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Anti Naxal operations :CRPF to go offensive

I support the Maoists.

Then why don't you take them to US and spare us.

They may have done some bad things but only after ou f-king govt did a lot worse to them. Half you Indian posters on this forum are too rich to understand what the poorest of the poor go thru. The other half don;t really give a damn.

Oh Please...we have poor in almost every part of India, but I don't see them taking to arms but rather working hard to elevate themselves from the poverty. The Maoists & their supporters just wants to take the short cut to wealth.

We dont have Maoist.

Bcs you are a majority Islmaic country. The whole concept of Communism doesn't get much grip is predominantly Islamic countries.
What have these so called leaders of the Maoist done for them except adding to their misery? The situation is worse for them now than what it was earlier. They are caught in-between the personal war of these high caste leaders and security forces. What amount of money has been spent by these Maoist organisation for upliftment of these poverty stricken folks? They have the money for purchase of fire arms but have they initiated any social welfare measures in those affected areas.

Their fight against the govt would have justified only if they themselves had been true sympathizers of the people. They are nothing more than a gang of goons fighting for their own survival because the educated leadership could not find any other means to sustain themselves. It's just an excuse to escape from mainstream competition. No body is going to give you opportunities on a platter. You yourself have to find it with your capabilities and these maoist leaders are a bunch of loosers. They are also not allowing any developmental work to start in these areas lest they should loose control over these simple poor villagers.I pity on those poor tribals who had till now not known the outside world and were happy with what they had. The development of these areas now seem distant dream, thanks to the naxalism. The naxal movement is now just an extortion racket. No body is really concerned with the plight of tribals.

People like Arundhati Rai should hang their heads in shame if they can't persuade maoist to give up arms and join mainstream. These people who claim to be friends of these maoist are in real their biggest enemies who don't want them to prosper for their vested interests.
What have these so called leaders of the Maoist done for them except adding to their misery? The situation is worse for them now than what it was earlier. They are caught in-between the personal war of these high caste leaders and security forces. What amount of money has been spent by these Maoist organisation for upliftment of these poverty stricken folks? They have the money for purchase of fire arms but have they initiated any social welfare measures in those affected areas.

Their fight against the govt would have justified only if they themselves had been true sympathizers of the people. They are nothing more than a gang of goons fighting for their own survival because the educated leadership could not find any other means to sustain themselves. It's just an excuse to escape from mainstream competition. No body is going to give you opportunities on a platter. You yourself have to find it with your capabilities and these maoist leaders are a bunch of loosers. They are also not allowing any developmental work to start in these areas lest they should loose control over these simple poor villagers.I pity on those poor tribals who had till now not known the outside world and were happy with what they had. The development of these areas now seem distant dream, thanks to the naxalism. The naxal movement is now just an extortion racket. No body is really concerned with the plight of tribals.

People like Arundhati Rai should hang their heads in shame if they can't persuade maoist to give up arms and join mainstream. These people who claim to be friends of these maoist are in real their biggest enemies who don't want them to prosper for their vested interests.
Maoist bought the miseries of poor in front of whole India rather whole world which indian govt. was happily sweeping under the carpet for decades.now whole india rather whole world knows about GOI's elite class exploitation of poor of india.
Maoist bought the miseries of poor in front of whole India rather whole world which indian govt. was happily sweeping under the carpet for decades.now whole india rather whole world knows about GOI's elite class exploitation of poor of india.

Answer questions raised by me. don't be just rhetorical.
Maoist bought the miseries of poor in front of whole India rather whole world which indian govt. was happily sweeping under the carpet for decades.now whole india rather whole world knows about GOI's elite class exploitation of poor of india.

And when GOI tries to do something like build a road..they kill the contractors..WOW
I support the Maoists. They may have done some bad things but only after ou f-king govt did a lot worse to them. Half you Indian posters on this forum are too rich to understand what the poorest of the poor go thru. The other half don;t really give a damn.

Exactly brother. Many ppl on this forum are completely blindsided to what these lower strata of society suffer from. They should hear it from Arundati Roy rather listening to RSS, MMS, Rahul, Modi, etc. At the end of the day, they are the culprits for the sorry state of India. We may be doing good economically, but its quite obvious why. Its also quite obvious that the wealth is not reaching the poor.

Personally, I am well aware of the cause that the Maoists fight for. I've been to Chhattisgarh (specifically Dantewada) and Andhra on many occasions when I accompanied my father who had to make frequent trips to these states as an employee of the Ministry of Education in his earlier years, then as a member of UNESCO teams and finally as a representative of the central govt. regarding various affairs. In fact the data he collected for his Ph.D (during his days at JNU- CSRD) was from these very tribal areas which are/were naxal hotspots. As a student he was a senior member of the SFI and his immediate batch went on to produce the likes of Puspa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda) at one end of the spectrum as well as the likes of Safdar Hashmi on the other end. He was thus intimately associated with many of these people who went on to join various socialist movements including the naxal movement. We have had multiple long drawn discussions and debates on the issue with inputs from the likes of Prakash Karat.

