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Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

Why not the healthy and constructive men and women of society reimpose sanity over all of these destructive people?

You can certainly try sir, but I am telling you with 99.99% certainty/guarantee that it will be a failed endeavour.

Save yourselves my fellow men :D Leave the v-worshipping men and female harpies to their own devices. Go your own way and reclaim your self.


This is what modern western schooling has done to Pakistani generations since 1980s onwards, bare minimum/no allegiance to the State or Faith while being completely detached from anything local. When you embrace a foreign language, you embrace all its values too, these folks were raised in a consumer society (mostly elite) and trained to serve the Capitalists. Expecting from them to make any sacrifices for their country is all but zero, they will be the first one to take the flight out.

On the other hand, not that everything is perfect and in harmony with our traditions or customs, there are problems and they should be addressed but to display such unruly behaviour to raise voice against genuine women exploitation in our country is actually doing the women in need, a great disservice.

We further need to carefully look at our schooling and the kind of brain-dead pseudo-intellectualism it is promoting. It's becoming more and more visible in the production teams of our electronic media and in the editorial policy of our English print media. The public schools which have gone down the drain, need to be revived on a war footing, they have so much land at their disposal, I don't know what they are doing with it by not utilizing it. Once a part of these private English schools, I mostly found them as English language centers while promoting western values from a very young impressionable age and churning out 'aadha teetar, aadha batair' 12-14 years later with literary interests only limited to 3rd-rated English fiction, English!/Bollywood songs, TV seasons, gaming and going to fast-food restaurants.

This mindset displayed by these girls (and boys too, whenever they get a chance) is the final product - the qualities of having grace, honor, loyalty, being respectful which is directly linked with politeness, truthfulness, honesty and a sense of belonging is all down and dusted. Pathetic times we are living in ... we have become a loud, rude crowd, bereft of any class and no sense of decorum!
Excellent analysis of the current situation. You deserve a positive rating for this.

Only local solutions for local problems.

I would like to recommend a book to you, it is on the subject of 50 years of Feminism in the West and its resulting destruction of two parent households, increase in Single-motherhood, high divorce rate, children with mental issues, etc.. Do read it on your free time:


You can certainly try sir, but I am telling you with 99.99% certainty/guarantee that it will be a failed endeavour.

Save yourselves my fellow men :D Leave the v-worshipping men and female harpies to their own devices. Go your own way and reclaim your self.


Bro, I agree, that we should reclaim our selves and better our selves first and foremost.

Reminds me of Iqbals quote:


The greatest struggle is within us. Only if we better outselves will the world around us fall into place.

We should not forsake healthy marriages or the goal of having a healthy marriage. It's a part of life. MGTOW and Feminism are toxic Western biproducts of Liberalism. We should not give them room to thrive in our society.

@Psychic @Ocean @war&peace
two words "domestic abuse"
two words "domestic abuse"

Do you have any Idea how many Man are subjected to domestic abuse ? you know the worse part , If a man is beaten by a Women, he can't even come out to share it as people will laugh at him , and if he comes out and speak about it , people don't believe him ..
We should not forsake healthy marriages or the goal of having a healthy marriage. It's a part of life. MGTOW and Feminism are toxic Western biproducts of Liberalism. We should not give them room to thrive in our society.

Brother I would disagree with you on the notion that the "MGTOW phenomena" is 1) Toxic, and 2) Product of liberalism.

Mgtow is basically libertarian in nature, completely different from liberalism. I don't believe it to be toxic, true that perhaps certain individuals who "go there own way" might have anger and toxicity, but the phenomena is not toxic at all.

We shouldn't forsake healthy marriages, but the thing is there's no such thing as a healthy marriage (it's an illusion) or a healthy relationship considering the times. The very same patriarchal society which kept the females and the males in check for a sustainable society is long gone with no chances of returning any time soon. In my opinion, MGTOW does a stellar job of exposing the nature of females and males alike very thoroughly. What has been seen, can not be unseen. It's truly liberating to just simply go your own way instead of trying to support this rotten society with it's preconceived notions set to serve a privileged class based on their genitalia and or social status.
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Do you have any Idea how many Man are subjected to domestic abuse ? you know the worse part , If a man is beaten by a Women, he can't even come out to share it as people will laugh at him , and if he comes out and speak about it , people don't believe him ..
men are physically strong
only idiots will believe that men can be physically beaten
There’s everything wrong with this and feminism isn’t about abuse. Stop it.
After that "khana khud garam karlo" bullsh!t

Here is another gem from the same march

"banta phirta hai mizaji khuda line par a kuttay ka bacha"

@LeGenD @DESERT FIGHTER @PakSword @Mrc @Spring Onion

Enjoy more kanjarkhana;


After that "khana khud garam karlo" bullsh!t

Here is another gem from the same march

"banta phirta hai mizaji khuda line par a kuttay ka bacha"

@LeGenD @DESERT FIGHTER @PakSword @Mrc @Spring Onion
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