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'Aurat March' and the Neo-Colonial Agenda in Pakistan

I really don't understand why people in media and here on this forum are giving so much importance to this aurat march, why, how does it affect us if few hundred rich so-called "elite" family women are doing this march, it is their problem and we should not even care or discuss for one second about this POS march and the problems of the participants of such type of marches. I think it is just a case of misplaced empathy for those rich so-called elite families and maybe the people highlighting this march are doing so because their own women are also like these aurat march women. I have said earlier also that the heera mandi the factories of sex have been in place right in the centre of lahore and multan for centuries but no body gave a damn about the people living there or their problems or moralities. So now if particular class of women belonging to a particular class of family backgrounds are doing their sexual freedom march, why should it get so much attention from us who don't belong to that class, I really don't get this publicity of this march and this march being the topic of discussion of every other talk show these days.
May be it is our regional cultural differences, for example in our area no one gives a damn about such sh1tty things and marches, it is not our issue and of no interest to us, it doesn't involve our families and people having similar culture to us so why should we care about this aurat march and the particular women holding this march.
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