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Another video of indian soldiers complaining

you yourself are not that educated calling frontier core one of the oldest corps of south asia rangers :lol:

let me educate you both have separate commands different equipment different choppers and different uniforms
FC was raised in 1878

rangers were raised in 1958

and you were calling your rangers in balochistan while there is no single ranger in balochistan .
I am not interested to know about what Pakistan has and where! Thats why Im not aware much about what you have in Balochistan. I was interested to know about defense toys, thats why I joined this forum to take some knowledge.
Stay away from whatever you consumed for dinner last night :p: :p:

That rottern stuff has affected your brain. Plus I doubt that this low quality troll post will be credited to your account by your manager !! TRY AGAIN :-)
Not only is North Korea militarily stronger than India, but they have also got a significantly higher standard of living than our local supapawa. It really isn't wise of you to drag North Korea into your mess of an argument.
Then please share which organisation's cadre is seen in the Baluchistan video's where they are being attacked while travelling in horrible pick up trucks ?

I don't need to tell you what happened to the poorly equipped soldiers ( whoever they are ) each time .
You are dense beyond imagination, there is a difference in patrolling in vast deserts of Baluchistan to driving around streets of Srinagar.
as soon as some bad news pop up indians of PDF start canting pakistan pakistan pakistan like their gov :lol:
You are dense beyond imagination, there is a difference in patrolling in vast deserts of Baluchistan to driving around streets of Srinagar.

Man, you really 'DRAG' the 'SHOOT' out of your mind when you make statements like this !!! :hitwall: :hitwall:

Do bullets penetrate thin skinned vehicles any different if it is a desert area vs. a city area ?

Do the laws of physics change somehow because there is less concrete nearby ?

So far, in 2 days you have shown you are 100 % ignorant about aviation, English language , firearms.....

What will tomorrow bring ? :azn:
as soon as some bad news pop up indians of PDF start canting pakistan pakistan pakistan like their gov :lol:

You are still not replying to my question : Who are those poor soldiers in pickup trucks being mercilessly attacked in baluchistan ? WHy are they not in Maxxpros and helicopters?

Since you mock the CRPF cops about their thin skinned buses, and boast so much about what your Frontier COrps and Sindh police have !
Man, you really 'DRAG' the 'SHOOT' out of your mind when you make statements like this !!! :hitwall: :hitwall:

Do bullets penetrate thin skinned vehicles any different if it is a desert area vs. a city area ?

Do the laws of physics change somehow because there is less concrete nearby ?

So far, in 2 days you have shown you are 100 % ignorant about aviation, English language , firearms.....

What will tomorrow bring ? :azn:
Listen DRAG Queen, since you don't know your canopy from your cockpit, i guess your only escape is to become a Miss Spitfire. :lol:
Albeit you are past your sell by date, none the less let me try to spoon feed you.....there are vehicles that can only operate off road or in deserts while most can operate on city streets.....nothing to do with the skin of vehicle here.....but then you being thick skinned, this is expected from you.
You are dense beyond imagination, there is a difference in patrolling in vast deserts of Baluchistan to driving around streets of Srinagar.
The video seemed to suggest that the CRPF troops were in the Bihar/Jharkand/Odisha Naxal belt. IEDs are a common problem there and the accent of the soldiers suggested that they were in that part of the country.
Unless I missed a particular piece of dialogue that mentioned their location to be in Kashmir.

The army has better equipment and Kashmir has a lot of army corps.
This hits the nail on the head. For every 1 soldier they equip with a Sig rifle, 8 are left with an INSAS, for every 1 Armoured Brigade given a K-9 SPH regiment there are 8 with no SPHs, for every Spike missile unit you have 20 using 80s era MILAN. For every Chinook flying there are 20 Cheetah/Lama choppers.

India's forces are so big that modernisation will only effect 20-30% of the total force combined.
Brilliant post! This obvious fact that you pointed out is lost on so many people.
It's a pyramid structure in terms of quality sitting on top of a broad quantity base.
Pakistan has had similar issues, proximity to US training procedures may have provided some sort of a shift from a traditional Soviet-esque approach to fielding armies, although the size of PA relative to the population/GDP is still enormous.
From what I know, the Indian army is focusing on the tip of the spear for quite some time now and so is PLA.
PLA, as is expected, is miles ahead and has started reducing the sie of their army as well.
The video seemed to suggest that the CRPF troops were in the Bihar/Jharkand/Odisha Naxal belt. IEDs are a common problem there and the accent of the soldiers suggested that they were in that part of the country.
Unless I missed a particular piece of dialogue that mentioned their location to be in Kashmir.

The army has better equipment and Kashmir has a lot of army corps.
Not sure my friend, but one of the soldiers did mention something about stone pelting also mentioned in post#7.
Not sure my friend, but one of the soldiers did mention something about stone pelting also mentioned in post#7.
Definitely Kashmir then. Only Chinese manufactured grenades are pelted in the Naxal belt.
Definitely Kashmir then. Only Chinese manufactured grenades are pelted in the Naxal belt.
Also the guy mentions Pulwama in his tweet rather than any Naxal hit areas.....which are no less volatile.
They are CRPF guys, not army. I agreed witj them. They use to deploy in Kashmir like region where stone peltings are normal. So they should be having good equipments.
What do you mean by saying CRPF personnel do not belong to IA. Then they are definitely cannon fodder troops. Ill equipped, poorly geared and highly demotivated.

So IA did not forget lessons taught by their former rulers - British officers. Using personnel belonging to minorities as cannon fodder
Still they are better equipped than Pakistani rangers deploy in Balochistan. These are CRPF guys, not army. So before mocking other countries's drawbacks, one should see its own situation.
Pakistan Rangers are neither ill-equipped nor poorly geared. Moreover, they are motivated, trained and disciplined force, whose personnel are defending Pakistan in Sindh and Punjab from the lowly, coward and insane terrorists patronized by RAW, CIA, MOSSAD, NDS and Iranian intelligence agency VAJA.

Above all they do not crib against their officers, Pakistan Armed Force and Government.
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With low moral amount the Indian military it is no surprised they were defeated and surrendered so easily
Then please share which organisation's cadre is seen in the Baluchistan video's where they are being attacked while travelling in horrible pick up trucks ?
I don't need to tell you what happened to the poorly equipped soldiers ( whoever they are ) each time .
You are still not replying to my question : Who are those poor soldiers in pickup trucks being mercilessly attacked in baluchistan ? WHy are they not in Maxxpros and helicopters?
Since you mock the CRPF cops about their thin skinned buses, and boast so much about what your Frontier COrps and Sindh police have !
FC soldiers using Hilux as personnel or supply transport is normal routine. Armored vehicles are being used while approaching terrorist hideouts during offensive operations.

Pakistan Armed Forces and law enforcing forces involved in counter terrorist operations are adequately equipped, their personnel are motivated, trained and disciplined. They do not complain against their officers and the state as Indians do.
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