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Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

unable to comprehend this one, Anyone please ?

Enjoy more kanjarkhana;

Brother I would disagree with you on the notion that the "MGTOW phenomena" is 1) Toxic, and 2) Product of liberalism.
It's toxic because instead of encouraging men to focus on reclaiming their rightful position in society and putting these "feminists" in their place, MGTOW instead encourages them to tune out of society. It's an outlook of despair.
2) Product of liberalism.

Is it not? It's a reaction to Feminism which itself is result of Liberal/Capitalist system, and both movements are only possible in a society of abundance.

In the past this would not have been possible because circumstances would not allow for it. Both genders had to work together. Only artificial means of creating abudant wealth has made it possible for "feminism" and it's reaction MGTOW.
Mgtow is basically libertarian in nature, completely different from liberalism. I don't believe it to be toxic, true that perhaps certain individuals who "go there own way" might have anger and toxicity, but the phenomena is not toxic at all.
Well, I beg to disagree that Libertarianism and Liberalism are very different. Both are proponents of individualism. Libertarianism is just a rehash of classical Liberalism in the face of modern leftist "Liberalism", only more radically individualistic.
We shouldn't forsake healthy marriages, but the thing is there's no such thing as a healthy marriage (it's an illusion) or a healthy relationship considering the times. The very same patriarchal society which kept the females and the males in check for a sustainable society is long gone with no chances of returning any time soon. In my opinion, MGTOW does a stellar job of exposing the nature of females and males alike very thoroughly. What has been seen, can not be unseen. It's truly liberating to just simply go your own way instead of trying to support this rotten society with it's preconceived notions set to serve a privileged class based on their genitalia and or social status.
I agree and I'm not dismissing the grievances of MGTOW or "Feminists", but this does not mean that the bedrock of our society, and thus our country, the family unit, should be allowed to erode away and no one does a thing.

I'm familiar with MGTOW talking points and arguments. This book is pretty big in their circle : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjAAegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw2dn1Q9PejSdMtyCJUz1wjE
What I get is that some burger ladies organized a woman day and in that function or protest were some speechs “ entertainments “ and this liz couple The Two man look girls set their band as live show and lesbian crying how men are bad.
Move on guys coz of this leaches don’t forget the women rights and respect their boundaries.
The thing with "Khana Khud garam karo" is that it is erasing the line between the different responsibilities of man and women.
This whole post is such a shameless and disgusting post and just shows ur upbringing and extremely disgusting mindset. I cant begin to tell how there is so much wrong in this full of bullshytt post.

There is so much sexism in it and so much shameless show of purposeful and evilish sidelining of a gender so that u can assume ur superiority and corrupt politicians like statments that if both will be equals then who will do other responsibilities." I mean what a small man are you.

Are u handicapped that u cant do ur small chores at home and need to depend on ur wife or other women at home , or are u physically weak person who cant take care of his own affairs? and and for that u need another person to do that work anf in order to push repsonsibilities on her u have to use "equality is a wrong concept bullshytt"

How difficult is khana garam karna? Have u done it ? How hard is it? How long it takes to turn on stove and warm the food? Or how is it ur wifes or mother or sisters job to do ur laundry or wash ur undergarments? Or dust ur room?

  • Chaos: Each one will not do a particular task or both will do it,leaving other tasks.i.e Both buying the monthly grocery and both not paying utility bills under the assumption that other will pay them.
what chaos when u have ur hands sahi salamat and u can warm ur own food! Or make ur own tea instead of commanding others to do it for u just cause u have this sense of superiority in u that i am a man and whether i work 9-5 or not iam entitled to vip treatment.
Without clear and distinct responsibilities of each,it will lead to confusion,chaos and conflict.

  • Confusion: Who is responsible of doing a particle work? i.e who will clean the window?men or women?
the particle word usage shows ur depraved state of mind. So for u these jobs are only for women? And then the shameless way u ask who will clean the window ? Men or women?
What do u even mean by this bullshyt question? I mean kya haath tootay hain that u cant clean a window? And are u bringing a wife or a kaam wali maasi who will clean windows? Even in most backward households nowadays ppl dont ask their women of house to clean windows these jobs are delegated to kaam wali maasis and this man needs his wife for "particle work"

U are a pathetic person and i can only sympathize with the woman who is going to be ur wife.

This alone particle work comment is so derogatory that i am not even going bother replying to ur rest of the post and gibberish.

Where in islam where in quran and hadees it is mentioned that doing all these chores , khana garam karna , safai karna , windows saaf karna bla bla aurat ki zimadaari hain? Where in islam it is mentioned that men and women are not equal when it comes to doing ur personal work? And where women have been assigned jobs of household in islam?

Yes women who spend their whole day at home naturally have to contribute in cooking and cleaning but where does it become compuslory on them that they have to do every little work the way our society pushes on them and that men have no job to assist women in housework ?

Yeah shakhs us nabi ki ummat ka banda hai who never used to depend on his wives for his personal chores and who used to even fix his own shoe laces and would help wives around . And here this guy believes "particle work" cleaning windows ,khana garam karna is womens job and it has to be like this cause if there would be equality then then men will have to do these things.

