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Any questions Regarding India

How about the first industry-Agriculture ? In 2000, the Chinese government claims there is no hunger in China, there are still some but in general, China produces enough food. How the agriculture is running in India ? Due to the high population, I understand the problems of hungers.
In China, all the land is owned by the Govt and many lands are ensured to do farm, if I am a farmer, I can get some refund from the Govt.

Agriculture is still largely dependent on Monsoon rains. Rainfall is unevenly distributed across the country. Land is owned by farmers but many state government gives huge subsidy to farmers like minimum support price for agricultural products as well as free or cheap electricity and other benefits. India has one of the highest arable land in the world that is more than 50% of our land area.
Ok another Question:
If you were an Indian on August 13 1947. Would you want partition to take place or not?

no,coz partition was happened for separate country for muslims of sub continent and most of the non muslims have bad history with muslims due to killings n conversion done by them.Well,it depends on person to person otherwise who wants to leave his land n home n property for any cause.
no,coz partition was happened for separate country for muslims of sub continent and most of the non muslims have bad history with muslims due to killings n conversion done by them.Well,it depends on person to person otherwise who wants to leave his land n home n property for any cause.

Do you believe that would have been the common perception of Indians at that time?
Ok another Question:
If you were an Indian on August 13 1947. Would you want partition to take place or not?
I would have gone for civil war to keep india united for in any circumstances even if i had to bring communism into india 0n 13th aug 1947.
Do you believe that would have been the common perception of Indians at that time?

no...i told that why anybody would want to leave his property or land n settled business? and why anybody would want its country partitioned? may be sentiments of the muslims remained different.
Ok another Question:
If you were an Indian on August 13 1947. Would you want partition to take place or not?

Now you are asking some questions... I will go for a "NO".

I will give my reasons.We could have simply avoided a lot of troubles/riots at that time and a lot of troubles now in terms of wars,skirmishes,terrorism,arms race etc.
Besides,I never actually liked the idea of partitioning a country based on religion.We could have achieved much more had there been no partition.
Thanks, you have found a stable way to transfer government power, in China, the party found one also.
There will be always uneven there, in USA, east and west part are more advanced, the states in the middle US is a bit behind. In China also like this, but the central government takes 70% of government income while the local government get 30%, the central government is investing more money in poor province.

How about the first industry-Agriculture ? In 2000, the Chinese government claims there is no hunger in China, there are still some but in general, China produces enough food. How the agriculture is running in India ? Due to the high population, I understand the problems of hungers.
In China, all the land is owned by the Govt and many lands are ensured to do farm, if I am a farmer, I can get some refund from the Govt.

Politically India is stable and democracy has really worked well for such a mega country with a population of 1.25 Billion.

But in India, States are more powerful than Provinces of China. However, the asset allocation in India is very poor as compared to China.

India with almost 55% of arable land as compared to China's 11% has a real advantage in feeding its population. Moreover, Indian population has a uniform spread across the country, while China's population is concentrated only on the eastern part.
OK answer this:

What's the price of Kashmir to Indians, is it really worth $billions of dollars and all that tension. Suppose Pakistani goverment paid India $200bln dollars, would you be prepared to give up Indian Kashmir?

And this is a theoretical question so no trolling please.

this my personal view about kashmir-

I think its not about money or the people of Kashmir for which India n Pakistan have been fighting over decades but about the location
It has strategic location, major water resources for both India n Pak which r not only a source of drinking n irrigation water but also has great potential for electricity generation

Other than that its a part of our motherland n no country will sell its motherland for money

Had it been that simple then i bet Pak authorities would have received the cheque by now;)
Another Question>

Does India see Pakistan as more of a threat than China?

India sees Pakistan as a threat alright but not in the same Capacity as China .

China is not a threat ,but has the capacity to be one. Pakistan does not have the Capacity to be a major threat but still is one.

I hope it answer ur question..its more complicated and there is no yes no answer.

OK answer this:

What's the price of Kashmir to Indians, is it really worth $billions of dollars and all that tension. Suppose Pakistani government paid India $200bln dollars, would you be prepared to give up Indian Kashmir?

And this is a theoretical question so no trolling please.

Im a Kashmiri Pundit and frankly speaking this issue has been aggravated beyond its worth.

KAshmir ould very well have been devided along the rivers and everything would have been solve then and there.

The emotional variable in this equation shown by the Pakistani side made this issue into a war of egos and hence destroyed all chances of reconciliation.

Pakistan has Made long term strategic plans with a 3rd country where the issue should have been solved bilaterally.

By bringing in CHina Pakistan in all intent s and purposes showed us the finger to us and signalled tht they intend to take Kashmir by force and made all maneuvers tht led us to believe so.

1999 was th e final nail in the coffin of this reconciliation effort.
Another Question>

Does India see Pakistan as more of a threat than China?

Not anymore, maybe as a proxy war proponent I know what your next question will be - Then why has India positioned a majority of its forces on Indo pak borders? - the answer is simple Pakistan is more prone to start a war as was in all the previous instances.
Another Question>

Does India see Pakistan as more of a threat than China?

Media is trying to make china as threat and paksitan is old is this case :D a..so we will see in future how much our media brainwashes us and how much it will be successful?
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