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Anti-Muslim violence spreads across Jammu

It's hilarious to see the police and eventually the army intervening to stop the thousands of Muslims from Rajouri, Poonch and the valley marching on Jammu to give these RSS pricks a good beating. It may be easier to attack the slightly smaller (30%) Muslim population in Jammu but when dealing with the hardcore Muslim heartland they beat a hasty retreat behind soldiers and police. Just ask the police and troops how crazy these guys are.

That being said the state should ensure no outsiders are allowed to come in and ferment unrest and any communal violence put down, whatever community the person belongs to. That being said community relations are probably now beyond repair and a second partition may be inventible.
It's hilarious to see the police and eventually the army intervening to stop the thousands of Muslims from Rajouri, Poonch and the valley marching on Jammu to give these RSS pricks a good beating. It may be easier to attack the slightly smaller (30%) Muslim population in Jammu but when dealing with the hardcore Muslim heartland they beat a hasty retreat behind soldiers and police. Just ask the police and troops how crazy these guys are.

That being said the state should ensure no outsiders are allowed to come in and ferment unrest and any communal violence put down, whatever community the person belongs to. That being said community relations are probably now beyond repair and a second partition may be inventible.

The only thing that is "inventible" is traitors getting a good kick in their bums and sent off to pure land. Kashmir stays with us as it always has :coffee:.
The only thing that is "inventible" is traitors getting a good kick in their bums and sent off to pure land. Kashmir stays with us as it always has :coffee:.

You have been trying for the last half century or so. Keep going and what I talked about in my post will happen.
You have been trying for the last half century or so. Keep going and what I talked about in my post will happen.

Trying?? J&K has been a state of India since 60+ years now. The only ones trying and failing are despo jihadis who get their a$$es handed out to them every single time.
Trying?? J&K has been a state of India since 60+ years now. The only ones trying and failing are despo jihadis who get their a$$es handed out to them every single time.

It's burning in front of your eyes, hence the use of the word "trying".
It's burning in front of your eyes, hence the use of the word "trying".

Well yes, but the burns/fires are incomparable to what goes around in quetta/karachi/FATA/KPK everyday right?
Well yes, but the burns/fires are incomparable to what goes around in quetta/karachi/FATA/KPK everyday right?

Coming from someone whose own country has quite violent insurgencies going on that's fresh. You just derailed the thread with irrelevant nonsense. By the way the your comparison is poor. Unlike Kashmir we don't have an entire group of people wanting to break away from the state and communal tensions like this. So you certainly got the "incomparable" part right.
Coming from someone whose own country has quite violent insurgencies going on that's fresh. You just derailed the thread with irrelevant nonsense. By the way the your comparison is poor. Unlike Kashmir we don't have an entire group of people wanting to break away from the state and communal tensions like this. So you certainly got the "incomparable" part right.

Well yeah tell that to the BLA/TTP :coffee:
It's hilarious to see the police and eventually the army intervening to stop the thousands of Muslims from Rajouri, Poonch and the valley marching on Jammu to give these RSS pricks a good beating. It may be easier to attack the slightly smaller (30%) Muslim population in Jammu but when dealing with the hardcore Muslim heartland they beat a hasty retreat behind soldiers and police. Just ask the police and troops how crazy these guys are.

That being said the state should ensure no outsiders are allowed to come in and ferment unrest and any communal violence put down, whatever community the person belongs to. That being said community relations are probably now beyond repair and a second partition may be inventible.

The State did stop outsiders marching in by stopping thugs from the Valley coming in to add to the unrest. True indeed, violence irrespective of the religion of the perpetrator must be dealt with harshly by the law. Partition did not arise due to a breakdown of community relations in India. It arose due to a variety of political reasons but a breakdown of community relations (Muslim and other religions?) was certainly never one of the reasons at the time when it was decided upon
Well yeah tell that to the BLA/TTP :coffee:

You might want to ask the BLA yourself. But hurry up there isn't many of them left anymore....

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As for the TTP LOL! When have they ever asked for an independent state? You clearly have no idea what you going on about. Now you can discuss these issues elsewhere rather than derailing this thread.
The State did stop outsiders marching in by stopping thugs from the Valley coming in to add to the unrest. True indeed, violence irrespective of the religion of the perpetrator must be dealt with harshly by the law. Partition did not arise due to a breakdown of community relations in India. It arose due to a variety of political reasons but a breakdown of community relations (Muslim and other religions?) was certainly never one of the reasons at the time when it was decided upon

Well this was after the provocations that happened, where the police were slow acting, hence the populations in the Valley and surrounding areas heard about what was going on and decided to move. They were stopped and I believe this is for the greater good.

You are quite right about the politics involved in the partition, but faith violence played a significant part in speeding up the process. There are politics at play here as well and now with the religious strife the situation looks bad.
You might want to ask the BLA yourself. But hurry up there isn't many of them left anymore....

Security forces kill 4 terrorists in Balochistan | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia

As for the TTP LOL! When have they ever asked for an independent state? You clearly have no idea what you going on about. Now you can discuss these issues elsewhere rather than derailing this thread.

They do want to do away with the present laws of the state. That is tantamount to asking for a new nation isnt it. I dont giv a rat's a$$ about the BLA tbh, but yeah your army could learn a few things on how to effectively kick some terrorist a$$ like we have done in J&K.
They do want to do away with the present laws of the state. That is tantamount to asking for a new nation isnt it. I dont giv a rat's a$$ about the BLA tbh, but yeah your army could learn a few things on how to effectively kick some terrorist a$$ like we have done in J&K.

We don't want to learn from your sick disgusting antics. You lost the locals in Kashmir many many years ago.

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