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Any questions Regarding India

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What's the price of Kashmir to Indians, is it really worth $billions of dollars and all that tension. Suppose Pakistani goverment paid India $200bln dollars, would you be prepared to give up Indian Kashmir?

And this is a theoretical question so no trolling please.

India won't give kashmir at any cost, Further Pakistan does'nt have $200bln dollars, Even if the United States give that much money, by the time they would have conducted 1 million drone strikes and thousands of clandestine operations inside pakistan
Why people of India don't think military as a part of nation? Why Strategic knowledge in India is far behind than most of its neighbors? A recent report says that 90% of the Indians don't know about the existence of RAW? I am sure that even the parents of the Indian members don't know about RAW, Including myself.
coz military is slave of politcal elites and is used to kill its own peple.
What a dumbarse reply!
Indian Military is a part of our nation. But one has to understand that India is a democracy. Military/security forces are used, if and when needed, as part of government policy. They do NOT form policies, they do NOT control areas, they are not involved in maintaining law and order.
Indians have more pressing matters to deal with than 'worry' about military.

Yes there are pockets but overall South is way peaceful then North and casteism is more or less abolished and the lower class people rule the roost with better jobs and reservations.
Similar is the case with northern parts of India. Why there have even been SC/ST/OBC Chief Ministers in some states!
OK answer this:

What's the price of Kashmir to Indians, is it really worth $billions of dollars and all that tension. Suppose Pakistani goverment paid India $200bln dollars, would you be prepared to give up Indian Kashmir?

And this is a theoretical question so no trolling please.

This is not a question of money, India has spent more billion dollars on Kashmir in past 65 years than it has got back, if we could had bought land in money than believe me mate entire south Asia today would had been part of India or for that matter entire south Asia along with India would had been part of USA.

I ask u a counter question if Kashmir is more dearer to Pakistan than why did it give away a part of it to China in 1960s??
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What's the price of Kashmir to Indians, is it really worth $billions of dollars and all that tension. Suppose Pakistani goverment paid India $200bln dollars, would you be prepared to give up Indian Kashmir?

And this is a theoretical question so no trolling please.

No.... Kashmir has no price. Do anyone keep a price for his/her head?
What is current position of that movement? did we achieved the desired goal , did we driven out illegal BDesi from Assam and other parts . All evils mainly because of lacking of unity among us.

only if I could properly explain to you the meaning of the phrase,"For the sake of greater good".

I will give it a try..So far as this Bangladeshi issue is concerned....see,we just cannot all of a sudden start identifying who is Bangladeshi and who is not and then ask them to walk towards Bangladesh border,pointing a gun towards them,creating a mass exodus.It can go wrong in a lot of ways.It can result into a massive unrest, spiraling out of proportion,or a mass murder,violence.We just cannot start behaving like Nazis even though simple logic may dictate that it is the right thing to do.

We have a framework in place to deport illegal immigrants and its better if we concentrate on that.The best way to get the job done is to do it without creating much fuss and drawing much of attention towards it.The definition of right and wrong dont exactly hold correct always.
OK answer this:

What's the price of Kashmir to Indians, is it really worth $billions of dollars and all that tension.

Kashmir hasn't made India bankrupt like Pakistan. Second part of your comment is idiotic.

Suppose Pakistani goverment paid India $200bln dollars, would you be prepared to give up Indian Kashmir?

Idiotic question.
OK answer this:

What's the price of Kashmir to Indians, is it really worth $billions of dollars and all that tension. Suppose Pakistani goverment paid India $200bln dollars, would you be prepared to give up Indian Kashmir?

And this is a theoretical question so no trolling please.
If I offered you a billion dollars would you be willing to cut off your left hand's 2 finger's???
It's the same way with Kashmir, it may or may not e very useful but we consider it an integral part of our country, so No Sale!!
Next Question>

Why are there more Indians on Pakistani forums than Indian forums, is it because you like to hear our views?

Or is it because PDF is run better than other defence forums?
What a dumbarse reply!
Indian Military is a part of our nation. But one has to understand that India is a democracy. Military/security forces are used, if and when needed, as part of government policy. They do NOT form policies, they do NOT control areas, they are not involved in maintaining law and order.
Indians have more pressing matters to deal with than 'worry' about military.
so dumb of you to explain all that is too obvious.Indian security force are like mercenaries of brown sahibs like they used to be mercenaries of white sahibs before 1947.in both case indian security forces are dogs whose leash has been in the hands of indian political elites who uses these dogs to suppress the poor indian citizenry.
So far as the economic policies are concerned,the overall outlook remains pretty much the same,aimed at attaining a steady growth and keeping inflation at bay,with tweaks here and there time to time.We have pretty stable forms of government,be it NDA or UPA.So the political system does not hamper economic growth.
The disadvantage in in development,well,probably someone with more knowledge in the subject matter should try answering that.In my opinion,innovation is one area where development is hampered.While a lot of development has been there in the Service sector,the Secondary sectors are somewhat lacking,mainly due to lack of proper funding and innovation.Also,in my opinion, development in India is somewhat uneven.While some parts are developing very quickly,some parts are lagging behind,mainly due to locational disadvantages like communication.
The state policies are to blame as well.Take the example of the Singur case.The Tatas' could not build automobile factory there because the state government allocated them farm lands for the purpose and the farmers protested.
Thanks, you have found a stable way to transfer government power, in China, the party found one also.
There will be always uneven there, in USA, east and west part are more advanced, the states in the middle US is a bit behind. In China also like this, but the central government takes 70% of government income while the local government get 30%, the central government is investing more money in poor province.

How about the first industry-Agriculture ? In 2000, the Chinese government claims there is no hunger in China, there are still some but in general, China produces enough food. How the agriculture is running in India ? Due to the high population, I understand the problems of hungers.
In China, all the land is owned by the Govt and many lands are ensured to do farm, if I am a farmer, I can get some refund from the Govt.
I have travelled by train from Bangalore to Delhi in train.... and I would be shocked if somebody says that they found no difference. Rural North India is packed..... agricultural farms everywhere..... TN has almost empty countrysides.... except the giant wind farms which stretched across the state.

I went to Kerala next door, and wow! Water canals everywhere :cheesy: North = flat, farmlands stretch as far as your eye can see into the horizon.

We are not discussing geographical features of the country. We are talking about people and villages. Kerala, Karnataka, TN, AP, UP, MP, Rajasthan, Bihar, Haryana, Delhi etc...there are so much similarities in the people and the villages and yet one does find differences. Not all north Indians are fair skinned, not all south Indians are dark. Layouts of villages are eerily similar, be it the north or the south and yet there are such vast cultural differences. The ubiquitious Chai is the same everywhere, but one finds different snacks to feast upon in different parts. Roti/Bhakri/Chapati is almost the same everywhere, yet you will find differences in how its made and what its served with!
so dumb of you to explain all that is too obvious.Indian security force are like mercenaries of brown sahibs like they used to be mercenaries of white sahibs before 1947.in both case indian security forces are dogs whose leash has been in the hands of indian political elites who uses these dogs to suppress the poor indian citizenry.

I pity your understanding of issues. You are making a mockery of yourself.

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