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Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

"Hum sub kuch kar sakte hain lekin apni beevion ke khilaf sarkon per nahin aa sakte"

Beautifully said.

Neither gender has it easy in Pakistan. Men suck it up and soldier on, and to be fair to Pakistani women they also suck up their pride and do their duty to their families and society at large.

This trick of pitting one half of the population against the other over stupidest nonsense like "Khana khud garam Karo" is cultural and societal level subversion being pushed by mentally colonised celebrities and upper class morons for their own personal agenda.

Because I fail to see how pushing for "mera jism meri merzi" and "tu kare tho stud mein karoon tho slut" BS is supposed to help anyone. How exactly is pushing for open-sexual relationships supposed to fight against women being sexually abused?

I don't get it. The cognitive dissonance in these people is incomprehensible. On the one hand they push for the #MeinBhi slogan, which was taken from the American #MeToo social media campaign in revelation of the sexual abuse women faced from prominent Hollywood personalities (mostly powerful Jewish men like Harvey Weinstein), but then on the other hand these same people also want to push for open sex and the destruction of the patriarchy? You cannot champion the disease and the cure all at the same time.

In conclusion: these people are rebelling purely for the sake of it and are copying Western Liberals because they themselves are unoriginal and intellectually mediocre, not to mention completely detached from society because they are a part of Pakistans privileged upper classes. They have never experienced the pains and struggles of the common Pakistani man, woman or child.

@Psychic @Ocean @PAKjunoon @Reichsmarschall @Metanoia

As I said. This is burger elite chutyapa and nothing more.

There was no placard about karo kari or honor killings or Quran sai shadi or other very common and serious ills against women.

They had placards like "apna khana khud garam karlo" because how can these papa ki princess work in kitchen. For them working in kitchen is some sort of inferior sort of work. For them having open sexual relationships or not marrying at all is some sort of women empowerment. For them to smoke cigarette like men makes them look cool and shows freedom. For them abusing men and calling them kuttai ka bacha is a great show of women freedom.

That was not aurat march. That was DHA elite women march and was far away from the real issues that women face in Pakistan.
"Hum sub kuch kar sakte hain lekin apni beevion ke khilaf sarkon per nahin aa sakte"

Beautifully said.

Neither gender has it easy in Pakistan. Men suck it up and soldier on, and to be fair to Pakistani women they also suck up their pride and do their duty to their families and society at large.

This trick of pitting one half of the population against the other over stupidest nonsense like "Khana khud garam Karo" is cultural and societal level subversion being pushed by mentally colonised celebrities and upper class morons for their own personal agenda.

Because I fail to see how pushing for "mera jism meri merzi" and "tu kare tho stud mein karoon tho slut" BS is supposed to help anyone. How exactly is pushing for open-sexual relationships supposed to fight against women being sexually exploited & abused?

I don't get it. The cognitive dissonance in these people is incomprehensible. On the one hand they push for the #MeinBhi slogan, which was taken from the American #MeToo social media campaign in revelation of the sexual abuse women faced from prominent Hollywood personalities (mostly powerful Jewish men like Harvey Weinstein), but then on the other hand these same people also want to push for open sex and the destruction of the patriarchy? You cannot champion the disease and the 'cure' (what they consider to be the 'cure') all at the same time.

In conclusion: these people are rebelling purely for the sake of it and are copying Western Liberals because they themselves are unoriginal and intellectually mediocre, not to mention completely detached from society because they are a part of Pakistans privileged upper classes. They have never experienced the pains and struggles of the common Pakistani man, woman or child.

@Psychic @Ocean @PAKjunoon @Reichsmarschall @Metanoia

These things are being done in very targeted manner.

If you see the leaders of different NGO's, media persons and our academia who propgate these thing,You will find these commonality in them:
  1. Most of them got scholarship to study in west.
  2. Most of them are directly recruited in NGO's at young age.
  3. They are invited in universities as lecturers and as guest on political shows.
They are a very cordinated group, deployed by the west to achieve there goals.

Have you ever wondered , how a person whom you have never heard becomes a national celebrity within days.

He is invited as guests on talk shows,civil award is given, UN organization makes him a head of a country organization, International media gives him prominent coverage, documentaries are made on him and in the end if he becomes useless, he gets killed and its blamed on Agencies.

Case in point, Manzoor Ahmed Pashteen.

Alas! Even after so many years Pakistan has no National marrative and badly loosing the INFO war.


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This is just Movement for Madar-Pidar Azadi (freedom to do what ever the hell you want to do) in guise of feminism.

The slogans reflecting real problems of women would have been:
  • Educated women would give you an educated generation. (Equal Education for Girls)
  • Being Larkay-wala does not make you superior. (A remnant of our Indian heritage. Promoting Islamic values is fix for these issues).
  • Beti jannat ka ticket hai! [Referring to following hadis, again it is from our Indian heritage that we got this disliking of girl child: ]
  • The believer who bears the responsibility of two daughters and supports them till they attain puberty, he and I will be close to one another like this on the Day of Judgment.
  • Whoever becomes the father of a girl, he should neither hurt her nor treat her with contempt nor show preference over her to his sons in kindness and affection. (Both boys and girls should be treated alike.) Allah will grant him Paradise in return for kind treatment towards the daughter.
  • The believing man or woman upon whom there is the responsibility of daughters and he or she discharges it well and treats them with affection, the daughters will become a means of freedom, for him or her, in the hereafter.
  • I am already precious enough; for you to demand jehaiz (Again a remnant of Indian heritage)
  • Don't forget someday you may be father of a girl... (Again referring to a lot of old traditions that degrade larki walay or girls; mostly coming from our Indian heritage)
  • Paid maternity leaves and employer provided day-care is a basic right (working women do not have to leave jobs for sake of starting a family)
  • Not every little thing or disagreement is Nushooz, so why do you beat me up? (A very common misconception on both sides is about whether physically hitting wife is allowed in Islam. TLDR; Quran permits following under VERY GRAVE circumstances(Nushooz):
    • To no more than once and that it be no more than a light tap to express disapproval
      • But it also has prescribed steps:
        • Stop Talking for some time/days
        • Separate Room for some time/days
        • If she continues the behavior that can be qualified as Nushooz then you can physical hit BUT: Not on face, Not with force to leave a mark, not to cause pain, basically a light tap to show disapproval). Also prophet still commented that those of you who hit their wife are not the best amongst you(or in other words worst amongst you). Which simply means while allowed practicing it is still very frowned upon act in eyes of prophet.
    • Nushooz does not include simple disagreements, arguments, emotional outbursts, a lack of domestic skill or the daily give and take of marital life.

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