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'Anti-Sharia' law is back


Aug 27, 2010
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A renewed attempt to pass a controversial "foreign law" bill proposed by Sen. Alan Hays, R-Umatilla, and Rep. Larry Metz, R-Yahala, was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday, after more than an hour of sometimes emotional public testimony.

The bill, SB 58, bans courts or other legal authorities from using religious or foreign law as a part of a legal decision or contract relating to family law. Florida law would supercede foreign law regarding divorce, alimony, the division of marital assets, child support and child custody. The bill is ready to be heard on the House floor but it has more committee stops in the Senate. Last year, the bill passed the House but died in the Senate.

Supporters say the proposal isn’t targeting religious groups, but the bill has been criticized as anti-Sharia, a Koran-based code followed in some Islamic countries, by Islamic groups as well as Jewish organizations and the American Civil Liberties Union.

"It should raise some eyebrows for you, the fact that there’s a rabbi speaking out against the bill who’s from Israel and a Arab Muslim, that’s me, also speaking out against the bill," said Ahmed Bedier, president of the United Voices for America. "We may disagree what is happening in the Middle East, but we agree on this bill — that it discriminates and targets our communities."

Hays said the bill "prevents a potential problem" from occurring in Florida courts and that it’s "not insulting to any religious group."
"If your law violates the constitutional rights of a Floridian, it has no business being in a Florida court," Hays said.

Read more here: 'Anti-Sharia' law is back | Naked Politics
The bill, SB 58, bans courts or other legal authorities from using religious or foreign law as a part of a legal decision or contract relating to family law. Florida law would supercede foreign law regarding divorce, alimony, the division of marital assets, child support and child custody. The bill is ready to be heard on the House floor but it has more committee stops in the Senate. Last year, the bill passed the House but died in the Senate.

We R talking about family law here. It doesn't concern the state and thus logically it can not be counted as religious infringement on the state. A muslim have to follow islamic code in divorce, marriage and other affairs. Same with the orthodix jews i believe. How the hell does it concern the state? Discrimination against a particular religious groups by a secular state huh? If US respects freedom of religion then why this law?
We R talking about family law here. It doesn't concern the state and thus logically it can not be counted as religious infringement on the state. A muslim have to follow islamic code in divorce, marriage and other affairs. Same with the orthodix jews i believe. How the hell does it concern the state? Discrimination against a particular religious groups by a secular state huh? If US respects freedom of religion then why this law?

Dont be a duffy, luffy.

First answer this - Do you understand the meaning of secularism ?

Simply put - Shariah rage boys can stay in their native shitholes and only those who are willing to live by the US constitution is welcome here..
We R talking about family law here. It doesn't concern the state and thus logically it can not be counted as religious infringement on the state. A muslim have to follow islamic code in divorce, marriage and other affairs. Same with the orthodix jews i believe. How the hell does it concern the state? Discrimination against a particular religious groups by a secular state huh? If US respects freedom of religion then why this law?

well Law is only one national , you can follow religion as you wish but you can not bring parallel "laws" to system.

such case you have many "laws" in your religion about "kuffurs" kill them convert them . to marry 14 wives is not allowed , to tech christen and Jews are pigs is according to your religion but not allowed .

if some one have problem he can live in stone age of middle east.

well Islam itself anti-secular religion , allowing it is big heart of secularism.
Wouldn't this Bill be an anomaly from the United States Constitution. The motto of the USA is "in God we trust". The constitution of the USA is based upon certain "God given rights." Is this ban on using religious law in courts for legal decisions relating to family law therefore not unconstitutional? I wonder what view the Supreme Court will take if this Bill is presented before it as a constitutional challenge.
Dont be a duffy, luffy.

First answer this - Do you understand the meaning of secularism ?

Simply put - Shariah rage boys can stay in their native shitholes and only those who are willing to live by the US constitution is welcome here..

Islam supersedes man made laws. Secularism simply means superiority of man made laws over religious laws. This makes sense in cases where religion is indeed failed to provide justice and have been tempered with like christianity. But islam is different and encomposes all aspects of life and nation-state. That is what we muslims believe.

But now even if we argue on the basis of secularism i.e no religion in state affairs. How the hell does is make sense by the state on infringing upon family affair of a religous group. It goes against the concept of US secularism and violates freedom of religion barring the baseless logic of islamophobia as your post clearly demosstrates with words like "can stay in their native shitholes" Its not about secularism or law but hatred against muslim & islam. Orthodox jews are also feeling the pinch.
If one live in a foreign country, they have to follow that country's rules.

well it doesn't mean you should apply "anti-human/anti-secular/vampire" Sharia law in your own country ......it must be removed from face of earth............
So you are saying that US law should allow you to have four wives?

Polygamy is illegal in the USA bit is overlooked in certain communities such as the Mormon communities where the husband usually registers his marriage in law to one of his many wives. So, in effect the United States does turn a blind eye to polygamy (even tho it is illegal) in certain cultures and presumably the Muslim community would be one such community. The problem would offcourse arise when wife number 2 or 3 etc who is unregistered in law as a wife would take up an issue in a family court pertaining to her relationship with multiplely married husband. Then again, the ban on the court to consider religious law maybe declared unconstitutional yet as I indicated earlier
Islam supersedes man made laws. Secularism simply means superiority of man made laws over religious laws. This makes sense in cases where religion is indeed failed to provide justice and have been tempered with like christianity. But islam is different and encomposes all aspects of life and nation-state. That is what we muslims believe.

But now even if we argue on the basis of secularism i.e no religion in state affairs. How the hell does is make sense by the state on infringing upon family affair of a religous group. It goes against the concept of US secularism and violates freedom of religion barring the baseless logic of islamophobia as your post clearly demosstrates with words like "can stay in their native shitholes" Its not about secularism or law by hatred against muslim & islam. Orthodox jews are also feeling the pinch.

Islam is anti-secular religion itself , which insult non-Muslims , offer them second class treatment .
If state applies family planning and one child or two child policy, will it mean denying Muslims right to have kids ?

Islam may supersede all man made laws for Muslims, but for rest of us, we don't accept Islamic laws. Why should we ? Its about what our state decides. Secularism means policies without interference of religion.

I wonder what Muslims said in China over one-child policy ?

well it doesn't mean you should apply "anti-human/anti-secular/vampire" Sharia law in your own country ......it must be removed from face of earth............
I am already sick of many laws present in India. Yesterday a person was saying that what's wrong in having too many children ? I mean seriously they don't think about nation.
So you are saying that US law should allow you to have four wives?

Why not? If both the men and the women agree. Its not effecting the state is it? The state is dictating people about not following religion in personal life. U seculars always say "religion should be personal". Then why this hypocrisy.

Also marriage and divorce will also be effected by this law. Not the mention inheretnce law. Though I think US never allowed such law to begin with. Now the question comes why US passes a law against "religious family law" when it doesn't even existed in US justice system. Correct me if I am wrong.
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