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Another Indian Submarine in trouble

RFP for P 75I takes 5 yrs to be issued? He works at snail pace.
When you do not know the procedures , don't speak. its not the Defense minister but the navy and the MOD who is responsible. after they recommend it then goes to the finance department for clearance , then the CCS . it our bureaucracy not the minister which is responsible for the delay .
Isnt it the sub which was damaged in last year incident where one of the sub (forgot the name INS-S*********) had few explosions and was destroyed completely........
Two sailors missing, 7 injured in India navy accident

MUMBAI: Two sailors were missing and another seven were injured after smoke was detected aboard a submarine off Mumbai on Wednesday, Indian navy officials said, in the latest accident to hit the force.

The seven sailors suffered smoke inhalation and were airlifted from the submarine for treatment, navy spokesman Rahul Sinha said, without disclosing details of the incident.

"The submarine was on a routine training sortie off Mumbai´s coast when smoke was detected.

Measures were taken to contain it," Commander Sinha told the NDTV news channel."All the sailors are currently undergoing treatment under the supervision of a team of doctors.

But I do not have details." Another two crew have not yet been found on board the submarine which was now returning to port in Mumbai, an unnamed navy official in New Delhi told AFP.

The incident comes after 18 naval crew were killed in August last year when the fully-armed Russian-built INS Sindhurakshak exploded in flames and sank in a military shipyard in Mumbai.

The disaster was thought to be the Indian Navy´s worst since the sinking of a frigate by a Pakistani submarine during a war with its neighbour in 1971.

After Wednesday´s accident, naval ships have taken up posts around the Russian-built INS Sindhuratna to provide help, Sinha said.

The seven injured sailors fell unconscious after a leak in the submarine´s battery compartment during the training exercise near Mumbai harbour, according to the Press Trust of India news agency, citing navy sources.

Last month another submarine, INS Sindhughosh, reportedly armed and with a full crew, ran aground while returning to Mumbai harbour.

Two sailors missing, 7 injured in India navy accident - thenews.com.pk

Indian sailors hurt in submarine accident


Indian sailors hurt in submarine accident - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English
One Thing which is Really worrisome that if God Forbid if such incident happens in Indian Nuclear Submarines that too near the coast of Pakistan or China, then it can lead to a real critical situation...

K-19 the Widow Maker, kinda scenario !
Navy chief Admiral DK Joshi resigns taking responsibility for submarine accidents
Navy chief Admiral DK Joshi resigns taking responsibility for submarine accidents | NDTV.com
And he should. He is endangering the live of those that serve under him by not rectifying faults on a war path.
However, the Kilo Class is an old sub.. and Russian to add. Not Russian of today but Russian of the 1980s.. which werent always top notch in Quality(as experienced by Russian subs themselves that were built in the era).
That being said, there is a serious lack of discipline in terms of maintenance and safety on board these vessels and perhaps its time the civillian oversight sat down and took a look at the INs sub arm.. while being less than babus and move along the Scorpene and Akula procurements.
And he should. He is endangering the live of those that serve under him by not rectifying faults on a war path.
However, the Kilo Class is an old sub.. and Russian to add. Not Russian of today but Russian of the 1980s.. which werent always top notch in Quality(as experienced by Russian subs themselves that were built in the era).
That being said, there is a serious lack of discipline in terms of maintenance and safety on board these vessels and perhaps its time the civillian oversight sat down and took a look at the INs sub arm.. while being less than babus and move along the Scorpene and Akula procurements.

A few more heads must role. Especially in the maintenance arm.
RIP to the dead.

What is the current status us India's submarine fleet now?
RIP to the dead.

What is the current status us India's submarine fleet now?
13 conventional subs in total - 9 kilos and 4 modified Type-209s. One nuclear attack sub in service, and one nuclear ballistic sub undergoing sea trials.

Overall, a disproportionately small submarine force, compared to a formidable surface fleet.
Rest in peace.

I think India should really consider retiring the kilos if the same drama continues to go on and on.
Going to post what I said in another thread:

The most serious issues have occurred with the aged subs ie serious damage and or (more tragically) fatalities. This is DIRECTLY caused by the age of these relics. The issues with the surface fleet are quite routine and for a navy that is already one of the largest in the world and is growing these things will happen from time to time- they are isolated incidents and one cannot claim there is something inherently wrong in the IN as a result as their training and professionalism is top-notch. IN each case individual BoIs have been set up and taken action against those in the wrong and cleared those deserving of such action.

The Indian navy is not alone:
USS Hartford and USS New Orleans collision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A personal nightmare when two Navy ships collide | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com
Damage to Navy ship involved in August collision estimated at $3 million
U.S. Navy ship collides with oil tanker in Gulf – USATODAY.com
2 Navy ships collide in Pacific; no injuries - San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 - cbs8.com
Warship Collisions, Groundings , Fatal Events - World Naval Ships Forums
Navy Relieves Commander of Ship That Ran Aground After Sochi Tour - ABC News
US Navy Ship Ran Aground In Turkey - Business Insider
US warship deployed near Sochi runs aground - Yahoo News
BBC News - US Navy ship aground on Philippine Unesco coral reef
Captain reprimanded over ship grounding | Mail Online
Navy submarine ran aground after series of errors, inquiry finds | UK news | theguardian.com

Given the high-tempo nature of the IN such incidents are going to keep happening- what's the alternative? Keep all IN assets in their berths 365 days a year? No, danger goes with the job.
So once again the national security has to pay heavy prices. According to our current fleet, we cannot afford such accidents.

Going to post what I said in another thread:

The most serious issues have occurred with the aged subs ie serious damage and or (more tragically) fatalities. This is DIRECTLY caused by the age of these relics. The issues with the surface fleet are quite routine and for a navy that is already one of the largest in the world and is growing these things will happen from time to time- they are isolated incidents and one cannot claim there is something inherently wrong in the IN as a result as their training and professionalism is top-notch. IN each case individual BoIs have been set up and taken action against those in the wrong and cleared those deserving of such action.

The Indian navy is not alone:
USS Hartford and USS New Orleans collision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A personal nightmare when two Navy ships collide | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com
Damage to Navy ship involved in August collision estimated at $3 million
U.S. Navy ship collides with oil tanker in Gulf – USATODAY.com
2 Navy ships collide in Pacific; no injuries - San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 - cbs8.com
Warship Collisions, Groundings , Fatal Events - World Naval Ships Forums
Navy Relieves Commander of Ship That Ran Aground After Sochi Tour - ABC News
US Navy Ship Ran Aground In Turkey - Business Insider
US warship deployed near Sochi runs aground - Yahoo News
BBC News - US Navy ship aground on Philippine Unesco coral reef
Captain reprimanded over ship grounding | Mail Online
Navy submarine ran aground after series of errors, inquiry finds | UK news | theguardian.com

Given the high-tempo nature of the IN such incidents are going to keep happening- what's the alternative? Keep all IN assets in their berths 365 days a year? No, danger goes with the job.
Yes. but according to the numbers of vessels we have in service, we cannot afford any accidents.
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