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Anti Naxal operations :CRPF to go offensive

Thats not a valid excuse for not replacing the system.What grantees you had in 1947 that democracy in india wont end up in new dynastic rule who act as present day rajas maharajas and feudal.

I wonder if Akbar was a Phd holder that he came out to be such a good ruler.

I also feel aggrieved by the present day govt. Does that mean I should take up arms and fight till my demands are met? And while doing so, I also make other people also party to my struggle? Just because few of us have not been given our due, we take the whole nation to ransom.

WhY do you think the maoists of Nepal have given up their fight of over a decade and instead chose to join mainstream by contesting elections and forming a govt there. But even could their govt change the fate of the poor and under privileged. Today it is the largest party in Nepal. but who has benefited except a few in the Govt. The common man is still a common man. He still bows to the rulers and waiting for the miracle promised by the Maoists. A Hitler on the other hand would have been better choice.

A Hitler
No debate..No rebate..Crush all bluddy, @$$HOL Naxals and their supporters.
And people who are saying that they are also Indian, should also know the fact the villagers(who are not naxalite) and CRPF personnels are also Indian. And most of the CRPF personnels hail from poor families. STFU sympathisers.:angry:
friend each and everyone in the nation has right to vote . if people suffer due to someone , they can vote him out in next election. democracy is on all levels , from sarpanch to pm . picking up guns and killing forces or innocents is the thing that is simply not done. imagine if such a maoist came to your house , and beat you up in middle of road so that you join their organisation, (could have given worse example, but can't to a fellow indian), will you still think they are great ? and if they want to change the nation , why don't they put people for election (supposedly liked by all) ?

Its not as clear cut as it may seem. I think the biggest fallacy is political party pushing unscruplous candidates with criminal records, hidden agendas, etc. being placed as viable candidates. Democracy is only as good as the qulaity of the ppl voting. When we make no efforts to provide good education at the all levels from primary and up.....we are failing democracy.

No debate..No rebate..Crush all bluddy, @$$HOL Naxals and their supporters.
And people who are saying that they are also Indian, should also know the fact the villagers(who are not naxalite) and CRPF personnels are also Indian. And most of the CRPF personnels hail from poor families. STFU sympathisers.:angry:

STFU...there will be debate. That kind of attitude you have is what is ruining India. Ask yourself how the fuk does an etire village die recently? Let me guess its the Maoists fault?
STFU...there will be debate. That kind of attitude you have is what is ruining India. Ask yourself how the fuk does an etire village die recently? Let me guess its the Maoists fault?

They died because they were Maoists or were used by the Maoists as human shields.
I also feel aggrieved by the present day govt. Does that mean I should take up arms and fight till my demands are met? And while doing so, I also make other people also party to my struggle? Just because few of us have not been given our due, we take the whole nation to ransom.

WhY do you think the maoists of Nepal have given up their fight of over a decade and instead chose to join mainstream by contesting elections and forming a govt there. But even could their govt change the fate of the poor and under privileged. Today it is the largest party in Nepal. but who has benefited except a few in the Govt. The common man is still a common man. He still bows to the rulers and waiting for the miracle promised by the Maoists. A Hitler on the other hand would have been better choice.

A Hitler

Im not talking about being slighted. Im talking about atrocities and abuses committed on the poor. I know the Maoists aren;t completely innocent either. The only recourse is peace talks to work out a sesolution which the Maoists have ruled out. Th ebiggest culprit is the gov;t though

They died because they were Maoists or were used by the Maoists as human shields.

Is that true? Aren;t there conflicting reports? Why would our armed forces behead some of them?

Then why don't you take them to US and spare us.

Oh Please...we have poor in almost every part of India, but I don't see them taking to arms but rather working hard to elevate themselves from the poverty. The Maoists & their supporters just wants to take the short cut to wealth.

Bcs you are a majority Islmaic country. The whole concept of Communism doesn't get much grip is predominantly Islamic countries.

Just like a typical $#^&$, you think all your problems can be swept away. The poor in other areas don;t have hope and don;t have the training yet. Give it some more time, you will see a revolution.

Plz you guys talk crap about Arundati Roy but keep shut about the countless corrupt politicans. You guys don;t make a peep about the Anna Hazara movement.
Is that true? Aren;t there conflicting reports? Why would our armed forces behead some of them?

When you see some of your comrade-in-arms losing his leg in a mine planted by the Maoists or you see his hand being blown away or worse still he himself being killed, you take revenge on the perpetrators. Period. Heard plenty of stories of RR guys beheading the jihadis who were earlier involved in killing one of their mates. But to a cyber warrior who is romanticizing the terrorists it is probably difficult to understand the mentality of that hated-by-all, unsung heros called jawans.

BTW let me ask a quick counter question - if all of the killed were innocent tribals who shot on the CRPF jawans and how many of them were injured ?

I dont understand one thing - do all these jhollawals and keyboarders who spend their life supporting those 'gandhians with guns' understand that they would be the first ones to be put under the guillotine once the Maoist comes to power ? That they are able to spew crap freely without any fear of persecution only because those creatures called 'soldiers' are putting their life on the line there and getting hated in return ?
1-2 billion dollars should be allotted for rehabilitation of the people who are going to suffer in this political crap between Mao and Govt. for nothing. It's their own money. May God Help them.
Plz you guys talk crap about Arundati Roy but keep shut about the countless corrupt politicans. You guys don;t make a peep about the Anna Hazara movement.