Now I firmly believe that they (the large populace of the naxal areas) have been denied many of their rights as Indian citizens, they have not been a part of India's growth and have lagged behind. Concrete steps must be taken to address that sitution. BUT-

1) The naxals have in all truth not ever presented an alternative means or scheme to provide for these people or any concrete plan for poverty alleviation and the subsequent betterment of the lives of the tribals.

2) Many of the recent findings by many panels that were set up by the govt. and other organisations have found that the land under the naxal control is still being utilized by the mining mafias and indirectly/covertly by big industries, in fact they prefer dealing with the naxals since it is easier to bribe individual leaders of various naxal cells and to be able to contravene the rights of the native populace under the aegis of these naxals. The naxals resolve to such methods to bankroll their operations side from the routine "tax" collection, kidnappings and narcotics trade. (Such findings will never really see the light of the day since our govt. reckons that at least in this case if the corporations can get by then why make any noise- won't want to be losing that fat cash packet that's going to finance our election campaign are we?)

3) the consensus among most of the veterans of the communist parties is that most of the leaders of the naxal movement have lost the plot. They have become a self serving cause that only looks at perpetuating itself now. Repeatedly many of the govt. schemes to setup schools and hospitals in these areas were scuttled due to direct threats by these naxals- the reasoning that they propagated was that these schools would be used by the authorities as posts and staging points- one can understand their pov against the construction of roads in those areas as increased transport infra. would indeed enhance the ability of security forces to target them BUT schools and hospitals being put in the same bracket is insane and ONLY EXACERBATES THE PLIGHT OF THE COMMON MAN!

4) A trait has emerged which is best shown by the above point. The naxals are engaged in a war where they ARE ACTIVELY SCUTTLING ANYTHING THAT MIGHT PROVE THEIR STANCE TO BE WRONG OR ATTACK THE CORE OF THEIR ORIGINAL IDEOLOGY (THAT THE GOVT. CANNOT PROVIDE FOR THE PEOPLE AND THUS MUST BE OVERTHROWN BY AN ARMED STRUGGLE)- they are actively stopping the government from taking any measures that improve the condition of the inhabitants of these areas- BECAUSE THAT WOULD PROVE THAT OUR WOEFULLY CORRUPT GOVERNMENT CAN STILL DO SOME GOOD- AS LATE AS THE SAID GOOD MOVE MAYBE. In simpler terms let me provide an analogy- what the naxals are doing is akin to me handcuffing you and blindfolding you while you're in the driving seat and then gleefully pointing out to others that look this imbecile cannot drive! Hell the naxals have often chased out teachers provided by various NGOs/rarely by the govt./other orgs. when they have felt that education is leading to "sympathies" and an "awakening of democratic awareness and the realization of the process of participation in a democracy"! My father's had first hand experience with that- HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT?

My parents hail from Bihar and Bengal, both states were and are hotbeds for naxals. In fact in many ways the genesis of this movement is directly linked to these two states. Most of the people posting here have never looked into the myriad of social and economic realities that have contributed to the present situation- including me. Having said that let me make a VERY IMPORTANT DISTINCTION- THE EXPLICIT STATED AIM OF THE NAXALS IS THE OVERTHROWING OF THE DEMOCRATIC GOVT. OF INDIA AND THE REPLACEMENT OF THE DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM WITH THE MOIST SYSTEM. Such an aim is in no way going to solve our problems unless we want to see a Khmer Rouge kind of situation develop in our country.


FOR THE SAKE OF THIS NATION..PLEASE LETS STOP LOOKING FOR THE EASY WAY OUT. Maoists, "honest dictators", military rule (ALL OF WHICH HAVE PROVEN TO BE INEFFECTIVE MAJORITY OF THE TIMES- ONE NEED ONLY LOOK ACROSS THE BORDER FOR A VALIDATION OF THIS FACT) are all the easy shortcuts since they are far simpler and easier to implement, rationalize and understand than ACTUALLY STEPPING UP AND FIXING OUR DEMOCRACY. It is our job..your and mine to pressurize our govt. into acting -YET our attention spans are woefully lacking..never has even 1% of this nation's populace ever doggedly hounded the govt. and persistently followed the govt.'s progress in development to ensure accountability. Our political interests are confined to tea time debates.. intellectual farting..AND our own limited interests.

