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Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

Once I saw a teenage boy,welder turned into a punching by the public just because the lady was hit by his motorcyle. It was the ladys fault.But poor boy:disagree:

i never see a women beaten up in a road rage , or when a women slap a man, he return slap her .. Equality right
i,ve experienced and learnt alot about co-existence, sacrifice and importance of others in life specially since November 2015 when my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, got her treated, however, it recurred in the recent past and she is undergoing chemo therapies once again. i do all domestic chores, absolutely everything she use to do when she was okay and i also go to work, so i earn as well as take care of everybody (my wife and kids) but i have no complaints, the biggest wish and desire is that she stays with me for the rest of my mortal life and see her children grow up. you know what...i have come to the conclusion that everything in this mortal world can be replaced/compensated for except two things...one is TIME the other is a HUMAN BEING...stop complaining and criticizing please, be grateful to your creator for what he has blessed you with...
May Allah give your wife health and long long life.. Ameen ya RabbulAalameen..
@Ocean @Desert Fox @PakSword
Thank you guys for understanding what i wanted to convey, we take the blessings of ALLAH PAK for granted and believe it to be our right to have all his blessings for us and that tragedies are supposed to happen to others not us. whenever i feel down or disheartened or sad and the SATAN tries to DE-track me from the path of TAQWA and push me to complain i realize his evil desires and ask myself...did u praise and thanked ALLAH PAK enough for all the blessings that he bestowed upon you? the answer is always a BIG NO...so i tell myself... if not, then u don't have the right to complain either. the only way forward is ALHAMDU LILLAH and ASTAGHFAAR...
@Ocean @Desert Fox @PakSword
Thank you guys for understanding what i wanted to convey, we take the blessings of ALLAH PAK for granted and believe it to be our right to have all his blessings for us and that tragedies are supposed to happen to others not us. whenever i feel down or disheartened or sad and the SATAN tries to DE-track me from the path of TAQWA and push me to complain i realize his evil desires and ask myself...did u praise and thanked ALLAH PAK enough for all the blessings that he bestowed upon you? the answer is always a BIG NO...so i tell myself... if not, then u don't have the right to complain either. the only way forward is ALHAMDU LILLAH and ASTAGHFAAR...

Husband and wife are made covering for each other. When a woman needs it (as in your case), a good husband directs all his energies to help the entire family. When a man needs it, a good wife makes him feel comfortable and goes beyond what her strength allows her to do. You and your wife, despite all these hardships, have probably reached to a conclusion that how beautiful this relation is. Two strangers, without any blood relation, helping each other in the time of need without any perks or return in sight... This is true love which many don't understand.

A man, as Allah has made him, is a strong creature physically. He has many many responsibilities. It is his responsibility to earn a living for the entire family, it is his responsibility to provide shelter, it is his responsibility to provide clothing.. It has never been a responsibility of a woman in any culture to assume responsibilities of a man. Unfortunately, these creatures called feminists are endangering all the women of our society..

Imagine a woman, suffering from a terminal illness without any help of a father, a brother, a husband or a son, it is extremely difficult for her to survive. A man can still survive on a footpath, as Allah has given him this strength to fight, but women are weak and a model of kindness, who require care and kindness in return.

These feminists are taking our society to that point, where men will start using women rather than marrying them, and unfortunately, good women will also become a pray to this stupidity.

In west, a point has come when a woman almost faints with excitement when a man proposes her to marry him. I asked a western woman once in her late 40s about her life, who regretted spending time with many BFs, but no one married her. Initially, it was her decision not to marry, then it became men's decision to not marry her, and now, there she was... standing alone without anyone around..

This is where our society is heading unfortunately.. First they injected a thought in men that they must be earning good to have a wife.. poor guys started focusing on their careers.. and then this thought of "man is a dog" is being implanted in our women to destroy the sacred relationship of marriage.. After sometime, no man will marry a woman and will prefer spending all his life in a one bedroom apartment.

As much as I think of it, I come to a conclusion that it is an evil design.. Ibleesi design to destroy this institution of marriage from Muslim world as it has already done in the west..
Husband and wife are made covering for each other. When a woman needs it (as in your case), a good husband directs all his energies to help the entire family. When a man needs it, a good wife makes him feel comfortable and goes beyond what her strength allows her to do. You and your wife, despite all these hardships, have probably reached to a conclusion that how beautiful this relation is. Two strangers, without any blood relation, helping each other in the time of need without any perks or return in sight... This is true love which many don't understand.