People can't talk about politicians because they were the ones who voted for them in the first place. Right or wrong they are the elected by the people. If they are corrupt then we deserve it for electing them in the first place.

But Maoists or that stupid anarchist called Arundati Roy are not elected into power by anyone and hence they must be criticized...not only that, eliminated.
1-2 billion dollars should be allotted for rehabilitation of the people who are going to suffer in this political crap between Mao and Govt. for nothing. It's their own money. May God Help them.

but the problem is these maoists dont want development to take place in their region thats why they try to sabotage every developmental work going on like blowing up railway tracks, schools, killing government workers etc
The CRPF have adopted a intelligent strategy of- "CLEAR, HOLD, DEVELOP" so tangible gains can be seen and this strategy is clearing great sections of infested territory of these idiots. This strategy is what ISAF have tried but failed to do in Afghanistan.
The CRPF have adopted a intelligent strategy of- "CLEAR, HOLD, DEVELOP" so tangible gains can be seen and this strategy is clearing great sections of infested territory of these idiots. This strategy is what ISAF have tried but failed to do in Afghanistan.

And while they do that, the Maoists just wait for them to leave and destroy it. By doing that, they ensure the war will continue.
But Maoists or that stupid anarchist called Arundati Roy are not elected into power by anyone and hence they must be criticized...not only that, eliminated.

I think cluster bombs will be good befitting reply!
When you see some of your comrade-in-arms losing his leg in a mine planted by the Maoists or you see his hand being blown away or worse still he himself being killed, you take revenge on the perpetrators. Period. Heard plenty of stories of RR guys beheading the jihadis who were earlier involved in killing one of their mates. But to a cyber warrior who is romanticizing the terrorists it is probably difficult to understand the mentality of that hated-by-all, unsung heros called jawans.

BTW let me ask a quick counter question - if all of the killed were innocent tribals who shot on the CRPF jawans and how many of them were injured ?

I dont understand one thing - do all these jhollawals and keyboarders who spend their life supporting those 'gandhians with guns' understand that they would be the first ones to be put under the guillotine once the Maoist comes to power ? That they are able to spew crap freely without any fear of persecution only because those creatures called 'soldiers' are putting their life on the line there and getting hated in return ?

It doesn;t matter what you see in battle, its a war. Its expected. Our soldiers are professional and have to overlook such deeds. Its what separates us from the animals. You make it seem like it okay to go out and murder someone for killing your friend or family? Nothing can b further from reality

People can't talk about politicians because they were the ones who voted for them in the first place. Right or wrong they are the elected by the people. If they are corrupt then we deserve it for electing them in the first place.

But Maoists or that stupid anarchist called Arundati Roy are not elected into power by anyone and hence they must be criticized...not only that, eliminated.

I don;t think our electoral process is as transparent as we may feel. If CS scientist can hack into our voting machines and then India forces him to run away to Canada as political refugeee, then that itself brings numerous questions to my mind. How can you blame ppl who living such a pathetic poor existence with the bare minimum? When politicans go out and give cash and TVs, then they are at fault not the ppl. Why don;t politicans grant a high standard of education that bypassess the **** standards many of our professors have, and use something along the Khan Academy to strengthen our ppl? The quality of our voters is propartional to the educational value they receive, otherwise we are bound to fall into America's current problem. Our leaders lack vision and this evidenced time and time again.
And while they do that, the Maoists just wait for them to leave and destroy it. By doing that, they ensure the war will continue.

That's why the "HOLD" element is in place. Security forces maintain a presence in the area to keep these fools from re-entering and undermineing all the security forces' work.
When you see some of your comrade-in-arms losing his leg in a mine planted by the Maoists or you see his hand being blown away or worse still he himself being killed, you take revenge on the perpetrators. Period. Heard plenty of stories of RR guys beheading the jihadis who were earlier involved in killing one of their mates. But to a cyber warrior who is romanticizing the terrorists it is probably difficult to understand the mentality of that hated-by-all, unsung heros called jawans.

BTW let me ask a quick counter question - if all of the killed were innocent tribals who shot on the CRPF jawans and how many of them were injured ?

I dont understand one thing - do all these jhollawals and keyboarders who spend their life supporting those 'gandhians with guns' understand that they would be the first ones to be put under the guillotine once the Maoist comes to power ? That they are able to spew crap freely without any fear of persecution only because those creatures called 'soldiers' are putting their life on the line there and getting hated in return ?

I dont understand your counter question? The problem is ppl like you with your mentality. You complain of human rights and child clavery, yet go ahead and employ kids in your house. Don;t complain about something, if you practice the opposite. Our jawans are unsung heros only due to the pathetic state of journalism and media in India. Did you ever think how the fuk we achieved gay rights so quickly in India? Ever wonder why? Celina Jaitely goes on and one about the poor gay ppl, and works fevernlty to achieve rights for them. yet, she does absolutely nothing for the likes of young female sex slaves? Its called money and influence. In fashin, Bollywood, music, etc. there are a large number of gay ppl who have lots of influence. Thats why they were able to push such reforms ahead, quickly, while we cant even formulate pathetic laws on the most minute issues

That's why the "HOLD" element is in place. Security forces maintain a presence in the area to keep these fools from re-entering and undermineing all the security forces' work.

The HOLD element is not FOREVER. The Maoists will blend in and slip back into society. When the HOLD element is removed, they will act again.
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