To conclude..we can buck up and do the needful which will be bone crushingly hard or we can pass the buck and watch another Pol Pot or Mao rise perhaps.
Maoist bought the miseries of poor in front of whole India rather whole world which indian govt. was happily sweeping under the carpet for decades.now whole india rather whole world knows about GOI's elite class exploitation of poor of india.

If above is true,since now the whole world knows about the miseries of Maoists ..then there situation must have "improved" ?? has it?

It hasn't ..infact they have brought more miseries upon them and the other innocent people living in their areas by turning their homes into a warzone, by picking up guns against the state, by destroying public property, by killing innocent civilians in hope they might manage to kill a few state officials too.
State of India is too big and too powerful to brought down by a rag-tag opportunistic guerrilla force.

You have to be the in the 'system' to the change the system...You can't fight it and hope it will improve!!
If above is true,since now the whole world knows about the miseries of Maoists ..then there situation must have "improved" ?? has it?

It hasn't ..infact they have brought more miseries upon them and the other innocent people living in their areas by turning their homes into a warzone, by picking up guns against the state, by destroying public property, by killing innocent civilians in hope they might manage to kill a few state officials too.
State of India is too big and too powerful to brought down by a rag-tag opportunistic guerrilla force.

You have to be the in the 'system' to the change the system...You can't fight it and hope it will improve!!
When system is itself a decaying one it better to replace it rather than doing the patch up job of treating it.
When system is itself a decaying one it better to replace it rather than doing the patch up job of treating it.

What guarantees are there that new system, if implemented will not go through similar decay?
When system is itself a decaying one it better to replace it rather than doing the patch up job of treating it.

So you think these bunch of illiterate tribesmen will be able to put in place a better system than what we have today.
When system is itself a decaying one it better to replace it rather than doing the patch up job of treating it.

So what you're saying sir is that we should sit back and relax..replace democracy with the Maoist vision of governance..let a few people at the top run the country without any checks and balances- WAIT WE'RE ALREADY SORT OF DOING THAT. How about we preserve our democracy and do the right thing? When you're talking of a "replacement" sir..you're talking of a totalitarian form of government..right now at least in a very few matters we can still assert our will..we will lose that too if we try to replace the system..rather we should be increasing our say in the running of this country and reclaiming it for ourselves rather than gifting it to a specific group of exclusive people who want to snatch it from another specific group of exclusive people.
What guarantees are there that new system, if implemented will not go through similar decay?
Thats not a valid excuse for not replacing the system.What grantees you had in 1947 that democracy in india wont end up in new dynastic rule who act as present day rajas maharajas and feudal.

So you think these bunch of illiterate tribesmen will be able to put in place a better system than what we have today.
I wonder if Akbar was a Phd holder that he came out to be such a good ruler.
In democracy there is no place for violence. If the Maoists have the influence in the region that they claims, they could stand in election and easily get elected and present their case on the national arena.
Thats not a valid excuse for not replacing the system.What grantees you had in 1947 that democracy in india wont end up in new dynastic rule who act as present day rajas maharajas and feudal.

No, that is a valid argument, when there is bug in a software, you do not uninstall the software go out shopping for a new software.
You apply an update patch and repair the bug...hence with every bug repaired ..you software/system performance improves ..approaching perfection.

You second argument does not even make sense..before 1947 ..India was under British rule..when we adopted democracy..we swore an oath to protect and improve the system till it approaches perfection. Not to give up and abandon the system at first signs of a 'bug'.

And what 'new' system do you/these Maoist recommend to replace democracy??

Communism??..Do you even know how many million ..your precious Mao tortured and murdered..for his great leap!!
You want to replace a democarcy(in which the state powers are severely diluted) with Communism, where the state has absolute powers over its subjects life and death..where person(forget about rising against the sate) can not even speak out of turn, or you will be mowed over in the city center with tanks!!
friend each and everyone in the nation has right to vote . if people suffer due to someone , they can vote him out in next election. democracy is on all levels , from sarpanch to pm . picking up guns and killing forces or innocents is the thing that is simply not done. imagine if such a maoist came to your house , and beat you up in middle of road so that you join their organisation, (could have given worse example, but can't to a fellow indian), will you still think they are great ? and if they want to change the nation , why don't they put people for election (supposedly liked by all) ?

buddy you are not understanding the whole context...... in our country still there are many villages are in control of many landlords...... in those place they are exploiting the poor workers as slaves by giving lowest wage and with out any other benefits... and these are the places maoists getting the infulences ... why because those villagers are supporting them... why because they are fedup with the current system and these democracy is not helping them at all......
so what our goverment need to do..... give proper development to those areas..... unleash all the corrupted buerocrats in those areas....
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