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Any Half Pakistanis here and what you guys think of Half Pakistanis

I support interracial marriages however I believe some races should never mix at all.
You should support your brother in the quest for 4 brides from 4 continents(counting north and south America as one to make things simpler) :D
On mixing well it really depends on the individuals involved
My nephew married to a white girl few years back in UK.Now they have a son.Today first time they have landed in Pakistan to attend a marriage.Let us see what would be the reaction of old ladies of our family.
I know a mixed family in Islamabad except for driving she seems to have well adjusted in Pakistan granted they are upper class and lifestyle hasn't changed much for them
Anyone else here is Half Pakistani, and what you guys think of us so called Coconuts
No one calls you coconuts and none of us care. We are already pretty mixed people.

Half white kids who are born in working class white and Pakistani families tend to get into trouble and have problems with their identity however the ones I know from well educated background are doing well. Maybe its something to do with their parents and upbringing.
Its nature vs nurture, sir. This is a given, it depends on their parents and how strong the Pakistani one is. I've seen a Canadian women dressed like any other Pakistani, shopping with her husband. The other cultures are usually facinated by ours and are quick to jump on. Some stay on and some well....

To borrow a phrase, you are American by birth, Pakistani by the grace of God.

I've witnessed the same among some mixed English/American and Pakistani families. Upbringing is everything, and I've seen the mixed kids in these families range from successful high flyers, to losers and degenerates.

However, a common theme unfortunately is a loss of culture in most, and a complete inability to speak or understand Urdu. And most unfortunate of all is the inability of such families to instil Imaan (faith) or Islamic identity in their kids.

I've only seen one instance of an acquaintance in the US who married a white American woman, she converted to Islam, truly converted and not just superficially. Their kids alhamdulillah are all successful, well educated, well mannered, half American-half Pakistani Muslims. And from what I gather through conversations, such an upbringing required a lot of effort.
That is the struggles of every parent, no matter if you are half or full. If you are a good person yourself then you would/should be able to raise good children. If you let them lose and dont give any fuks then they will become punks. It's all about the parents, a child is not to blame, because they are moldable.
Half-Pakistanis are pretty freaking common in the US, and maybe also the UK. Few of my cousins are White-Pakistani. I have a few friends whom are Latin-Pakistani.

Half-Pakistanis seem way more common than Half-Indians, Half-Bengalis, Half-Asians, etc. I wonder why?

I'd say half-Bengalis are quite rare but I do come across a great deal of half Indians i.e. Mum is Gujarati Hindu and father is white, black etc.

Well the woman has to be a keeper (if she is non muslim/white).

Else i think there aint much difference if you marry irani,afghani,turk etc women. That way the children remain within the culture.

My own paternal uncle married an iranian lady.. have 4 sons.. live in quetta... just like any other Pakistani kids.

The eldest is now in a cadet college and planning to join army... the rest will prolly follow.

Good point bro, aside those cultures i.e. Iranian, Afghan do have commonalities with us.
In the UK I have seen quite a few Afghan girls marry into Pakistani families, as their community is quite new and the Pakistanis are already established the girls find partners within our community, their parents don't have any objection either.
I've also seen a trend of Arab girls (Lebanese, Iraqi) marrying into Pakistani families as well, again Arab communities are quite new here in the UK.
Hmm right, But if i am not wrong in Islam the heritage is from your father side. So if your father is a pakistani you are full pakistani.

I think you quoted the wrong person but if it was directed at me, I am full Pakistani.

Regarding your comment thou, islamically one might take heritage tag from dad but your mum will have an equal influence on you. Some people might feel themselves leaning towards one/both or however many ethinicities they are made of.
I think you quoted the wrong person but if it was directed at me, I am full Pakistani.

Regarding your comment thou, islamically one might take heritage tag from dad but your mum will have an equal influence on you. Some people might feel themselves leaning towards one/both or however many ethinicities they are made of.

Only lineage is patrilineal.

I don't think Pakistanis are too different culturally from Indians.

Where a child growing up is naturally closer to the mother's side of the family and the mother culturally than the father.

Its not just the extra 9 months they've lived together and the biological bond.

Its a simple thing of who the primary caregiver is who spends more time with them.

I do not think any father is insecure about that.

Though the flip side is that it tears a father apart inside in a divorce when 99 times out of 100 the kids are given to the mom. I've seen it close up more than once .... its beyond cruel.

Cheers, Doc
Half-Pakistanis are pretty freaking common in the US, and maybe also the UK. Few of my cousins are White-Pakistani. I have a few friends whom are Latin-Pakistani.

Half-Pakistanis seem way more common than Half-Indians, Half-Bengalis, Half-Asians, etc. I wonder why?

I havent met any, there are a decent amount of half Indians though - considering the small population. I have 3 nephews that are half. Problem is religious, cultural adjustment. My family is Christian, Americanized(outside older folks) so it's some what smoother adjustment.
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Pakistanis do have a tendency to seek other pastures for grazing.

I had a neighbor (two brothers). One had an Indian muslim wife. The other's wife was Russian.

But sometimes pakistani women mainly due to their families also become materialistic. A friend of mine migrated to Canada in 2007. The poor soul was stated to be married in 2015. He came to Pakistan and his family made all the necessary arrangements.

His wedding was cancelled one day before mehndi by the girl's family. He is still not married yet.

If you are settled abroad then you can marry muslims of other countries. There is no harm in it especially if the alternative is not getting the right partner due to beraderi and other materialistic bull crap.
diversify..... it is good.

it is a matter of give and take. man, my wife came from outside completely alien to language and custom etc. now you cant recognise her as being from outside this country. no, i am not from Pak/india and neither is my 2nd half. just giving my 2 cents.
I support interracial marriages however I believe some races should never mix at all.
And which races are they?????????

I am also interested to know.

You should support your brother in the quest for 4 brides from 4 continents(counting north and south America as one to make things simpler) :D

I will borrow a phrase from you which you yourself borrowed liberally from Ali Zafar - "Baby you are the one, magar allowed hain na chaar". :D
I am also interested to know.

I will borrow a phrase from you which you yourself borrowed liberally from Ali Zafar - "Baby you are the one, magar allowed hain na chaar". :D
Sadly the law dictates I need permission from the first for that and soon missus to be is in no mood in granting that permission :-(

That is usually applied on any (FULL) Pakistan (also) who tries to act whiter than the gora :D
I believe the word you are looking for is brown sahab
Anyone else here is Half Pakistani, and what you guys think of us so called Coconuts
Got a nephew who is half Pakistani (British mom)...got 2 nieces half Pakistani (Korean mom)...

but I have seen plenty....Our old landlady in UK (she was Gujrati indian) and her daughter was married to a Pakistani. And some of our family friends were half Pakistanis but on PDF...I think @Hyperion is some kitchri ...

I believe the word you are looking for is brown sahab
O no...we call coconut...Looking brown but acting white from the insides :unsure:

Can happen to them gora wanna be's :D

Also those who been outside their whole lives with BOTH Pakistani parents yet cant connect with their Pakistani side :undecided:
You're mutated freaks of nature who must be culled. We must maintain the supremacy of the Pakistan Master race.

@waz, I would hope such people WHO DEFY NATURAL ORDER are banned

(Just joking obvsly)
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