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Any questions Regarding India

Sorry Sir,

Your justification is just that.

I sought the opinion about India and not a counter opinion quoting Pakistan.

The point is that you could not phrase it without using Pakistan yourself, so why expect more from others than you can deliver yourself?
oho mere typing kud ba kud capital ho jaty he ...men jan buj kar naee karty ,hahahhaha:lol:
it means all the human beings started to spread from hindustan..the main point and center land was hindustan?
u have also come from some where and urz fore- fathers were not hindus......!!!:rolleyes:
....science baad mein i he,500 phele ya thousand yearz phele to hamara religion he tha na......im just asking ,not trolling

Perhaps if you translate into English?
Gotta love my post:

Question asked:
Why is that, most Indian posters here, while answering questions about India, answers these by quoting what happens in Pakistan or by denigrating Pakistan.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...estions-regarding-india-59.html#ixzz2705cE9HK

It was replied with:
A wise old man told me, when I was an unwise young man, that when one points a finger at another, three fingers tend to point to oneself.

Had you noticed that both your questions, to Indians, about India, included the word Pakistan in the wording of the question itself?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...estions-regarding-india-59.html#ixzz2705jVKkL

Awesome! So when Indians reply

quoting what happens in Pakistan or by denigrating Pakistan

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...estions-regarding-india-59.html#ixzz2705nQFtx

They point
three fingers to
Sir, according to our scriptures, as you may like to call them, Islam came down on earth with the first man who was sent to earth from the heaven. His name was Adam. He was the first prophet of God as well.

Therefore, as per our entity, no one was there before us.


Perhaps you would permit some of us, the agnostics and atheists, to do without the Cosmic Sacrifice that was the origin of the universe, and just stay with Darwin?

Gotta love my post:

Yes, indeed, that can happen, but it depends on the context. Your inference does not hold true where there is no cross reference.
Just a political correct statement. Suicide bombers, terrorists all have their religions, identities and objectives. When they blast bomb by self or remotely they do so to achieve a specific set of goals. I believe instead of hiding behind the statements as said by you, we should meet this challenge head on before its too late.

I am sorry my religion NEVER says kill innocent lives! NO religion says so!
Islam give or take a century here or there has been on the subcontinent for around a thousand years.

Of these, for around half that timespan, Islam has been the dominant faith of the rulers to the North.

Today a thousand years later, we still have twice the number of Hindus as Muslims, counting India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.

The numbers are around 900 odd million Hindus to around 450 odd million Muslims.

A a big chunk of that 450 million from conversion is now a part of our history.

Let's move on? :)
hahahhaha ok but as a muslim we think our history even not begin from hindustan......

Did you find anyone objecting? Some may laugh rudely, some may smack their foreheads, some may struggle not to burst into tears at this imbecile behaviour, but I doubt that anybody would stop you.

Perhaps you would permit some of us, the agnostics and atheists, to do without the Cosmic Sacrifice that was the origin of the universe, and just stay with Darwin?

Well, you can claim ape descend (Darwin's evolution which by the way any modern Genetics can disprove because of all the new discoveries) while we say we always were humans, deal?
Well, you can claim ape descend (Darwin's evolution which by the way any modern Genetics can disprove because of all the new discoveries) while we say we always were humans, deal?

You did not answer my question on the other thread.

Why did God not make Eve with a Hijab?
Islam give or take a century here or there has been on the subcontinent for around a thousand years.

Of these, for around half that timespan, Islam has been the dominant faith of the rulers to the North.

Today a thousand years later, we still have twice the number of Hindus as Muslims, counting India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.

The numbers are around 900 odd million Hindus to around 450 odd million Muslims.

A a big chunk of that 450 million from conversion is now a part of our history.

Let's move on? :)

Does this on its own not prove that Islam was not spread by the sword? Was it...that 900 million would be lower in number or none existing ...Look at Central and S. America...THAT is where the sword landed....few not even in millions who practice their "old ways"

You did not answer my question on the other thread.

Why did God not make Eve with a Hijab?

