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Ankara’s move to Chinese air systems appals NATO allies

I don´t think so ,i mean at last they don´t wanna sell us MQ-1 Predator etc. Don´t think that was a relationship between US and other Countries.

Nope. That's exactly the way it is. MQ-1 was their own choice to block sth happening in Turkey at that time. It's not about the Predator sale or sth. Take the NSA's Snowden Scandal as example. They said themselves that they (US) are spying on UK, France, Germany, EU, Japan, Turkey......etc. As you see their naughty acts are not about the Partnerships or NATO Memberships. It's just all about their naughty anger. It's like you don't want your ex to date anyone else even after break up.
I am sure that all of those possibilities are already been considered by our guys, if we go for Chienese architecture I suppose that's for one reason.

Perhaps it's to reduce dependence on the NATO nations, particularly the US.

Because Some others has failed to really intergrate their systems ? We have already done this ,we can make our Defense Systems in 15 Years ,but we already the capability to intergrate any systems for our Forces.

There are Norms like from NATO ,but Turkey must not do anything what NATO wants.

Turkey is only a Strategic Parnter for the NATO. That´s have said the USA.

You've already integrated Chinese systems such as....?
i wonder what the nato did when greece had integrated the russion air defence system into its own defence which is also working in tüne with nato.
Baykuş;4478614 said:
The J-600T Yıldırım didn't require to be compatible with and integrated into any NATO-owned radars.

And ? Aselsan will do it ,they have make very much changes on NATO Radars ,they have improve them etc.

I don´t think Turkey will buy HQ-9 if they know the can´t intergrate any system.

(Bir Sacma Sacma konusmayi birakin ,Türkiye HQ-9 entegre edemicek olsa zaten almaz).

The B-611 seems like a standalone system that's meant for surface to surface targets, air targets are a completely different matter. Turkey uses NATO systems for at least half of their air defences, installing Chinese systems will take time and may not be the optimal choice.

I think it's more to do with ToT and price tag rather than actual usefulness. I'm assuming this decision is just Turkey's long term plan to build it's own air defence system to reduce dependency on foreign nations.

Your answer = faulty;
We didn't have to integrate the Yildirim into any NATO-owned radar, it was a completely remote project.

Aselsan will do it ,they have make very much changes on NATO Radars ,they have improve them etc.

Doubtful that we can modify and get access to enough information on NATO's - not our - radars in order to integrate a product of USA's opponent into it. Basically, if we were to buy the HQ-9, we would also have to get ourselves a new radar shield to cover our soil. What USA is telling us is that they will not make it easy for us to make use of their radars if we were to buy a Chinese system.
So far, Eurosam Consortium`s and CPMIEC`s offers have the upperhand imho as Eurosam offers partnership and Italy stated that they will lend their support for our full membership in the OCCAR, where we currently enjoy observer status. CPMIEC also offers full tech transfer(remember, thats what SSM wants at the first place) Between these two, i believe CPMIEC`s offer is a bit cheaper..So unlike some of you guys, i wouldnt be surprised if we see Chinese HQ-9 systems defending our backyards in the next coming decade
Baykuş;4478694 said:
We didn't have to integrate the Yildirim into any NATO-owned radar, it was a completely remote project.
Right. This is why i try to avoid talking about Turkish defence, I know next to nothing about it.
prime time baby.

This is what it's about. The fact that a country such as turkey is even considering it is a sign of maturity by the Chinese defense industry.

Any doubt that China will soon be the number three military power and exporter should be gone.

As to Nato getting their hands on it, Turkey use to be Ottoman empire, they are a sometime ally of the West, but I'm not sure they are ready or willing to submit to the West.

There are Turkey members here, do Turkey want it's own economic and military future? I would assume so, with the rich history of the Turks.

If it is the case, then why would Turkey show it to others, besides, China is always developing new tech, by the time NATO gets the chance to figures a thing or two about it, it won't be useful.

And as always, China and US won't go to war for any reason, as we both got too much egg in the other's basket.

It is ironical that you would mention the OTTOMAN EMPIRE.

Because even back then, the Ottomans owed their success to China.

They used a Chinese invention to become a regional Super Power in Europe.

The Chinese invention used by Turks back then was GUN POWDER.

So it is no coincidence that Turkey reverts back to China for Military hardware.
So far, Eurosam Consortium`s and CPMIEC`s offers have the upperhand imho as Eurosam offers partnership and Italy stated that they will lend their support for our full membership in the OCCAR, where we currently enjoy observer status. CPMIEC also offers full tech transfer(remember, thats what SSM wants at the first place) Between these two, i believe CPMIEC`s offer is a bit cheaper..So unlike some of you guys, i wouldnt be surprised if we see Chinese HQ-9 systems defending our backyards in the next coming decade

That would make perfect sense (indigenous radar and AD systems) but only if we realize that such a maneuver by SSM / MoD would rightfully distance ourselves a couple of miles from both NATO and USA since they already cover us with their radars. On the other hand, our ally USA could have been a little bit more helpful when we asked for MQ-1 Predator, AH-1W, A-10 Thunderbolt and whatnot during times when we really could have had use for such systems. If they really didn't want to give us a valid argument to choose other suppliers, that is.

Right. This is why i try to avoid talking about Turkish defence, I know next to nothing about it.
Don't feel like a stranger my friend, with curiosity comes answers :cheers:
Baykuş;4478819 said:
Don't feel like a stranger my friend, with curiosity comes answers :cheers:

Haha, true. I'm still waiting to see how an armed Anka would look like. That's probably one of the biggest achievements that turkey's defense industry will be able to boast about.
It's very easy. Especially after the
testing TAI's ÖZGÜR program in
the Exercise ISIK'13. ÖZGÜR chose
F-4s as prototype. But in that
exercise we tried it on our F-16
(both block 40/50/50 CCIP). And
according to the head of TAI. It
was very successful. For those
don't know what ÖZGÜR is, it is
an independent IFF system
developted by TAI to the Turkish
Air Force.
What I mean is, after completing
the ÖZGÜR, It will recieve NATO
Classifications but it will be us
that chose who as Friend or Foe.
HQ-9 can be easily integrated
into Turkish made ÖZGÜR. Which
it will automatically fit with NATO
Greece couldn't manage to
integrate it's S-300s because
they don't have their own IFF

That's just a copy of my post from the other thread.

I don't think IFF is a problem, more so it wouldn't be able to send-receive data with the NATO systems.

I think Turkey's motive in this is exactly the opposite of integrating it into the NATO system. Turkey has always worried and will always worry about a stab in the back from the West, I wouldn't want the West being too familiar with our defenses. Good move by the Procurement body
The B-611 seems like a standalone system that's meant for surface to surface targets, air targets are a completely different matter. Turkey uses NATO systems for at least half of their air defences, installing Chinese systems will take time and may not be the optimal choice.

I think it's more to do with ToT and price tag rather than actual usefulness. I'm assuming this decision is just Turkey's long term plan to build it's own air defence system to reduce dependency on foreign nations.

Turkey makes many other things in Defence Industry Possible as we can Dream.

I think this is not difficult for Turkey.
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