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Anti-Hindu propaganda in Pakistani media!

I dont get the point of starting thread on some news talk show with some amateur guests.This has become lately a trend on this forum.I mean how credible are these guys whose words are taken so seriously that people want to discuss about it.I mean please they are not even elected representatives nor do they hold any government post.Then why to take their words seriously?
And please, stop dragging in India for every f*cked up issue you have in Pakistan.

HindutvaFighter: Hey! Look at these videos! Pakistan is an evil terrorist Hindu-hating Islamist country! Haha!
SaffronDefender: Haha! Yeah! Jai Hind!
KashmirIsAnIntegralPartOfIndia: Remember the 6 gorrillion pandits!

It's a trash thread made by an Indian solely to fling some mud. I will bring India into this when the motive of the thread is clear.
Private news companies giving their opinions. :)
Don't tell me Indian media doesn't do the same.
no , such high ranking anchors and guests never do that. Otherwise there is a fear of attack on the news channels.
He is a propaganda machine and speaks blunt lies, its better to ignore his videos unless you watch if for fun :D
Madness out of hatreds.... This guy has not gone to colonies of Muslim Bhora community....
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