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Another...Pakistani dies in Indian prison

Sorry to hear that. Unfortunate person. RIP

Those responsible should be prosecuted, however it is highly unlikely.
I believe torching is inhuman no matter who does that but when it comes between India and Pakistan, of course we love to forget every human rights and show our animal nature the much we can. I believe true Indians will be feeling pain for that sad incident but the ones with black heart will say.. "its okay". I as a Pakistani would want to bring responsible person to justice according to Indian law. I do not expect India is out of humanity, may be their leaders are but everything is not insane.

I second you sir.

I googled for another link for this news but couldn't get. Can anybody give a link from an international source?
In your dreams and prove your assertion. Do not talk through ignorance cos all it does is make you a fool. You should visit SA before you make hillarious comments of the nature you just did. If your Shangai is so great then why the heck do we have like close to a million and a half Chinese coming in here. Look around you. I bet you wouldn't see any South Africans in your hood boet:what:

:police: Hy, Friends... Come Down!!!
:police: Hy, Friends... Come Down!!!

Hi Anne. Wot a pretty name you have :wave: And its spelt "calm" honey. Saw your earlier intro and must say :welcome: Don't worry about my postings here. I get banned regularly for speaking my mind and the truth :pop:
I get banned regularly for speaking my mind and the truth :pop:

Based on your posts, you seem to have a one-track mind.

I don't think I have seen a single positive post by you that contributes to the discussion in any thread. All you do is insult every country and hurl racial insults at people - you call Asians 'monkeys', you call Chinese people 'chinaman', you lecture others about human rights while living in the rape/murder capital of the world.

All you do is to bring down the level of discussion in any thread once you start posting. The country that receives the last abuse from you -- not that that's saying much -- is India, because your wife is a Hindu of Indian descent.

You are devious about your own background. In a couple of posts you said you were "of Indian descent". Then you say you are of Pashtun/German descent. We really don't care what you are, because we can tell from your posts what kind of person you are.
I second you sir.

I googled for another link for this news but couldn't get. Can anybody give a link from an international source?

You might not find an international link for this news. Indian media would not project it and western media loves to broadcast which returns something. They would not want to publicize human right violations by India at least. Look for human-watch reports in your area or you got to rely on the parents who lost their son to torture.
i dont know if this news is true or not .

but india and pakistan need to have a prison excange programme !!!!
because when it comes to prisoner of your opposition you have your biasd point of view and it hard for the culprit to get a fair trial.

its been said many time - and i think this will be the most positive - step. in indo-pak ties.
You might not find an international link for this news. Indian media would not project it and western media loves to broadcast which returns something. They would not want to publicize human right violations by India at least.

I can't find the news even from other Pakistani websites like Dawn, Jung News, Daily Times, Khabrain, etc. Do you believe everything 'Nation' says?

...you got to rely on the parents who lost their son to torture.

Can you enlighten me -- I don't understand. I can't verify the news, and didn't read or watch the statements of alleged victim's parents. How can I rely on an unheard statement of unseen person?
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Based on your posts, you seem to have a one-track mind.

I don't think I have seen a single positive post by you that contributes to the discussion in any thread. All you do is insult every country and hurl racial insults at people - you call Asians 'monkeys', you call Chinese people 'chinaman', you lecture others about human rights while living in the rape/murder capital of the world.

All you do is to bring down the level of discussion in any thread once you start posting. The country that receives the last abuse from you -- not that that's saying much -- is India, because your wife is a Hindu of Indian descent.

You are devious about your own background. In a couple of posts you said you were "of Indian descent". Then you say you are of Pashtun/German descent. We really don't care what you are, because we can tell from your posts what kind of person you are.

It seems that you only read the posts where I defend attacks against me or Africa. You should be more open minded and explore some of my other posts in this forum, alternatively read them instead of just ignoring them if you find that they are of a non defensive nature.

I insulted certain posters here after they insulted me but I do not deem it necessary to justify anything to you.

I would rather live in the rape/capital murder in the world than live in a subcontinent in which I am threatened with nuclear annhilation on a daily basis or by some hindu/muslim/buddhist/tamil/taliban/christian/maoist/communist terror organisation which threatens to open mass fire on unarmed civilians. On that basis and before you claim that my statement excludes India, I must emphasise that Asia with India included is in mine and the rest of the world's [and most sensible people living in your sub continent] considered as being short sighted for having developed nukes. On the issue of human rights I live in a nation which believes that we would rather let a 100 guilty people walk rather than hang 1 innocent man. On that basis we do not have the death penalty and we are accepted as a role model for democracy. Can any Asian nation boast the same? I think not. Not even the India which you profess I am defensive of. My contemptous attitude by the way has also been expressed towards India in various posts. Again do not read and respond selectively.

The fact that the Pashtun area which my fore gran lived in was then a part of India when she left leaves me of the view that she hailed from India. As to who is currently owning or governing it or torturing the inhabitants who live there is of no consequence to me. Likewise her husband hailed from a border area which was the subject of dispute between Germany and Austria. That likewise is none of my concern and since he claims that he hailed from Germany as his wife claims that she hailed from India, that is my take on the issue. Their nationalities doesn't matter to me as I am South African, loud and proud. Likewise, in a nutshell my wife's national origins does not matter to us as she is also South African loud and proud. Note that both the flags I put up here are South African, unlike you.

The kind of person I am, is forthright without any pussyfooting. If you take issue with that then that regretably is your problem. :pop:
Nation is one of the best newspapers in Pakistan. India cannot claim to be a democracy and continue to practice policies of a totalitarian terrorist state. We need to follow with the same behavior in return, because they do not understand civilized ways.
Dead body of Pakistani died in Indian custody demanded

Updated at: 1144 PST, Thursday, October 08, 2009

KARACHI: Indian government has bestowed upon Pakistan another gift in terms of death of a Pakistani who was tortured to death in Indian custody while his family has asked government for help get back his dead body.

Javaid (41), resident of Maleer, Karachi was arrested in India two years ago while his daughter had been praying for his release for two years.

Javaid would be tortured in Raj Kot jail in Indian province Gujrat and was out of contact from his family in Pakistan while his only source of communication with family members was through his relatives living in India.

He died when he was being physically abused amid Tuesday-Wednesday night while Indian officials remained failed to prove him guilty of any crime until he was killed.

Now, his family members, relatives, and friends have strongly asked government of Pakistan to play its role in getting released the dead body of Javaid.

This is new one.... He went to india with visa and was kidnapped from some shrine.
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