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Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

the rules and restrictions have been made by MEN, not by women
who do you think women fear when they go out into the street, obviously MEN
the same MEN who are trying to protect women according to you.

Who do you think comes to the rescue of women? MEN!

YES rules and restriction were made by men for women protection and happiness.

Read my previous comments to understand more which you choose to ignore:

And rules and restriction are always placed by the strong not the weak. MEN are stronger then women.

Rubbish, the only reason women are not joining STEM field is because pressure from their family nothing else

OK just for arguments sake,I admit in Pakistan girls are stopped by parents to join STEM field.

But what about women in the WEST? USA? who is stopping them?

every nation head uses his/her father's or some superiors name, this fact is not limited to women:

All most all the nation heads who started a dynasty are men.Not a single women.
Every female heads uses her father name but not all male heads uses their father name. Most male are self made.

again, women are serving fighting roles in many militaries such as IDF and the US armed forces, many of them have even remained P.O.Vs

Even in IDF and US army women are not sent for active combat mission.Most of them work in support units. Only recently 2 or 3 women were able to qualify infantry officer course,because almost all the standards test were 10% of what men had to pass.And still not one graduated.

Even in IDF,majority work in support units. They did raised one unit full females but there performance so pathetic that disbanded it.EVEN mix units performed horrible as compare to full male units. Because all the females could not do their job and male had to do their as well their own jobs.

both can be attained by training and practice, however

Their is a biological limit to what generally can be obtained by practice.There is a reason tall players are preferred in basketball.

Women are superior to men in spirituality.

How is women spiritually better then men?

How many female sufi saints you can name?
This explains it all about women
Sure, on paper this sounds good but it doesn't translate into reality.

Most women, even "Feminist" women, rarely marry a man who earns equal to or less than them, has equal or less education compared to them. Would you marry a school janitor? Or a Riksha driver?

When given the chance women go for the man whom they percieve to be "superior" to themselves (and to other men). It's called Hypergamy, it is a evolutionary survival strategy within women (to seek the most successful mate. Percieved success = better genes = ideal traits for potential offspring).

Like all left-wing ideologies, Feminism disregards human nature and is nothing but feel-good nonsense.

Would you marry a guy whom you percieve to be less educated than you? Earns less than you? Has less experience than you?

Of course, within Islam there are examples of great people who overcame these inherent limitations within the human being, like Hazrat Khadija when she married the Prophet (SAW) who worked for her, earned less, and could not read or write. How many of our "feminists" who preach overcoming gender biases and expectations will marry a illiterate Riksha driver making an honest living through manual labor?

At least Islam provides a powerful spiritual incentive to overcome the inherent limitations within human beings. What incentive does "feminism" and other secular ideologies provide, other than feel-good virtue signalling rhetoric?

This is why Communism and all leftist ideologies like "Feminism" will never work. There is no incentive. It's all feel-good rhetoric to show off or vent on society, and leftists in general tend to be hypocrites who seldom practice what they preach and constantly violate their own principles.

Everyone has cried at some point in their lives. Otherwise they're not human. So there's nothing wrong with crying once in a blue moon if you really have to do it (I'm talking about men here).

However, let's imagine two men: one guy tackles the problems life throws at him while the other one constantly complains and sobs. Which one of the two would a woman find attractive? The one who constantly cries about how difficult life is? Or the one who complains less, does more & overcomes the struggles of life?

I already know which type 99.9% of women would go for & it's definitely not the guy who collapses on his knees and cries out for Mommy, because human nature defies feel-good ideologies that sound great on paper. Would like your thoughts.

@Nilgiri @Psychic @Metanoia @Reichsmarschall @Ocean

I have pretty much given up all arguments with (esp 3rd wave) feminists (and lackeys/proxies) online brother.

What time I have for it, I focus on the feminists closer at hand hehe...at least I can scope out quick if there is actual potential to have a discussion and even convert them (esp if they are young enough) back to being a good solid woman down the road etc....so they need not learn things the hard way (i.e a miserable life devoid of meaning that nearly all end up becoming).

Online I leave it to the mass reach experts like Jordan Peterson.

I simply direct all online feminists to watch his videos thoroughly and then posit even one sound logical argument from their end after it.
I have pretty much given up all arguments with (esp 3rd wave) feminists (and lackeys/proxies) online brother.

What time I have for it, I focus on the feminists closer at hand hehe...at least I can scope out quick if there is actual potential to have a discussion and even convert them (esp if they are young enough) back to being a good solid woman down the road etc....so they need not learn things the hard way (i.e a miserable life devoid of meaning that nearly all end up becoming).

Online I leave it to the mass reach experts like Jordan Peterson.

I simply direct all online feminists to watch his videos thoroughly and then posit even one sound logical argument from their end after it.
Indeed. I feel you and I personally would not waste my time with a "Feminist" or a cuckboi on a personal level because they are die hard believers in their own BS for socially signalling purposes, virtue signalling and what not (they don't practice their own "equality" mantra).

But on a public forum like this where there are like-minded people and fence-sitters who are just looking for a voice of reason that confirms their own innate sanity, which stands in contradiction to "Feminism", to rally them I think it is necessary for their sake alone to refute this leftist nonsense of "Feminism".

It's the case of the emperor with no clothes. Everybody knows he's naked but are too afraid to say it at the risk of becoming "unpopular" or going against the trend. But all it takes is the one kid to speak common sense and say the obvious and the domino effect kicks in.
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I support the ideals of the original Feminist movement, but one thing I have never been able to come to grips with the modern manifestation of this noble movement, is how so many of its supposed followers come across as crass and intellectually hollow.

For example, is showing the middle finger here really necessary?
Hijacked by Lisbien and high class burger ladies.
"Favorable", "equality"

You just refuted your own nonsense. Thanks for doing my job for me.

When something is favored it is not equal to others. Equality does not exist, never existed and never will exist.

You quoted me first and I asked this question to you because all you did in your previous post was regurgitate what I said. You didn't bring anything new.

Bro you are making no sense at all. Having a natural inclination towards something has nothing to do with equality. If you like woman A more than woman B then does that mean you're oppressing woman A ? You are favouring woman A because of desirable traits and not because she's some another gender. This doesn't mean the world or society would take away woman B's rights and opportunities away. It's like complaining that if Nawaz Sharif is a billionaire then you should be one too otherwise you're not equal. I don't think you understand what equality means. You're drawing apples and oranges.
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Women are not equal to men since Allah SWT created men and women like that and since they are weaker then men we should treat them with love, piety and compassion.
Agree brother

Crazy feministshit libtards like them need to be locked and their funders stopped. I know What feminism has done to society in europe and i dont want it to destroy morality and society in Pakistan
Hijacked by Lisbien and high class burger ladies.

One of the core results of Feminism is the vulgarization of women. They copy all the traits of men to make themselves more manlike.

They destroy their own beauty and female traits, that make them more attractive to men. Hence the strong link between Feminism and lesbianism.

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