.Across subcontinent women are still treated like castles(if we take out elites and upper middle class) ,the majority of population which comes under lower economy classes there condition of women are worst.
Solution of it mainly lies with men.And on women part they have to be rebellious in matters which they think can improve their situation like in field of getting educated,be aware of family planning and methods, health care awareness among kids and women to reduce mother-child mortality rates.Thats what we do in anganwadi kendra programs.we get the students social servic workers to volunteer and assign them one village for a period of 3 months rotation.During vacations like 2 month during summer we take up take up 2-3 districts together depending upon our work force.
Are you hear to troll? The same problem is in India!! The condition varies from background, sort of education and of course what sort of exposure is given! If you are from the village and have a good exposure, you do not fall in that group...If you are from the city and yet have dihati culture you are the problem...It is the case EVERYWHERE!

Take towns in America, UK, Italy, Sweden....EVERYWHERE! Yes, in South Asia- Not Pakistan Alone, the problem is more serious! When a male mindset is made up in a certain way there is very little you can do about it....

If you are thinking it is Islamic, nope, Islam doesn't say that! It says both genders are equal and have their own responsibilities but there are examples where Prophets helped their wives which are supposed to be examples for the Muslims but if they don't want to follow, we can't throw the dirty laundry to Islam...
Otherwise, Whole of South Asia is full of this mentality!
well is question is genuine and can be answered without bringing religion into it.
well is question is genuine and can be answered without bringing religion into it.

Surprisingly, if I put a general answer people throw in religion, when I answer everything, they say I bring in religion...I just answered everything so that nothing gets missed out!
They do have an attitude with tons of make up till the time they open their mouth and tell their BFs on first date "main tay Emmm Ceeee donalad diyan chispaan kharyan" :D

Man you guys met the wrong type of girls in Pakistan. I used to have girls take me out for lunch and pay! :lol:
Surprisingly, if I put a general answer people throw in religion, when I answer everything, they say I bring in religion...I just answered everything so that nothing gets missed out!
Well you can differentiate why people are bringing religio into general topic...is it for serious discussion ..or is it for just time pass....
O this link? No idea who these people are...Only know Musharaff, but guess what, he is no longer Pakistan's president...in fact he is always invited to India to give lectures! So, whose funding whom??

See,Thats fact and india had to play hard game to destroy those camps.India is always feared that with change in regime,these groups will be activated again.This is the reason these groups are getting their funds from china through burma.
I have noticed that many Pakistanis believe that once US troops (most if not all) leaves Afghanistan in 2014 the Taliban will gain more power and regions in that country.

Question: 2
Does these Pakistanis want Taliban to come to power in Afghanistan instead of a democratic elected govt. If they do, do they also want their country to have the same friendly relations with Taliban Afghanistan like they had until 2001.

Which survey was conducted and how many "many" Pakistanis did you ask?

ALL OTHER THREADS answer this superbly! I see you are new, go roam around, most of your curiosity and galat fahmi door ho jai gi!
Man you guys met the wrong type of girls in Pakistan. I used to have girls take me out for lunch and pay! :lol:
Bachchay se bhi koi paise leta hai sab bachche ko paise chocolates dete hain kaka jutt....

See,Thats fact and india had to play hard game to destroy those camps.India is always feared that with change in regime,these groups will be activated again.This is the reason these groups are getting their funds from china through burma.

No idea, not my field NOR anything to do with Pakistan...Not sure Burma has enough money to fund stuffs like that!

Plus you did not answer...

Only know Musharaff, but guess what, he is no longer Pakistan's president...in fact he is always invited to India to give lectures! So, whose funding whom??

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...ions-regarding-pakistan-19.html#ixzz26SF4yxSK

Well you can differentiate why people are bringing religio into general topic...is it for serious discussion ..or is it for just time pass....

I thought I could, but lately, whatever I answer seems to get re-questioned and asked something that already is in my answer :(

Man you guys met the wrong type of girls in Pakistan. I used to have girls take me out for lunch and pay! :lol:

Hain? Which girls were these?

well is question is genuine and can be answered without bringing religion into it.

For the 1st 1 mth here on this forum, I was thanking people of their questions about Pakistan and trying to clear misunderstandings...Everytime I thought I hit a bit of success either culture, religion or some new area were brought up into the discussion pointing that I did not answer from Islamic point of view or from cultural...Now, I give all answers, they can pick from which angle their question was
OK let me ask>

Why are Pakistani parents so temperamental and why do they beat their children with Dhanda(instead of explaining)?
Jammu and Kashmir state as a whole is in control under 3 countries today.
1. Aksai Chin - with China
2. Shaksham Valley - with China
3. Gilgit-Baltistan areas - with Pakistan
4. Part of Kashmir - with Pakistan
5. Part of Kashmir - with India
6. Jammu - with India
7. Ladakh - with India

My Question 3:
When some Pakistanis talk about having a referendum in Kashmir so that they can decide for themselves do they mean a voting in all these above areas (except ofcourse the uninhabited Shaksham valley) or is it only the Jammu-Kashmir under India; i.e. the last 3.
If yes to the latter, do they expect the referendum (in the event that India does have it) in all 3 regions of India or only the Kashmir valley?
OK let me ask>

Why are Pakistani parents so temperamental and why do they beat their children with Dhanda(instead of explaining)?

Do they still? I wish they did! At least we wouldn't have soo many walay nor whiny!

I m too saying that now most of these groups are destroyed and mushy went outside in 2007 and with the change in BD govt,these groups got nailed up..
OK let me ask>

Why are Pakistani parents so temperamental and why do they beat their children with Dhanda(instead of explaining)?

It's the only way they learn. Through fear and intimidation. Growing up to the man that I am my ubba can still pick up the slipper at a moment's notice.
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