No wonder why in this age pakistans family systems are failing apart and divorces are on rise. U are pathetic and next time dont quote me with ur bullshytt filled posts.

how did he get banned?
He was banned cause that indian false flagger troll Wolfhunter who wears double brit flags and trolls in every pakistan thread he was posting rubbish so el sidd said some harsh stuff , as per his usual habbit Wolfhunter reported him to a mod and here on this forum where reporting false double american and brit flags false flagger trolls ,who non stop troll in pakistan threads ,generates no action, suprisingly false flaggers reporting generated instant response and it got el sidd quickly banned.
Feminism is first step towards Lesbianism and sad single life


Rule #1 : Yes you are doing something wrong
Rule #2 : There is a war against women, it is not declared but there is a huge war
Rule #3 : You must get all manly , have muscle and take growth harmones grow mustache
Rule #4 : As Women want to act like Man but can't lift 100 pounds need exception to rule
Rule #5 : Want to be Lumber Jack but can't lift the axe or chop trees
Rule #6 : Giving birth is out dated , Men are not making a machine to do it
Rule #7 : If you are Man and you looked at me , you commited a grave crime

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They say they want equality but once the bill for the dinner comes they look the other way lmao. Apparently, equality should only be brought up if it's a convenience for them, if not then it's not an issue. Such uncivilized barbaric behaviour/ideology belongs in the jungle.
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Do you have any Idea how many Man are subjected to domestic abuse ? you know the worse part , If a man is beaten by a Women, he can't even come out to share it as people will laugh at him , and if he comes out and speak about it , people don't believe him ..

There's a saying for this: "equal rights... and lefts."

I saw a guy at the mall that was getting continuously pushed and slapping by his crazy girlfriend for some reason. He finally broke and pushed her back and everyone freaked out lol. I saw true hypocrisy that day.

if you wanna act like a man so bad then expect to get treated like one too.
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This whole post is such a shameless and disgusting post and just shows ur upbringing and extremely disgusting mindset.

the particle word usage shows ur depraved state of mind.

U are a pathetic person and i can only sympathize with the woman who is going to be ur wife.

U are pathetic and next time dont quote me with ur bullshytt filled posts.

Great way to present your argument by resorting to personal attacks.WELL Done! :astagh:

There is so much sexism in it and so much shameless show of purposeful and evilish sidelining of a gender so that u can assume ur superiority and corrupt politicians like statments that if both will be equals then who will do other responsibilities." I mean what a small man are you.

Are u handicapped that u cant do ur small chores at home and need to depend on ur wife or other women at home , or are u physically weak person who cant take care of his own affairs? and and for that u need another person to do that work anf in order to push repsonsibilities on her u have to use "equality is a wrong concept bullshytt"

How difficult is khana garam karna? Have u done it ? How hard is it? How long it takes to turn on stove and warm the food? Or how is it ur wifes or mother or sisters job to do ur laundry or wash ur undergarments? Or dust ur room?

You are missing the whole point of my argument. I did not say that men should not help the women in the household works.I am saying that men helping women should be an exception not an acceptation. Because when there is acceptation there is no appreciation.Simple as that.

I did not say that men are not capable of doing the household work.I think if men do it,they will do better then women (Look who are the top chefs in the world.all men).But each gender should have a defined responsibilities.So, everything is done in an organized and harmonious way.

Up-Down Hiearchy,Defined Roles,Responsibilities and Authority and clear Goals.This is Management 101.

the particle word usage shows ur depraved state of mind. So for u these jobs are only for women? And then the shameless way u ask who will clean the window ? Men or women?
What do u even mean by this bullshyt question? I mean kya haath tootay hain that u cant clean a window? And are u bringing a wife or a kaam wali maasi who will clean windows? Even in most backward households nowadays ppl dont ask their women of house to clean windows these jobs are delegated to kaam wali maasis and this man needs his wife for "particle work"

That was just an example to make you understand.

And by the way do you mean that anyone who cleans his own home window is "Kaam wali maasi"?

This alone particle work comment is so derogatory that i am not even going bother replying to ur rest of the post and gibberish.

Because you can't give any logical argument.Just personal attacks.Feminist's Modus Operandi.

Where in islam where in quran and hadees it is mentioned that doing all these chores , khana garam karna , safai karna , windows saaf karna bla bla aurat ki zimadaari hain? Where in islam it is mentioned that men and women are not equal when it comes to doing ur personal work? And where women have been assigned jobs of household in islam?

Islam has clearly mentioned that looking after the household work and children is the primary responsibility of women.

And it is not personal work.It is a family work.

And if you read Islamic history,the wives of the Sahabah used to do all household work.

Yes women who spend their whole day at home naturally have to contribute in cooking and cleaning but where does it become compuslory on them that they have to do every little work the way our society pushes on them and that men have no job to assist women in housework ?

Why are you under the assumption that women do all the work,and men just enjoy life.

A men daily work up to 12 hours ,some times in humiliating and dangerous environment.Just see the stats of work related death and injury stats.Majority of them are men.

After doing 12 hours work, you expect men to do the household work also?

Working in home is far easier and safer then working outside.

No wonder why in this age pakistans family systems are failing apart and divorces are on rise. U are pathetic and next time dont quote me with ur bullshytt filled posts.

Most divorces happen in homes which believe in equality between men and women.Most traditional and conservative marriages are successful.

unable to comprehend this one, Anyone please ?
Means she have got you by your balls.

Relevant video by comedian Bill Burr on Feminism!

What if men start to sing:

"Chal kuttay ki bachi (because they are calling men KUTTA) coal mine main jakey kaam kar"
"Chal kuttay ki bachi khud khulay samandar main jakey machli pakar"
"Chal kuttay ki bachi khud 45 degree heat main sabzi ka thela laga"
"Chal kuttay ki bachi khud truck main saman load kar aur kama ke aa"

I am sure, more than 75% of Pakistani men work in very difficult fields to earn bread for their families.. and the only thing they want is cooked food upon return..

Kuttay ki bachiaan samajhti hi nahi hain.

Asal main hum mard bhi chu**** hain.. agar sirf aik baar ittehaad kar ke aik protest inn ke saamnay arrange karlain tou yeh bhaagti huee nazar aaein..

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