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Another video, another girl. This time she didn't invite someone. Same day 14 August.

So how many times will you learn this lesson, respect cannot be controlled or managed, it has to come from within. You want liberation?
Bro you're spot on and indeed it is shocking that many of these so called men said nothing. He would have been skull stomped here for sure.
But what's worse is how many were egging this I can't even describe him on;

At 0.03 "Goi gal ne esha hai toki jo; plant something on her.
At 0.07 "hoi teri bess jee hoi ; eggin him on.
At 0.23 "inda kuriya de ke hogya" ; what's going on with these girls when she objected.
At 0.41 "hai hoi"

So three different people can be heard egging on a sexual assault .
I hope the CM sees this and has all the Lahore police lined up to explain where the hell they were......
Hyenas like to go out in packs and they also have a habit of eggin each other on.... that is until one gets battered and they all run away leaving him for dead.Same applies here.We just need that one honourable person to stand up against these scavengers.

This was a classic moment for pepper spray. West isn't immune to these incidents, therefore women carry pepper spray to protect themselves. Pakistani women need to start thinking for themselves too. There are tools available for non-lethal self-defense.
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Common man what kind of a irresponsible post this is.
There are plenty of unmarried men I know,I myself is a bachelor I never did something like that in my entire life. It's not about being unmarried ,it's about how you were brought up at home,your social circle and the drugs you use.
And please stop blaming the victim it's not her fault at all. Being beautiful doesn't mean you have to lock yourself at home and that was not very late at night. Sitting in a rickshaw is also a very normal thing for girls.
You are right sir. We can control ourselves but are all the people similar? If people were all responsible then there were no prisons and no prisoners.

The harrassing guy should be punished, no doubt about that. Being Beautiful is not a sin, it brings responsibility to the Girl, asking her to Take Care of herself. That's why prevention is better than cure, hijab is in the Concept of prevention.

Unfortunately in Pakistan, hijab is not mamdatory. However it doesn't necessarily end the harrassment but at least prevents it. Not every woman in hijab is clean but the hijab wearing women try to protect themselves for any reason good or bad.

In western societies, they are facing similar problems, Remember #me too movement?

Prevention is better than cure, and not every man follows teachings of his father/mother. You cannot blame it on his family and the way he was raised. Its what he chose and its his own responsibility. We are responsible for our actions not our parents, first thing to learn.
Some time a women do that as well. When I was at high school my mother asked her maid to wake me up at my room. She is physically seen as above average in body and face ( around early 30's ) but she wakes me up by grabbing my but. I dont complaint at that time ....... :D

She also likes to touch me if she has opportunity or make her body touch my body or hands, no I dont get trauma because of that ....:D

When I fix my basketball ring at my house yard using ladder, she offer her selves to hold the ladder to make it firm but she likes to use open dress in the chess like Javanese women traditional dress, so when I see her from above I can see that......
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Clearly this too was faked. Apart from the fact that she was asking for it by being born a woman.

our Islamic values are now very weak in certain cities in Pakistan.

Certain cities? Yesterday it was the "village types". Islamic values? The "fahash kafir" seems to have more of them then. Don't kid yourself, you're all the same and it all has to do with you. Except, maybe, the handful up north.

Never seen such cheap acts in rawalpindi. Pindi boys despite being illreputed are far sober than those lahori cheapsters.

A quick google search would pull you off your horse and through the dirt.
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These are probably “thots” - what else did they expect inside a rickshaw and even with the head covered - lets not simp them.
Clearly this too was faked. Apart from the fact that she was asking for it by being born a woman.

Certain cities? Yesterday it was the "village types". Islamic values? The "fahash kafir" seem to have more of them then. Don't kid yourself, you're all the same and it all has to do with you. Except the handful up north.

A quick google search would pull you off your horse and into the dirt.
Heaven forbid - these boys probably are praying alongside these folks in mosques. Any more of this Islam and one would think Musalima had returned for these types of Pakistanis.
With this speed of harassment stories, soon we will probably need fencing around Lahore... Say whatever you want about MQM under Altaf, but baji se batameezi kerne wale ki jo kut lagate the, I am witness to few of those londay lapare getting slapped by MQM unit incharge and making them murgha while girl is slapping him for touching her.
I think this is a good time to sell Pepper sprays, Tasers and Machetes. Chop the hands of people reaching out for you, right after you pepper spray their nasal passage and tase their balls.
I don't know why the Muhammad post in response to secular Pak was deleted

I thaught he brought good points, wasn't trolling and I wanted to respond

We shouldn't silence others viewpoints even if we don't agree with em
Clearly this too was faked. Apart from the fact that she was asking for it by being born a woman.

Certain cities? Yesterday it was the "village types". Islamic values? The "fahash kafir" seems to have more of them then. Don't kid yourself, you're all the same and it all has to do with you. Except, maybe, the handful up north.

Typical isnt it. Step 1 is to blame the woman. If that clearly and obviously does not work, move on to step two: blame the area/city.
The Girl truly is beautiful, first mistake is traveling in an unsafe vehicle, second mistake you shouldn't be out at night. Prevention is better than cure, you cannot stop shameless men from doing such acts.

In Iran if someone abuses girls/women like this, they would receive harsh punishment.

If you think women are wrong to go out in a democratic country on its independence day than what else can I say ?

Also at one end you saying women should bear the main responsibility and in second para you saying culprits are punished in Iran. Tell me which culprit you talking about ? The women or the abusive man ? Because somehow I think you consider women the culprit

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