A man, as Allah has made him, is a strong creature physically. He has many many responsibilities. It is his responsibility to earn a living for the entire family, it is his responsibility to provide shelter, it is his responsibility to provide clothing.. It has never been a responsibility of a woman in any culture to assume responsibilities of a man. Unfortunately, these creatures called feminists are endangering all the women of our society..

Imagine a woman, suffering from a terminal illness without any help of a father, a brother, a husband or a son, it is extremely difficult for her to survive. A man can still survive on a footpath, as Allah has given him this strength to fight, but women are weak and a model of kindness, who require care and kindness in return.

These feminists are taking our society to that point, where men will start using women rather than marrying them, and unfortunately, good women will also become a pray to this stupidity.

In west, a point has come when a woman almost faints with excitement when a man proposes her to marry him. I asked a western woman once in her late 40s about her life, who regretted spending time with many BFs, but no one married her. Initially, it was her decision not to marry, then it became men's decision to not marry her, and now, there she was... standing alone without anyone around..

This is where our society is heading unfortunately.. First they injected a thought in men that they must be earning good to have a wife.. poor guys started focusing on their careers.. and then this thought of "man is a dog" is being implanted in our women to destroy the sacred relationship of marriage.. After sometime, no man will marry a woman and will prefer spending all his life in a one bedroom apartment.

As much as I think of it, I come to a conclusion that it is an evil design.. Ibleesi design to destroy this institution of marriage from Muslim world as it has already done in the west..

Brilliantly put...i 100% agree to you...
Husband and wife are made covering for each other. When a woman needs it (as in your case), a good husband directs all his energies to help the entire family. When a man needs it, a good wife makes him feel comfortable and goes beyond what her strength allows her to do. You and your wife, despite all these hardships, have probably reached to a conclusion that how beautiful this relation is. Two strangers, without any blood relation, helping each other in the time of need without any perks or return in sight... This is true love which many don't understand.

A man, as Allah has made him, is a strong creature physically. He has many many responsibilities. It is his responsibility to earn a living for the entire family, it is his responsibility to provide shelter, it is his responsibility to provide clothing.. It has never been a responsibility of a woman in any culture to assume responsibilities of a man. Unfortunately, these creatures called feminists are endangering all the women of our society..

Imagine a woman, suffering from a terminal illness without any help of a father, a brother, a husband or a son, it is extremely difficult for her to survive. A man can still survive on a footpath, as Allah has given him this strength to fight, but women are weak and a model of kindness, who require care and kindness in return.

These feminists are taking our society to that point, where men will start using women rather than marrying them, and unfortunately, good women will also become a pray to this stupidity.

In west, a point has come when a woman almost faints with excitement when a man proposes her to marry him. I asked a western woman once in her late 40s about her life, who regretted spending time with many BFs, but no one married her. Initially, it was her decision not to marry, then it became men's decision to not marry her, and now, there she was... standing alone without anyone around..

This is where our society is heading unfortunately.. First they injected a thought in men that they must be earning good to have a wife.. poor guys started focusing on their careers.. and then this thought of "man is a dog" is being implanted in our women to destroy the sacred relationship of marriage.. After sometime, no man will marry a woman and will prefer spending all his life in a one bedroom apartment.

As much as I think of it, I come to a conclusion that it is an evil design.. Ibleesi design to destroy this institution of marriage from Muslim world as it has already done in the west..
As much as I think of it, I come to a conclusion that it is an evil design.. Ibleesi design to destroy this institution of marriage from Muslim world as it has already done in the west..

It is intended to be this way by design. This is textbook Marxism applied to culture (thus 'Cultural Marxism').

In the West in particular, the way society is designed by intention, women are compelled to go out and compete with men in the work force. In this age of consumerism where everyone's gotta have it all, the best of the best, latest of everything, people no longer settle for modesty and instead pursue superficiality. It's the consumerism. The standard of living that everyone must have, especially if their friends have it.

This is true for both men and women, and thus now women must compete with men even if innately most of them would much rather be happily married raising children, fulfilling their motherly instincts.

This upside down worldview is now making its way into Pakistan.

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@DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Psychic @Ocean



There is something seriously wrong with these images and its not the message on the placard.

