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Anniversary of US missile attack on an Iranian passenger plane

At least get the Pakistani map right !

She did not make Pakistani map it was already made she only posted it, by the way Pakistan is a confused place playing in everyone's hand the map is just perfect.
That's why Iran has all the reasons to make herself stronger.

Iran was an ancient civilization and superpower, only in the modern era it was getting weakened and bullied by the western power.

All the ancient civilizations like Iran and China are fighting off against the western colonialism, we are biting the bullet until we are getting stronger to free the world from the US imperialism.
That's why Iran has all the reasons to make herself stronger.

Iran was an ancient civilization and superpower, only in the modern era it was getting weakened and bullied by the western power.

All the ancient civilizations like Iran and China are fighting off against the western colonialism, we are biting the bullet until we are getting stronger to free the world from the US imperialism.

How about you learn to handle Taiwan first:laugh::usflag:
What was the reason given by the US government?

I know more about the Korean flight shot down by the Soviets - they claimed it was mistaken for a US spy plane.

There was a multitude of factors.

The radar signature appeared to be that of a F-14 tomact, which was based on the airport where the flight took off from.

Fire had been exchanged between US and IN boats in the vicinity.

USN did try to contact the plane multiple times to no avail.

An overly aggressive commander at the helm.

These were all factors that resulted in the mis-identification and shooting of the airplane.
That's why Iran has all the reasons to make herself stronger.

Iran was an ancient civilization and superpower, only in the modern era it was getting weakened and bullied by the western power.

All the ancient civilizations like Iran and China are fighting off against the western colonialism, we are biting the bullet until we are getting stronger to free the world from the US imperialism.

When Iran was superpower - there were no Arabs and Turks around. Only Greeks which ended up conquering it. Then came the Arabs, Mongols and Turks. Iran was always in their shadow afterwards.

Its Iranians today who say "Habibi, yullah" Not Arabs or Turks speaking Farsi.
When Iran was superpower - there were no Arabs and Turks around. Only Greeks which ended up conquering it. Then came the Arabs, Mongols and Turks. Iran was always in their shadow afterwards.

Its Iranians today who say "Habibi, yullah" Not Arabs or Turks speaking Farsi.

By reading the history, it seems that Iran was a quite civilized superpower, the war with Greece was normal for the ancient time, people fought each other for power.

But at least Greece and Persia had maintained a great tie in both cultural and political. They were influencing each other for thousand of years.
Its Iranians today who say "Habibi, yullah" Not Arabs or Turks speaking Farsi.

The Iranians certainly don't say: "Habibi..." something something, you may have been talking to wrong Iranians.

And apparently you don't know much about the Iranian history, Iran had many other powerful dynasties beside Achaemenids; I could think of Sassanids, Afsharids, Safavids, etc... to name a few.

Iran was never in shadows, as a matter of fact Islamic Golden age wouldn't have been possible if not for Iranians, as it was Iranians who were really in charge of governing in Abbasids era, more importantly all the invading parties have adopted Persian culture and traditions and even learned the language, the most prominent case is with the Mongols.

I'm not addressing you specifically, but generally if I quote anyone, or reply to anyone that means that I respect them... intellectually, if anyone quoted me but I didn't reply that means that they don't worth my time. I just needed to put this out there as not to send the false signal of "if I'm not replying, you have won the argument", No, that's not true, if I don't reply that means your argument is invalid (to the point that its stupid) and you don't deserve my time.
When Iran was superpower - there were no Arabs and Turks around. Only Greeks which ended up conquering it. Then came the Arabs, Mongols and Turks. Iran was always in their shadow afterwards.

Its Iranians today who say "Habibi, yullah" Not Arabs or Turks speaking Farsi.
I don't know where this obsession with the Iranian Superpower comes from; Iran has been and will always be a regional power. As for your historical nonsense, the Safavid Iran was one important reason of the many reasons the central Europeans of today do not speak Turkish, or are not Muslims. As for languages, Turkish has many Persian loan words; also, almost all of the Arabic loan words of Turkish (many are there, so the Turks are historically inferior to the Arabs by your logic?) have entered the language through their usage in Persian, so much so that the Arabs won't simply understand them. Third, Iranians do not say Habibi. They say azizam.
Germans killed 6 millions Jews. Israel-Germany relations are good now.
Britain killed thousands of Arabs, Africans and Indians. Their relations with these countries are good now.

You can't continue to live in the past.

if we kill them in millions God forbade .hypothetically speaking.and then offer them to be friends and ask them to leave the past will they agree on it?

they destroyed two countries one on false WMDs and one on 3000 people died in 9/11 by their own goon or what ever story they tell us.
FYI, I sometimes post ungrammatical sentences on purpose :smart:
There was a multitude of factors.

The radar signature appeared to be that of a F-14 tomact, which was based on the airport where the flight took off from.

Fire had been exchanged between US and IN boats in the vicinity.

USN did try to contact the plane multiple times to no avail.

An overly aggressive commander at the helm.

These were all factors that resulted in the mis-identification and shooting of the airplane.

Don't forget all other us ships in area recognized the airplane correctly only it seemed that vinsence have problem with the identification.

And there was no reason to exchange fire between boats and the ship if the ship didn't violated iranian water and open fire on iranian boats. Also the reason of vinsence entering iranian water and open fire on iranian boats was protecting a non-existent and fictional liberian tanker.

Yes they did try to contact the airplane but in wrong channel and calling it with wrong identification as it seems the us navy is the only navy in the world that call a plane that its transponder is on as unidentified plane and also contact passenger plane on military channel
By reading the history, it seems that Iran was a quite civilized superpower, the war with Greece was normal for the ancient time, people fought each other for power.

But at least Greece and Persia had maintained a great tie in both cultural and political. They were influencing each other for thousand of years.

The war with greek was because some greek warlords attacked iran and burned sard holy jungle and when iran sent ambassadors and asked them to punish the warlord they killed the ambassador
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