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Another...Pakistani dies in Indian prison

If your Shangai is so great then why the heck do we have like close to a million and a half Chinese coming in here. Look around you. I bet you wouldn't see any South Africans in your hood boet:what:

The truth is most Chinese can't get into Shanghai as "permanent residents" because of artificial barriers. You may say it's reminiscent of a certain bygone system in SA actually :angry:.

But that's changing, too.

The city really isn't the one I grew up in anymore - shFool wouldn't show you any of the old pictures of what Shanghai used to look like not that long ago ...

BTW, there are definitely more than a few Africans in Shanghai, or Guangzhou - SAs included.

You'd do well to get out of Afrikaaner Homeland more often ... perhaps you are working on it judging by your attitude.
The truth is most Chinese can't get into Shanghai as "permanent residents" because of artificial barriers. You may say it's reminiscent of a certain bygone system in SA actually :angry:.

But that's changing, too.

The city really isn't the one I grew up in anymore - shFool wouldn't show you any of the old pictures of what Shanghai used to look like not that long ago ...

BTW, there are definitely more than a few Africans in Shanghai, or Guangzhou - SAs included.

You'd do well to get out of Afrikaaner Homeland more often ... perhaps you are working on it judging by your attitude.

this dude is comparing the life style in SA and Shanghai. I just couldn't help laughing. the entire SA is life a crime scene and we are here talking about life style.
No, I will never visit SA in my entire life, unless my employer force me to do that as a part of my employment condition.

This is Shanghai, but the area shown in the city is not the CBD, as we don't have CBD.

... Pictures that have nothing whatsoever to do with shFoolishness per se, except something about phantasy ...

This is NOT a comparison between SA and Shanghai as I see such comparison be an insult to my hometown.

You - :bounce: (yes, this is you), are an insult to my hometown ...
Pakistan's human rights record is just as dismal as India's and China's. You should send delegations to SA to learn how to treat people in detention in accordance with international standards. Thereafter you should send delegations to sub saharan Africa to learn how to be at peace with your neighbours. Eventually in a few hundred years I am certain that Asia will evolve to to embrace international humanity but there is still time for that I guess :wave:

gimme a break. peace loving sub saharan africa? which city is the capital of rape?
South Africa: Crime and rape capital
Perhaps your prison treat criminals too well so SA is ranked as No.2 Murders (per capita) (most recent) by country?
Murders (per capita) (most recent) by country

if that's the human rights record you are proud of, sorry, we asian people don't need that. ok?
gimme a break. peace loving sub saharan africa? which city is the capital of rape?
South Africa: Crime and rape capital
Perhaps your prison treat criminals too well so SA is ranked as No.2 Murders (per capita) (most recent) by country?
Murders (per capita) (most recent) by country

if that's the human rights record you are proud of, sorry, we asian people don't need that. ok?

Dude, we know. But this is not necessary as this "chimp" could be a disgruntled Afrikaaner with some real misgivings, coupled with an "agenda" and some "axes" to grind ...

Let him grind them.
My sincere apologies for side-tracking this thread.

Most heart-felt condolences to the family of the deceased. Too many people like him die unnecessary deaths everyday all over Asia.

May the continent rise above this sorta tragedies and continue to improve on showing respect for the human life.
Pakistan's human rights record is just as dismal as India's and China's. You should send delegations to SA to learn how to treat people in detention in accordance with international standards. Thereafter you should send delegations to sub saharan Africa to learn how to be at peace with your neighbours. Eventually in a few hundred years I am certain that Asia will evolve to to embrace international humanity but there is still time for that I guess :wave:

I have come to know that in south Africa just few years back, penalty to kill a black person and dog where the same 40 bucks? May be you are not as good and we as bad as you have tried to basked Pakistan and China with India. After all neither Pakistan nor China has assassinated over 90 Thousands Kasmiries because they want a plebiscite under UN.

Coming back to the topic, I believe torching is inhuman no matter who does that but when it comes between India and Pakistan, of course we love to forget every human rights and show our animal nature the much we can. I believe true Indians will be feeling pain for that sad incident but the ones with black heart will say.. "its okay". I as a Pakistani would want to bring responsible person to justice according to Indian law. I do not expect India is out of humanity, may be their leaders are but everything is not insane.
during the 1962 war with india, we captured more than 3000 indian POWs and all of them were realised shortly after the war. while our peace loving indian neighbor took 2 Chinese POWs and locked them up in india for more than 40 years.

source here:
After 40 yrs in Ranchi, Chinese PoWs walk free

You just can't understand how this can be possible in modern world.

State terrorism introduced by india is just beyond imagination. As I ways say - one day Nazi, always Nazi.

Buddy dont blame India for this inhuman act. When they couldn't do anything with china, they had two POWs to throw their rage and anger upon. I am sure they must have beaten them and every time they would have slashed them, Indians must have said something like, "see we do this with the people who invade India, now repent that you conquered and say sorry to us and say it loud".
Buddy dont blame India for this inhuman act. When they couldn't do anything with china, they had two POWs to throw their rage and anger upon. I am sure they must have beaten them and every time they would have slashed them, Indians must have said something like, "see we do this with the people who invade India, now repent that you conquered and say sorry to us and say it loud".

On that sorta things Bharat really is inexcusable. But worse, what irks me is the impression that while admittedly, Madam Bharat is often not the worst offending "village sl*t" in this neighbourhood, but she insists on the biggest "chastity monument" while pointing her saffron fingers at every other "village h0".

After all, she is in a different league - as no one else services the Uncle to the extent her Saffron Yankee Brigade offspring sell her for ...

I apologize for any offense ...
Guys please don't generalize. India is no exception here, we can find many such examples from China and Pakistan as well. Unfortunately, it happens everywhere in the world. Ordinary human beings suffer from these man-made restrictions. Sad incident, indeed!!
That's the best you can do, 阿呆 (:taz:)?

Disgrace ...
Buddy, why are you fighting with your fellow chinese?It's just a forum.Take it easy man.You are attacking Chinese as if you are Japense.
Buddy, why are you fighting with your fellow chinese?It's just a forum.Take it easy man.You are attacking Chinese as if you are Japense.

Your advice duly noted, :azn:

I do wish this "fellow chinese" is shjapanese, I can tell you that ...

Then it's :sniper: without hold-back.
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