The background, people in the picture, their expressions, the posture, hand and fingers of the girl holding the placard ..... all seem to have remained still, but the message on placard has changed. Highly impossible thing to achieve ........ be careful people about what you read and what you choose to post from other sources ....... someone is playing with Pakistani people's emotions here ........ and busy spreading frustration in society .....
@DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Psychic @Ocean



There is something seriously wrong with these images and its not the message on the placard.

The background, people in the picture, their expressions, the posture, hand and fingers of the girl holding the placard ..... all seem to have remained still, but the message on placard has changed. Highly impossible thing to achieve ........ be careful people about what you read and what you choose to post from other sources ....... someone is playing with Pakistani people's emotions here ........ and busy spreading frustration in society .....
When I saw this the first time, I thought that it was photo-shopped but didn't comment since I wasn't sure.
When I saw this the first time, I thought that it was photo-shopped but didn't comment since I wasn't sure.

This is photo shopped ..... how can the background and human posture, expressions and gesture remain the same? Even if the placard had double sided message, and girl flipped it quickly ....... its impossible to capture the exact surrounding in next click. Her holding the placard hasn't changed a bit.
@DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Psychic @Ocean



There is something seriously wrong with these images and its not the message on the placard.

The background, people in the picture, their expressions, the posture, hand and fingers of the girl holding the placard ..... all seem to have remained still, but the message on placard has changed. Highly impossible thing to achieve ........ be careful people about what you read and what you choose to post from other sources ....... someone is playing with Pakistani people's emotions here ........ and busy spreading frustration in society .....
@DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Psychic @Ocean



There is something seriously wrong with these images and its not the message on the placard.

The background, people in the picture, their expressions, the posture, hand and fingers of the girl holding the placard ..... all seem to have remained still, but the message on placard has changed. Highly impossible thing to achieve ........ be careful people about what you read and what you choose to post from other sources ....... someone is playing with Pakistani people's emotions here ........ and busy spreading frustration in society .....

This is photo shopped ..... how can the background and human posture, expressions and gesture remain the same? Even if the placard had double sided message, and girl flipped it quickly ....... its impossible to capture the exact surrounding in next click. Her holding the placard hasn't changed a bit.
@DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Psychic @Ocean



There is something seriously wrong with these images and its not the message on the placard.

The background, people in the picture, their expressions, the posture, hand and fingers of the girl holding the placard ..... all seem to have remained still, but the message on placard has changed. Highly impossible thing to achieve ........ be careful people about what you read and what you choose to post from other sources ....... someone is playing with Pakistani people's emotions here ........ and busy spreading frustration in society .....
Good observation. I did not notice that. The propaganda war is real.

@Desert Fox @Areesh @Ocean

This column is interesting.. lolll

The last paragraph is so true..
"Hum sub kuch kar sakte hain lekin apni beevion ke khilaf sarkon per nahin aa sakte"

Beautifully said.

Neither gender has it easy in Pakistan. Men suck it up and soldier on, and to be fair to Pakistani women they also suck up their pride and do their duty to their families and society at large.

This trick of pitting one half of the population against the other over stupidest nonsense like "Khana khud garam Karo" is cultural and societal level subversion being pushed by mentally colonised celebrities and upper class morons for their own personal agenda.

Because I fail to see how pushing for "mera jism meri merzi" and "tu kare tho stud mein karoon tho slut" BS is supposed to help anyone. How exactly is pushing for open-sexual relationships supposed to fight against women being sexually exploited & abused?

I don't get it. The cognitive dissonance in these people is incomprehensible. On the one hand they push for the #MeinBhi slogan, which was taken from the American #MeToo social media campaign in revelation of the sexual abuse women faced from prominent Hollywood personalities (mostly powerful Jewish men like Harvey Weinstein), but then on the other hand these same people also want to push for open sex and the destruction of the patriarchy? You cannot champion the disease and the 'cure' (what they consider to be the 'cure') all at the same time.

In conclusion: these people are rebelling purely for the sake of it and are copying Western Liberals because they themselves are unoriginal and intellectually mediocre, not to mention completely detached from society because they are a part of Pakistans privileged upper classes. They have never experienced the pains and struggles of the common Pakistani man, woman or child.

@Psychic @Ocean @PAKjunoon @Reichsmarschall @Metanoia
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