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Any Gym goers or Bodybuilders in this forum

I used to go regularly but stopped since I hurt my wrist and it still hasn't healed. What is it that you want to know?

And this is what brings my question.

I broke my elbow and have 2 screws in it. For the rest of my life, my one arm is going to be twisted for around 15 degrees.

Question is, if I join gym and strat chest and shoulders exercises, wouldn't my body be built in asymmetric way? How to avoid that? Hmm... anybody??
I tried to put a pullup bar but realised the cinderblock will crumble to pieces, and i would do the same if i managed to fit it onto a flimsy brick with more hole than solid mass.
yup! resorted to 4 mile run, 3 to 4 times a week with pull bar to supplement my heavy gym work out. i am 43 years old and i do 220 lbs bench press.. can share a lot about my fitness regiment.
And this is what brings my question.

I broke my elbow and have 2 screws in it. For the rest of my life, my one arm is going to be twisted for around 15 degrees.

Question is, if I join gym and strat chest and shoulders exercises, wouldn't my body be built in asymmetric way? How to avoid that? Hmm... anybody??
I do not think I am qualified to answer that but here is what I think: Every body is somewhat asymmetrical to begin with. If it is safe for you to do weigths considering your past injury, I think you should just go ahead and do them. If then you notice too much of a difference on 1 side, you can always stop or make adjustments to your work out to even things out.
I brought a Pull Up bar and I want to know if any body here workout at home due to corona virus?
I've been doing HIIT - Tony Horton. Just need some resistance bands and a yoga mat and you are good to go. I managed to get a 6lb medicine ball and ankle weights and that makes the routines tougher.
Can't wait till the gyms open, don't have any gym equipment at home.
I have some equipemt at home but I miss the atmosphere and other like minded people who care about their bodies. I found the gym to be a level. From whatever class or nationality you come we all share this fanatic need for physical fitness and addiction to pain mixed with competitive spirit. I had Poles, Estonians, Sikhs, Iranian, Arab etc

And this is what brings my question.

I broke my elbow and have 2 screws in it. For the rest of my life, my one arm is going to be twisted for around 15 degrees.

Question is, if I join gym and strat chest and shoulders exercises, wouldn't my body be built in asymmetric way? How to avoid that? Hmm... anybody??
Suggest you join a gym and hire professional physical trainer. The right trainer will do wonders and if it is female more than even wonders .....

Ps. For those of you in UK do you noticed the Poles are jacked. Incredible natural physiques with culture of good food/exercise.
I am a kinda hefty dude not 600 ibs and cant move so I joined the local gym last year and yes I did like the atmosphere working out outside of home at home I surrounded by snacks, fruits,food etc so not a ideal place a park next door but its just a playground, a basketball court, baseball field, and hand ball court but thanks to Corona cant do anything but couple days back I drove to Downtown Brooklyn just to go to a major park that was only open and the NYPD basically cordoned off the streets there so people could walk and stuff
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