No one knows how she looks or what she was wearing so no answer to that! Plus the thread was closed how could I answer?
Does this on its own not prove that Islam was not spread by the sword? Was it...that 900 million would be lower in number or none existing ...Look at Central and S. America...THAT is where the sword landed....few not even in millions who practice their "old ways"

Could it equally well have been that the weak got culled, and for once Islam came up against an immovable ancient faith?

No one knows how she looks or what she was wearing so no answer to that! Plus the thread was closed how could I answer?

A fig leaf is so hedonistic. tut tut
If I may Sir, why did you prefer to call it India.

Have you read the Indian constitution? The bit where we say who we are? That's Part I, Clause 1, Setion 1.

In case you just aren't up to this physical effort, the name of our country is India, that is Bharat. That distinguishes the English usage from the usage in other languages. We use the name India as that is the name of the cultural entity, which was formed into several political entities, and as the Dominion of India was the successor to the British Crown Colony of India, legally speaking. We inherited the appropriate boundaries, and the appropriate international memberships, as well being bound by international laws that the representatives of the Colony had entered on our behalf.

Bharat is the name we use in Hindi, in Bengali, in Tamizh and any other of the languages in the schedule of languages.
Could it equally well have been that the weak got culled, and for once Islam came up against an immovable ancient faith?

Well, the thing being spread is that Islam converted many with the sword! Those who did not convert were killed! 900 M were not killed....Speaks for its own self!

A fig leaf is so hedonistic. tut tut
Sorry did not get this bit!
The man of Faith holds fast to his faith,

Because he knows it is true. The man

Of the world, rejecting Faith, clings hard

To worldly interests. Let him mind

His worldly interests, but let him not

Force his interests on men sincere

And true, by favour, force or fraud.


قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا الْكَافِرُونَ (١)

1. Say: O ye that reject Faith!

C6289. Faith is a matter of personal conviction, and does not depend on worldly motives.

Worship should depend on pure and sincere Faith, but often does not: for motives of worldly gain, ancestral custom, social conventions or imitative instincts, or a lethargic instinct to shrink from enquiring into the real significance of solemn acts and the motives behind them, reduce a great deal of the world's worship to sin, selfishness, or futility.

Symbolic idols may themselves be merely instruments for safeguarding the privileges of a selfish priestly class, or the ambitions, greed, or lust of private individuals.

Hence the insistence of Islam and its Prophet on the pure worship of the One True God. The Prophet firmly resisted all appeals to worldly motives, and stood firm to his Message of eternal Unity.

لَا أَعْبُدُ مَا تَعْبُدُونَ (٢)

2. I worship not that which ye worship,

وَلَا أَنتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ (٣)

3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

C6290. Verses 2-3 describe the conditions as they were at the time when this Surah was revealed, and may be freely paraphrased:

'I am a worshipper of the One True God, the Lord of all, of you as well as of myself; but you on account of your vested interests have not the will to give up your false worship, of idols and self'.

وَلَا أَنَا عَابِدٌ مَّا عَبَدتُّمْ (٤)

4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,

وَلَا أَنتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ (٥)

5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

Verses 4-5 describe the psychological reasons: I, being a prophet of Allah do not and cannot possibly desire to follow your false ancestral ways; and you, as custodians of the false worship, have not the will to give up your ways of worship, which are wrong'.

The "will" in the translation represents less the future tense than the will, the desire, the psychological possibility: it tries to reproduce the Arabic noun-agent.

لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ (٦)

6. To you be your Way, and to me mine

C6291. 'I, having been given the Truth, cannot come to your false ways: you, having your vested interests, will not give them up. For your ways the responsibility is yours: I have shown you the Truth. For my ways the responsibility is mine: you have no right to ask me to abandon the Truth. Your persecutions will be vain: the Truth must prevail in the end'.

This was the attitude of Faith then: but it is true for all time. Hold fast to Truth, "in scorn of consequence".

Quran Arabic Surah (Sura) Kafirun (Kafiroon) with English Translation & Commentary (Tafsir) by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Recitation By Said Al Ghamdi MP3, Free Download

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